Finally! (3)

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3rd person POV

When they all got to the park they sat on the benches in a circle.
Like this⬇️ Except there is no tree in the middle.

Pixal, Zane, and Echo sat on one bench while Nya, Jay, and Skylor on the second bench, Cole, Seliel, Kai on the third bench, and Lloyd and Harumi on the fourth bench

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Pixal, Zane, and Echo sat on one bench while Nya, Jay, and Skylor on the second bench, Cole, Seliel, Kai on the third bench, and Lloyd and Harumi on the fourth bench.
"So...I guess you two are brothers now.." Kai said looking over at Zane and Echo.

"Indeed." Zane said while he looked over to Echo who was just smiling.
"Cool!" Echo said while hugging Zane. Zane hugged back and he heard a click. He turned to see Seliel holding her phone.
"Oh come on! This moment is precious!" Seliel said while everyone started laughing. Cole checked the time.
"Huh. 4:36" Cole said. "We should get home."

"Alright. Come on Nya." Kai said while starting to walk off towards their house.
"Bye everyone!" Nya said and turned around to catch up with Kai.

Everyone started to go their own ways until only Zane, Pixal, and Echo were left.
"I guess I should get going..bye Zane, bye Echo." Pixal said as she started walking away from the two.
"Bye Pix" Zane called out.
"Let's get home Echo." Zane said to Echo.
"Ok!" Echo said smiling.

The next day at lunch~
Pixal POV

I was sitting next to Zane. Every time I'm next to him I get butterflies in my stomach. I told the girls and they said I liked him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone said my name.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"I was asking if you wanted to help me with Echo. When we got home yesterday his arm kept falling off." Zane told me.
"Oh sure" I said feeling my face heat up.

"Pix" Nya said as she nudged my arm. I looked at her and she motioned me to follow her and the other girls.
"Excuse us for a few minutes" Nya said while she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the lunch room. We went into the janitors closet where we found Echo.

"Why are we here" I asked.
"To talk about you and Zane" Skylor answered.
"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked feeling my face heat up again.
"It's so obvious you like him!" Harumi said.
"Well I'm not the only one who likes one of the boys" I mumbled.

"What?" Seliel said.
"I may like Zane but you like Cole, Seliel. Nya likes Jay, Harumi likes Lloyd, and Skylor you like Kai." I said.
"How do you know that!?" They all said at the same time.
"I know because you're constantly near them or talking to them." I said.

"Well it's true.." Nya said. I could've swore I felt like someone was listening to us.

Zane POV

"Let's follow them" Kai said when the girls left lunch.
"Yeah I want to know what there hiding" Cole said.
Lloyd and Jay nodded their heads agreeing.
"What? No. We shouldn't spy on them." I said.
"Well it's 4 out of 5. So we're following them" Lloyd said and they got up and went where the girls went. I don't like this at all.

We followed them to the janitors closet and heard Pixal's voice.
"I may like Zane but you like Cole, Seliel" Pixal said. I felt my face heat up. I looked over at Cole and he was also blushing.
"Nya likes Jay, Harumi likes Lloyd, and Skylor you like Kai." I heard Jay say "yes!" In a whisper voice.

"How do you know that!?" We heard the girls yell.
"I know because you're constantly near them or talking to them." Pixal simply said.
"Well it's true.." we heard Nya say. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"We should really go now.." I said. I felt like they were going to come out soon. We left and went back to the cafeteria. Shortly after we sat down the girls came and sat down next to us.

"Hey Pixal can I talk to you for a few minutes?" I asked.
"Uh..sure" Pixal said. I could see a faint blush on her cheeks.
I took her hand and led her out of the cafeteria. I heard the guys going "ooooh" but I didn't care. I took Pixal outside and we sat on the bench.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Pixal.
"Of course you can, Zane" she said. I took a deep breathe.
"Do you like me?" I asked her. She started to blush like crazy.
"I think you know the answer to that already.." Pixal told me smiling.

Pixal POV

"I think you know the answer to that already.." I said smiling. I felt so embarrassed, happy, and confused at the same time. Guess people were wrong. Robots can love.

"Close your eyes." Zane said.
"What? Why?" I asked confused.
"Please?" Zane asked giving me a little smile. I closed my eyes to feel something warm on my lips. I open my eyes to see Zane kissing me. I froze at first but then kissed back. (Look at above picture. Thanks blackNblue_dragon for that idea. Follow them if you're not already)

"Finally!" Me and Zane broke the kiss to see the guys and the girls watching us.
"We thought that would never happen." Lloyd said. The others looked at each other and smirked.
"Please don't start singing." Zane said. I was confused until they started.
"Zane and Pixal, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.!" they all sang. I started to blush like crazy while Zane held my hand.
"At least I was brave enough to. And for the record, we are sitting on a bench. Not in a tree." Zane said. I giggled.

3rd person POV

The bell rang.
"We should get to class." Nya said taking Jay and Seliel's hands. A light blush appeared on Jay's face. Cole, Kai, and Skylor followed behind them.
"I guess we should get to Math." Harumi said. She took Lloyd and Pixal's hands and started to walk off. Zane caught up with them and held Pixal's hand. She looked over at him and smiled.

Ok, don't worry! Kailor, Jaya, Coliel, and Lloyrumi will be in the next chapter. I might post it later this day or a little early. Depends on what's going on.
Cya later :3

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