Chapter 1

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*Jungkook's POV*

I honestly tried to mind my own damn business, but I couldn't just stand by and listen to someone talk dirty about my old man Einstein.

"What do you mean his equation of relativity sounds stupid?" I lashed out as calmly as I could towards the man sitting in front of me. I clenched my fists and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Calm down, he didn't mean it like that." Said BamBam, one of my few friends here in University. His real name was Kunpimook, but we just called him BamBam for short.

"Suuure." I rolled my eyes and looked at everything besides the idiot in front of me.

"I'm sorry, Kai, Jungkook here can get a little bit sensitive when it comes to science." BamBam tried to settle things out between me and Kai, but literal sparks of hatred started firming between our eyes. It was too late. I was glaring so intensely at him, my eyes not breaking contact with his dark deep eyes, that I felt I might pierce right through him.

"Um.." I could sense BamBam getting nervous next to me, so I finally broke eye contact and looked towards him.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away." I apologized and gave Kai a final glare. After a short while, Kai stood up and left.

"Look at what you did!" My friend scolded me. I felt like I was back in elementary school again, my teacher yelling at me for misbehaving again.

"What did I do wrong, I wonder?" I said and shrugged, trying to sound as sarcastic as possible.

"You're a horrible person, you know that?" BamBam bumped me on the shoulder with his fist and grinned.

"That's why you're here to remind me." I told him and continued eating my lunch.

Currently I was having lunch at the university restaurant, where most students of all faculties come to share information. Of course, by that I mean the latest news and who's going out with who. To be honest, I thought everybody left that in high school but I couldn't be more wrong. Same people, no matter the age.

I looked around and saw how on every table were seated students of similar studies. The mathematicians were either with economics or physicists. Medical students were together with those studying pharmacy or medical science. Those majoring in language were grouped by culture.

There were professors here too, but their story was a totally different one. For example, God forbid the mathematicians sitting together with the physicists. That would only result in a heated debate and then surely a fight. I witnessed it once before and I don't wanna see it again.

And on what table am I sutting on? Well... this table is known as the salad table. Why? Because there's a person here representing a different type of study. BamBam is studying computer science, Kai was into medicine and I was into physics, if it wasn't obvious by now. I'm not very sure about the rest of us, but that ain't important now.

"Yo! Look who do we have here!" I familiar voice shouted behind me. Before I could turn around, I felt a heavy fist bump land on my back. It hurt, but I didn't let out a gasp. "Long time no see!"

When I finally turned around, I saw Namjoom, his round face squeezing a smile between his cheeks. This time his hair was slicked back, finally revealing his eyebrows. Namjoom was another one of my few friends here. He's currently majoring in English language.

"What brings you here?" I asked, bowing slightly towards him as I stood up.

"Well, you see... I have this ticket that I'm trying to get rid off." He said and smiled awkwardly. "I thought you might like to go on an event like this one. At first I thought it was interesting too but as time goes by, I kinda lost interest."

"What is it?" I asked and Namjoom handed me a small ticket with the words "Van Gogh in the world of Mathimatics and Physics". "This sounds... interesting." I said, trying to sound remotely excited to receive this.

"Ah, good good!" Namjoom's smile grew bigger. "By the way, I have to go! Classes will start soon for me." He waved us goodbye and left as fast as he came.

I examined the ticket and at the back was written a date. 26th of February, 2018. A Monday... great...

Falling In Science |VMinKook| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now