Chapter 31

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*POV- Taehyung, but the one from the dimension where this entire story took place, aka, the one who's still alive.*

As the portal closed, I breathed relief, knowing that everything was set right- everyone, dead and alive, was where they needed to be. I looked at the gun in disgust and threw it, grabbing the heaviest object I could find and smashing it to nonexistence. It cannot harm if it cannot be.


~flash forward~

"TaeTae!" Cheerful and bubbly, Jimin's voice called me over to a small cubicle where he sat next to Jungkook. I skipped into my seat and beamed at the two of them. "What's the plan?" I sipped at the iced coffee they got me and looked up at their thoughtful faces.
"New skatepark down that street." Jungkook pointed in the general direction of the main road and we agreed on the destination.

A few months had passed since I properly met Jungkook and Jimin, and they were exactly the missing piece in my life- the change I needed. In the course of these few months, Jimin took a break from policing and volunteered at a community center, dying his hair a soft pink and acquiring a sweet and peaceful aura.

Jungkook, on the other hand, started paying more attention to his studies and became a better student at that. With a few pointers from yours truly, of course.
A month prior, we bonded over an art exhibit that Jungkook claimed was where he first met me. I rolled with it and we ended up buying a cheap replica of one of the art pieces to hand in my office.

Satisfyingly, the both of them seemed to completely get over the "odd occurrences", brushing them off as hallucinations and work-related stress. It was absolutely fine by me, because it automatically drove everything towards being normal.

It was finally over, besides the occasional visits that I'll surely be getting from other versions of me, I could spell 'normal' through the life I was living- a life no universe could come to ruin.


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