Chapter 4

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*Jungkook's POV*

I felt like my mouth was about to hit the floor.

"You want me to do what?" I asked in shock.

"To help me with an experiment." He calmly repeated.

Okay, okay. Being asked to help on an experiment is all fine, but, firstly, who asks that from a second year student. Secondly, why me?

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a simple one, also I'll talk to your professors to give you extra credit for it." He said and smiled.

"I'm in." I shot out and left Taehyung and myself surprised. Come on, who wouldn't agree to extra credit?

"That was fast." Taehyung laughed and bumped me on the chest. "Don't worry, I'm not doing any over-the-top experiments, just simple ones to show during the other lectures." He explained.

"You're a professor here?" I asked in awe. This dude doesn't look any older than me, yet he teaches here.

He laughed and said, "No, no! I just recently graduated with a bachelor's degree, I don't even have my magistrate yet."

"Then how did they allow you to take on lectures?"

"Well, it was just that all the lecturers liked me here, most of them thought I'd have a bright future, some even asked me to lecture here before I start my magistrate."

"Wow, that's impressive!"

Taehyung blushed and brushed his hand through the back of his head. "Thank you." He said shyly.

"What kind of experiments will you be doing?" I asked, already excited.

Both of us started walking around campus, talking about the experiments and what lectures Taehyung will be teaching. Turned out that the lecture he was teaching us was his first. He told me he was very embarrassed about how he got into a fight with my professor and thanked me for ending it nicely.

Taehyung graduated majoring quantum physics and mechanics, together with theoretical physics. He told me he was interested in chemistry and biology, so he joined some lectures just for fun. Like, what even? I'm here trying to avoid them like the freaking plague and this guy is going to lectures he's not even a part of.

Yes, I do love science and especially physics, but when you have unnecessary classes like algebra, there's no other choice than to skip or just start contemplating on why I decided it was necessary for me to graduate. Can't I just be a science nerd at home, where it's warm and comfy?

"By the way, how about we go to the cafe right next to the university. You told me it was your favorite!" Taehyung said and started waking away. I joined him, but then stopped dead in my tracks as my brain processed what he'd said.

"I never told you it was my favorite." I said.

Taehyung stopped, but it seemed like forever until he turned around to look at me. Those dead eyes were back again.

Falling In Science |VMinKook| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now