Chapter 9

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*Jungkook's POV*

Did I take this book by accident? No, this won't explain the drawer.
Then why is there someone's science fiction book in my drawer. I don't get it. Did someone break in as a joke? I guess their life is a joke for making such a lame prank.

Next day I went to lectures and was kinda hoping to see Taehyung there but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked up his office and went there as a last resort.

I knocked but no one answered. Just when I was about to leave, I heard Taehyung answer. "Come in, it's open!" I hesitated, but I pushed the handle down and went inside.

Taehyung was sitting with his back against the door, working on something that I couldn't quite see.

"Hey, it's me." I said and awkwardly waved. Why the hell was I waving? He couldn't see you, you moron.

Taehyung stopped suddenly, his back straighting up. "Which you?" He whispered.

"What?" I asked, confused. He turned around and his eyes went dark. "I don't get you."

"Call me by my nickname." He simply said, demanding for an answer.

"Tae?" I hoped that I'd I remembered correctly.

A bright smile appeared on his face, showing a row of his perfect white teeth. "That's what I want to hear from now on."

"All that creepiness was to get me to call you Tae?" I asked surprised, then concluded "You're not normal."

"You have no clue." He said and chuckled. "Ah! By the way, I need your help with something." He beamed up off his chair and took something from the shelf. "Does this look familiar to you?" He asked and showed me a book.


The diary.

"Yeah..." I whispered in awe and confusion. "How-"

"Oh, thank God!" Tae exclaimed and then laughed nervously. "Someone stole it from me and told me I could find it in my friend's house. Well, since I don't have any friends here, that narrowed it down."

"Oh, that explains the person that broke into your office!" I deducted. I knew this was all a lame joke. "What made you write that ridiculous book?" I asked curiously.

"Book?" He asked. "Oh, yeah... that book... Well, I'm working on writing a something that follows the structure of a diary." He said and laughed. "By any chance do you have it on you?"

"Yeah, yeah!" I opened my backpack and took the diary out. "You should know, it's a bit lame." When Taehyung's gaze turned dark, I quickly corrected myself. "No No! I don't mean it like that! I just mean, a police investigator searching for a man called V and then helping him build some kind of machine that can open worm holes to different dimensions sounds a little farfetched. If you could make Jimin something else other than a police investigator, like say a random passerby, I think that would be better. Why would an investigator be interested in time travel or worm holes?"

"That's the point- character development." Taehyung explained.

"Oh... you have a point." I said, raising both of my eyebrows in amusement. "Well, I have a lecture soon, so I have to go. Nice seeing you!" I said before I finally left.

Falling In Science |VMinKook| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now