Chapter 3

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*Jungkook's POV*

About a week had passed since I met with Taehyng. We didn't exchange any contact info, but he told me we'd see each other again. Whatever that means.

"Okay, I have a little surprise for you!" Exclaimed the professor. He stood gleefully, arms behind his back with a wide smile on his face. He was young, probably around his thirties, with jet black hair,dark eyes and a round but well-formed body. He looked at us, but didn't stay disappointed when nobody reacted. "I'll have someone else handle the next hour of the lecture." Each and every one of us looked at the other, confused. "May I introduce you a friend of mine- Kim Taehyung."




Of course, my heart skipped a beat. There was absolutely no chance it was going to be the same man I saw last week. He might've had some interest in math or physics, but, from what I saw, he only seemed interested in the paintings. He didn't strike me as a person of science.

The door clicked and opened but no body came in. A faint whisper was heard and then someone finally appeared.

No. I'm dreaming. I must be.

The same man had waltzed in like nobody's business, walking to the podium like some kind of wannabe model, his hand running through his hair. I looked around and sighed at the sight I saw. Of course, every girl had her eyes glued to him, like lionesses looking at their prey.

"Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you!" He introduced himself and bowed slightly. A round of applause sounded from every girl and boy here. Was I the only one slightly annoyed?

"What will you be teaching us?" A girl asked from the very back.

Taehyung chuckled nervously and answered, "I'll be talking about space, or more accurately, the existence of worm holes."

That was it.

He had my full and undivided attention. I was all ears. In fact, I might've grown a third one and then donated it to Van Gogh. The poor guy decided to have selective hearing.

"Hm, interesting." The same girl said with a slightly flirtatious tone.

"Wait, isn't this supposed to be a mathematics lecture?" Asked another student.

"You'll find out how much Physics is made up from pure math." Our lecturer said and I realised how Taehyung shot him a quick glare. Here we go again.

"Excuse me, but the last time I checked, Math as we know it is possible through physics, not the other way around." He said and raised an eyebrow.

What happened next was nothing short of a war. The professor and Taehyung went on to debate about whether math came first or physics. Which one was more essential, which came first and why either of the men at that podium was definitely right.

Yes, Taehyung got to explain his original topic of worm holes, but every time he had to explain a formula, he would intentionally explain the physical method and leave out the mathematical, deeming it unimportant.

I could safely assume that this friendship ended at that moment, no questions asked.

"Kookie, what do you think about this? Which is more important?" Suddenly asked Taehyung.

My mind went blank. I looked around and saw that everyone was looking for that said 'Kookie'. I looked back at Taehyung and he was directly watching me, his eyes intimidating. God, does that look hot. Wait.. what?

"Come on, speak." He said and signed me to stand up.

I shook my head, but spoke sitting down. "I think that one cannot exist without the other, like how black holes cannot exist without white holes to constantly give it consumable energy. If one ceases to exist, then it would be senseless for the other to support itself without a stable base of pillars to hold it up." I said with a single breath. I was so nervous that at one point I had to remind myself to breath.

The whole class was silent, I didn't dare to look around when suddenly Taehyung clapped his hands, followed by everybody else. I sat there, full of adrenaline, my eyes glued to the notebook in front of me.

"What an excellent way to end a fight." The professor said and Taehyung gave a little nod. I awkwardly smiled.

After the professor dismissed us, Taehyung came up to me and asked me to have a quick word with him outside.

Falling In Science |VMinKook| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now