Chapter 29

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*POV: Taehyung- the original dimension*

"Park Jimin." Taehyung said "Wasn't really meant to meet this policeman fellow, but I guess I might now." My eyes stung with tears as I watched Jimin and Jungkook, pure versions of both, holding drinks from Jungkook's favorite coffee shop and laughing in a carefree moment of bliss.

I couldn't help but envy the happiness I could've been a part of, even if it was brief, but I supposed I will be in a way. I looked at Taehyung who was sporting a fixed and focused face. "Too many of us came to me, sad and broken. They were all proud of this invention at some point, but it got tirng and troublesome. They started warning versions of us all around, telling us not to even think it. It's hard- knowing that you have the key to change humanity as it is, but also knowing that this change causes chaos.." Taehyung averted his eyes to me, a dull, serious moment in his eyes "..terror." He looked back at Jungkook with calculative eyes and I could see that I messed up so bad he'll have to be careful of everything.

"I have something to tell you, but that's for another time. Go." He told me and my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. How bitter of you, to torture me one last time. "You want me to say Goodbye to them?" I asked, stupidly not expecting the answer he gave. "You're dying Tae, you deserve at least some closure. Besides, how can they say goodbye to someone they'll be seeing again?" He pointed at himself and smiled. "Go to them and explain yourself the best you could. I could do it myself, but it's better if you do." He nodded towards them and patted my shoulder "one last time, you know?" With that, he pushed me gently and walked out of the two guys' view.

"Kookie!" He shouted, attracting Jungkook's eyes. His voice, luckily my own, grabbed his attention and I was able to take shaky steps towards him who was running to me, Jimin hot on his tail. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen, but I was more thankful to him than to anything else in my life.

"Kookie." My failing voice cracked and I swore not to cry again, but dammit I loved his face. "Hyung, why are you crying?"
"I don't know, Kookie. I'm just really happy to see you, is all."
"Hey!" I heard Jimin say as he caught up. "Dammit, I should've brought my glasses from work. You're the man who was following him around campus." He pointed and Jungkook, then to me a crossed his arms, expecting an explanation.

I sighed, drawing out the plan of a lie that I'd definitely said before, maybe in another dimension. Jimin was all questions, starting from his diary to the weird hallucinations that he accused me of.
"What's your name, officer?" Pained by the unfamiliarity, I asked to further support the flow of my lie. His shoulders dropped but his arms were still defensively crossed. "Detective, actually." Jungkook nudged Jimin lightly, asking him to be a little more considerate. "Jimin. Park Jimin." He smiled and shook my hand apologetically. "And you're V."

I recalled briefly interacting with the detective in Jungkook's university, telling him that we were childhood friends. From there, I started piecing a convincing story as I told it. "Ah, I'm sorry I was weird. That's how it was ever since we were little. You were born in Busan, weren't you?" I waited for Jimin to confirm that he lived most of him elementary school life there before continuing "Well, you probably don't remember me, but I was around before you moved here."

"But my diary-"
"Oh, I guess we might have bought the same notebook, what a coincidence." I watched Jimin pull the small diary from his deep pocket, protesting "With the same handwriting on it? I don't think so!"
I was quick to snatch it out of his hand, retrieving a pen from my own pocket and signing a few words on the back page of his diary: 'Two people can have the same handwriting, you know. -V'
I gave it back with a smile, thanking the heavens for all the practice I'd had in memorizing the writing on Jimin's original journal.

He hummed in forced approval, as he had nothing else to say. I thought back on the fact that Taehyung of this universe would be seeing them often and smiled. They'll have me, in a way. "Well, detective, I hope we get along, because I feel we'll be seeing each other. I'm Taehyung, and I don't bite." I shook his hand, reaffirming our bond. He winced slightly and I realized I was gripping him far too roughly, the numbness in my veins making it hard to grasp anything delicately anymore. Apologizing, I looked back at Jungkook and softly noted how great a friend he would be with Jimin. They smiled at each other and hugged me, both looking satisfied with the answers they had.

"I have to go now, but you'll probably see me around campus, okay?" Their pouty faces made me smile at them one last time "I'll be a lot brighter than I am now, so cheer up." I patted Jungkook's head and winked Jimin's way before turning around, my dying feet carrying me back into the lonely apartment I was soon to leave.

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