Shut up and kiss me! (16)

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I'm supposed to be updating the KaixReader and the ColexReader but this is getting so much love.
So here I am, baby! >:3


"Hahaha. We're all going to die." Jay said freaking out. Kai groaned. "We aren't going to die, Jay." Kai said annoyed. Jay started pacing back and forth. "Oh this, this is just wonderful! First Pixal turns evil, then she makes Lloyd turn against us, and now I electrocuted Lloyd's toaster. But hey- it's just another day in Ninjago!" Jay said waving his arms around. Cole hit the back of Jay's head. "Jay. Shut up." He said. Jay whined as he rubbed the back of his head. "Meanie." He mumbled.

After the remaining ninja, Lloyd's parents, Wu, and Borg got to Lloyd's house, they got their ninja gi's on and got their weapons. Now, they were currently on the second floor of the house watching the city get corrupted. Harumi, Skylor, Nya, and Seliel were on the lookout while the guys were down in the basement with Wu.
"Zane? What are you doing?" Cole asked as he walked up to his nindroid friend. Zane was tinkering with something on his arm. "I am trying to contact my brother." He replied. "Echo? Why?" Cole asked raising an eyebrow. "He's at my house by himself with Falcon. I'm trying to contact them." He answered. "I can go get them if ya want." Cole offered. Zane shook his head. "It'll be too risky. Pixal probably has droids all over the place." Zane said with a frown. Cole huffed. "Don't worry. We'll end this. I'm going to go check on Seliel and the others." He said walking upstairs.
Zane looked at the open latch on his arm. He groaned before he got back to trying to contact Echo.

Rumi POV

I was sitting on the roof with Nya, Skylor and Seliel. We were on the lookout for any of Pixal's droids or even Lloyd. Having your boyfriend and best friend turn evil and start terrorizing the city in one day isn't fun. Pixal is always so nice and innocent. How could she even turn evil? And make Lloyd turn against us? Stupid prophecy. I was sitting on the edge of the roof when Nya spoke up.
"Do you guys think we can stop this?" She asked looking at her dagger. I turned my body around. "I don't think we can, I know we can. We have to." I said. "Rumi, Pixal has Lloyd. He's more powerful than all of us combined." She said. Seliel stood up and walked over to us. "He only got his power a few hours ago. He shouldn't be too powerful yet, right?" Seliel asked. Skylor rolled her eyes. "He's destroying building after building." She mumbled. Skylor does have a point. I looked over at Ninjago City to see droids flying all over the place and buildings getting attacked. I have a weird feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around the yard. I didn't see anyone so maybe I was imagining it? I was snapped out of my thought when I heard someone climbing up the ladder that leads to us. I quickly stood up and went over to Nya, Skylor, and Seliel. We went into fighting positions waiting for someone to attack. Suddenly the ladder stopped moving.
"It's me, Cole. Don't attack." Cole said as he hopped on the roof. I snorted. "You scared we'll take you down?" I asked. Cole shook his head. "No, I've seen Seliel get pissed before. I do not want to see what she'll do to me thinking I'm one of those droids." He said. Seliel laughed. "I wasn't that bad."

Cole narrowed his eyes at her. "We were 10 when you punched a 7th grader in the face." Cole reasoned. Nya shrugged. "He had it coming...he was making fun of Jay." She said. Skylor snorted. "And then Kai kicked him where the sun doesn't shine." Cole sighed.
"Anyways, I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright. Zane was trying to get in contact with Echo and Falcon but it seems that he can't. I'll see you guys later." He said walking over to the ladder. He started going down when I heard something from behind me. Nya, Skylor and Seliel started talking so I don't think they heard it. I walked to the edge and looked around. I was just going to call it off as an animal passing by when I saw him.
Lloyd. He was hiding behind a bush and it looked like he was saying something. I looked behind me at Nya and Seliel to see them still talking while Skylor walked to the other side of the roof. There was no way I could get their attention without gaining Lloyd's as well. Maybe I could trap him in the bush? Well it's worth a try.

I raised my hand out an focused on the bush. I noticed it started moving. Then, it started growing. Lloyd was still talking into the mouth piece and looking behind him. The bush then made its way around Lloyd's body. He looked down and hen towards me. My eyes widened. I turned around. "Guys!" I whisper-shouted. Nya and Seliel looked towards me. They saw the distress on my face and went over to me. "What's wrong?" Nya asked. "Lloyd." I said using my other hand to knock his earpiece out of his ear. He looked at all of us and glared. He tried to break free of the bush but I grew a vine and wrapped it around him. "I'll go get the guys. Skylor! Help Nya and Harumi." Seliel called out running to the ladder. Skylor and Nya jumped off the roof and onto the ground while I was struggling to keep Lloyd stuck.

*** No POV

Seliel ran into the house and down to the basement. She ran to the guys, Misako, Wu, Garmadon, and Borg. Cole went over to his girlfriend. "Seliel? What is it?" He asked with concern. "Lloyd's here." She managed to get out. The guys shared a look with Wu. "Go. I will stay here with Misako, Borg, and my brother." He said. The guys and Seliel nodded before running ip the stairs. Hey went outside to see Harumi on the roof struggling to keep Lloyd in place, and Skylor and Nya near Lloyd. "Rumi. Let him go, we can take him." Kai called to the girl. She nodded before she got rid of the vines and branches. Lloyd jumped up out from behind the bush. His eyes were blood red, his hair was messy and tangled, and he was wearing his black jeans with his ripped green hoody. Harumi noticed he was wearing a black headband with a red blinking light on the back. She climbed off the roof and went over to the others. They all got into fighting positions. Lloyd smirked before slowly walking over to where they were. "You really think you can stop us?" He asked laughing. "Cute, really. But just give up. You will never defeat Pixal. She's already fully corrupted into the system. She's unstoppable." He said grinning evilly. Zane glared at the ground. "And all will be too." Lloyd added quietly. They all looked at him in confusion before someone grabbed their arms from behind. "Hey! Get off of me!" Nya yelled kicking whoever was holding her. The others were yelling and complaining and kicking too. She looked behind her to see the corrupted security droids. They were about to put the headbands on them when Jay's eyes glowed up. Lightning came out of his body as he electrocuted all of the droids at once. The droids let go before they fell to the ground. Jay's eyes went to normal as he blinked. "How'd ya do that Motormouth?" Cole asked. "I don't know, but it was amazing!" Jay replied. Lloyd groaned in frustration before green energy appeared in his hands. He shot it towards the group who moved out of the way. "So, we need to take him down without hurting him. How do we get Lloyd back?" Kai asked. "It appears the headband is what's causing Lloyd to be this way." Zane pointed out.

"Okay? We need someone to distract him then." Nya said. "Who would he pay attention to more?" Skylor asked dodging Lloyd's energy. All eyes went to Harumi. "You've got to be kidding me." She said looking at the group. "You distract him. We'll take out the droids and figure out a way to get that headband off." Jay said attacking a droid. Harumi sighed. She went over to where Lloyd was. "Why hello there, princess." He said in a teasing voice. "Come to get your Lloyd back? Well you're too late. He's gone now." He said laughing. Harumi glared at him. "I know he's in there. You're just too blind to realize it." Harumi said. Lloyd growled before he went to punch Harumi. She dodged him and grabbed his arm. She flipped him over on his back. Before she pinned his arms down. "Princess was an understatement." Harumi said glaring at Lloyd. Lloyd smirked before a droid grabbed her. She kicked the droid repeatedly until it buzzed out. She looked confused but saw Nya giving a thumbs up before she kicked a droid in the face. Harumi turned back to Lloyd who was standing and holding onto a dagger. "Lloyd's gone. There's nothing to fight for
Join me and we can take down Ninjago City together with Pixal leading us." He said. Harumi looked behind Lloyd and saw Cole. He put a finger over his mouth. Harumi smirked. She grabbed Lloyd's wrist. "Just shut up and kiss me!" She yelled pulling Lloyd into her. Their lips collided as Harumi felt a pain in her waist. Cole grabbed the headband and tore it off of Lloyd's head and smashed it on the floor. Lloyd fell back as he opened his eyes. Cole was looking down at him. "You ok there?" Cole asked. Lloyd blinked. His eyes slowly turned back to its emerald green color as he got up. He saw Harumi holding into her chest. Lloyd's gaze dropped to her waist and his eyes widened.


He had stabbed Harumi.

He was too late.

heh heh.
I'm evil.
Don't worry I won't leave you on a cliffhanger for too long.
Next chapter coming later today :3

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