Bullies beware. (1)

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Heyyyyy :3 Welcome to my new book :D.
If I get anything wrong with Seliel, please tell me so I can fix it. I really don't know much about her.
Ok enjoy :3

*new note May 21st 2020:
This book was written when I was 12 and the early stages of 13 so a lot of stuff is gonna seem strange and be weird. A lot might not make sense so please remember that this was written like 2-3 years ago, heh.*

"Kai! Come on! We are going to be late on our first day!" I yelled to Kai who was sleeping in his room.
It's the first day of high school and we had to leave in a half an hour. Kai walked in with incredibly messy hair and in his pajamas.
"Kai we have to leave in less then 30 minutes! Hurry up!" I said as I got my backpack.
"Ok, ok." Kai said as he walked back in his room.
"Ugh. Brothers." I whispered.

I walked back into my room and got dressed. I was wearing a red hoodie with black pants. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"OH MY HOLY CHEEZ-ITZ" (did I spell that right..?) I screamed as I looked at my hair.
"What happened!?!" Nya said as she ran over to me.
"My hair is what happened!" I said as Nya gave me a death glare.

"Kai, stop worrying about your hair for FIVE seconds and finish getting ready. We are meeting up with Zane and Seliel." Nya said as she walked out of the bathroom.

Time skip :3 (if i get anything wrong here, tell me)

Seliel POV
I was walking to the park where Nya, Kai, Zane, and I were meeting up before school. As I was walking, I saw Cole.
"Hey Cole." I said to the black haired boy.
"Oh- hey Seliel." He said while walking over to me.
"I was going to meet Zane, Kai, and Nya so we could walk to school together...want to come?" I asked.
"Um..s-sure." Cole stuttered as a faint blush appeared on his face.

We started to walk to the park. I saw Zane sitting on a bench reading a book.
"Hey Zane." Cole said. Zane looked up and smiled.
"Hello, brother." Zane said.
Zane, Kai, Nya, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Harumi, Skylor, Pixal and I have been friends since we were in middle school. We all treat each other like a family. Even though two of them aren't human.

I looked up and saw Kai and Nya walking towards us.
"Hey guys." Nya said as she waved to us. We started walking to school.

Cole POV
When we got to the school gate, we saw Lloyd, Harumi, Skylor, and Jay. Strangely, we didn't see Pixal.
"Where is Pixal?" Zane asked sounding worried.
"We thought she was with you guys." Jay said pointing to us.

That's when we heard a crowd of people laughing. Not with someone... but at them.

Zane POV
We ran inside and their was a huge crowd near Pixal's locker.
"You're a freak. You don't belong here." I heard someone say. We made our way through the crowd and saw Pixal on the floor with tears in her eyes. She had red paint all over her.
"Freak. Monster. Weirdo." People were shouting.

I saw Pixal on the floor and I looked at Zane. He looked mad. I NEVER seen Zane mad. I turned my attention to the others. They all looked angry as well.

Third person POV
"Hey! Stop talking bad about my friend man!" Kai said glaring at the boy. Zane rushed over to Pixal to make sure she wasn't hurt.
"Why don't you make me?" None other then Chen said.
"I don't make trash. I burn it." Kai said walking closer to Chen.
"Then I guess your a garbage man." Chen said smirking.
"I know you are, but what am I?" Kai responded smirking.
"A-a garbage man!" Chen said becoming real angry.
"Takes one to know one" Kai said walking close enough to be face to face with Chen. (This is from the Simpsons. Idk what episode though)
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" People started yelling.
"Nice one Kai." Lloyd said.
"Stupid robots. Stupid Kai. Stupid dorksquad!" Chen mumbled as he walked off.

Pixal POV
Zane helped me up and I felt my face heat up.
"Pixal are you ok? Your heart rate is speeding up.." Zane asked me. I stared at him.
"Im fine..." i said as I looked down at my red covered clothes.

"Pix! Are you ok? Come on, we'll help you get cleaned up." Harumi said.
"Next time I see Chen, I'll kill him." Skylor said. I don't think she is joking either...
"We'll be back soon guys. Meet us at lunch later, ok?" Seliel said.

Third person POV
The boys watched as the girls ran to the nearest bathroom to help clean Pixal.

Jay went over to Zane.
"You like Pixal." He said smirking.
"I like everyone." Zane said.
"But you like-like Pixal, Zane" Kai said.
"I suppose I do like her. But Kai, you like Skylor, Lloyd you like Harumi, Cole likes Seliel, and Jay likes Nya." Zane said.

"How in Ninjago did you know that?" Lloyd asked.
"Your heart rates speed up when you are talking to them."
"Oh." Cole said.
"Wait- Jay you LIKE my sister?!?" Kai yelled.
"Pshhhh whaaaat?" Jay said nervously.
"Freckles you better run.." Cole whispered.
Jay started running while Kai chased after him.
"Jay!! Im going to kill you!" Kai yelled off from the distance.

Zane looked at Pixal's locker. It had a note on it.
"You and your stupid robot boyfriend don't belong here. You freaks." It read.
Zane ripped the note off her locker and threw it out.

"I'll make sure no one hurts you, Pixal." Zane said and walked to where Lloyd and Cole were recording Kai chasing Jay.

THAT TOOK FOREVER. Anyways, how was 5e first chapter? :3
I'll try to upload at least once a week. If I don't, then it means I have a lot of school work and stuff.

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