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F I N A L L Y.

After a full day, the gang was leaving Mega Monster Amusement park. When Kai and Skylor got in his car, she lit her hand on fire. "Told ya." Kai smirked. Skylor raised an eyebrow. "What?" She asked. "I told ya that fire was amazing." He lit his hand on fire. It was night, so the fire reflected off of his eyes. "Will it ever burn out?" Skylor asked. "The fire? Yeah. Just" he was interrupted by Skylor laughing. "I meant your ego, hothead." Kai blushed. He turned on the car and drove out of the park. "You want me to drop you off at your house?" He asked. Skylor paused, as she was thinking. "Nah." She said putting her feet up. "You want to come over my house?" Skylor looked at him. "Sure."

When they got to Kai and Nya's house, they saw Jay's car parked there already. "God damn it, Jay." Kai mumbled. Skylor laughed as they went inside. They found Jay sleeping on the couch with a sleeping Nya on his chest, hugging him. "I'm just going to ignore that." Kai said walking to his room, not looking at the couch. When they went upstairs to Kai's room, he went in his drawers. "You want to borrow Nya's pjs?" He asked. Skylor shook her head. She went into her bag and pulled out her chicken onesie. "I bring this everywhere now." Kai rolled his eyes. "Of course you do." He said going into the bathroom. Skylor got changed into her onesie and plopped down on his bed. She looked on his dresser to see multiple pictures on the wall. There were ones from when Nya and him were kids, pictures of the gang, one of Skylor, and one of Kai making a silly face with Skylor in the background laughing.


"AH!" Skylor screamed whacking something- no, someone, in the face. "Ow.." a male voice said. Skylor looked at the person who scared her who was none other than Kai. "Kai! What the hell!" She whisper-yelled. "I was just trying to scare you..yeesh." He said rubbing his cheek. Skylor sighed. "Don't ever do that again." She said crossing her arms. "Why shouldn't I?" Skylor glared at him. "If you truly value your life, you won't." Kai widened his eyes. "That's my girl. Scary as ever. But my cheek still hurts." He said pointing to his red cheek. Skylor stood up and walked towards him. She kissed his cheek. "Better?" She asked rolling his eyes. "You missed." He said holding her elbows. She gave him a questioning look. She was about to say something when he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. They stopped when they heard a click. They looked in the doorway to see Nya. She laughed. "Keeping this forever~" she sang. Both Skylor and Kai groaned. Nya ran back downstairs. Skylor jumped onto Kai's bed. "Okay. I'm tired. I want to sleep." She said laying down on his red pillow. Kai laughed before laying down next to her.


Skylor woke up and felt someone hugging her. She looked down to see Kai, with his face buried in her neck, and his arms around her. She poked her nose. "Boop." Kai's eyes opened. "Meh." Skylor patted his cheek. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm hungry. Let go." He didn't let go. Instead, he rolled off he bed with Skylor in his arms. He carried her bridal style downstairs and threw her on the couch, waking up Jay and Nya. "Hey bro." Nya said yawning. Kai hummed in response and got out eggo waffles from the freezer. He put them in the toaster, and when they were done, put them on a plate. "There ya go. Food." He said. The others sat down and started eating. "Yer a wizard." Skylor mumbled eating a waffle. "What?" Nya asked laughing. "How can he make all the waffles perfect? I mean, seriously! Not too crunchy and not too fluffy. Right in the middle. What kind of sorcery is going on here." Skylor asked her boyfriend who shrugged. "Magical toaster?" Jay asked. Skylor nodded. "Toaster, yer a wizard." She said throwing a waffle at it. Kai chuckled. "I think we're all drunk." He joked. Jay looked outside. He got up, went outside and came back with a piece of wood. He started rapidly tapping it with his thumbs. "So..Watcha doing, Jay?" Kai asked raising an eyebrow. Jay didn't look away from the screen, "It's my new video-game console. I built it myself." Nya started full out laughing. Jay put the wood down and laughed with her. Kai chuckled lightly, while Skylor was still eating waffles.

Lmao. Sorry this is short. I had no ideas whatsoever. Also I have to update my xReader books and my oneshot book ;-;
It's Summer. I'm being a mega potato right now.
Don't judge me.

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