Promposal (21)

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Btw Pixal and Zane are in their human forms unless I say that they changed into their other form.


"Zane!? How are you alive?" Misako asked when see opened the front door to her house. They walked into the house and saw Wu and Misako. Their eyes widened. "Zane?" Garmadon asked. He looked at his cup of coffee. "Misako did you put something in here or am I getting old?" He asked confused.
Misako shook her head. "Neither. I see him too." She reassured her husband. Wu and Garmadon walked over to Zane. "It's good to see you Zane, but if I may ask, how is this possible?" Wu asked the nindroid. "When I destroyed the Overlord, I somehow got sent into the systems. While Borg was building my brother and Pixal, I managed to mix my coding with hers and get into her system and they helped build my new body." He explained. They smiled. "Good to have you back." Garmadon told Zane.
"Anyways, I heard that there is school tomorrow." Misako said putting her hand on Garmadon's shoulder. Lloyd groaned. "Do we really need to go to school?" He asked.
"Yes, yes you do." Misko told her son. "I also heard that there's a special event going on  at school." She told them. "What event?" Jay asked. Misako shrugged. "You'll have to find out tomorrow." She replied. She then left the room with Garmadon and Wu following, leaving the 11 teenagers alone.
"Special event, huh?" Nya asked to no one in particular.


"You have got to be kidding me." Skylor said glaring at a poster that was plastered to the front door of the school. There were giant posters around the school saying that there's a prom October 27th, the weekend before Halloween. "A prom? It's the 15th so we have 2 weeks. I'm going to die."
"What's so bad about a prom?" Echo asked Skylor. Echo now went to school and had the same schedule as Zane, so it would be easier for him.
Skylor groaned. "Well for starters, I hate dresses. And second, last years prom didn't go so well." She replied to Echo. Echo raised an eyebrow. "What happened last prom?" He asked. "Well one, we all went without dates. Second, half the kids threw up because there was something wrong with the punch. And third, Skylor was one of those people." Jay told him. "Oh."
Harumi looked at the poster than at Skylor. "Lighten up, Sky! This year is going to be different." She told her friend. She looked behind her at the others. "Can I talk to the girls for a second?" Harumi asked the guys. They shrugged. "Sure."

Harumi grabbed Skylor and Nya's hands while Pixal and Seliel followed. Harumi stopped when she knew the boys couldn't hear her. She turned to them. "There's a prom." She said. Skylor raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? And? That was literally what we just talked about." She told her. Harumi put her hands on Skylor's shoulders. "IT IS SENIOR PROM, SKYLOR! WE HAVE TO DO SO MUCH IN SUCH LITTLE TIME! WHAT IF WE DON'T EVEN GET ASKED BY OUR BOYFRIENDS!? WHAT IF IT'S A REPEAT OF LAST YEAR!? WHAT IF LLOYD DOESN'T ASK ME OR KAI DOESN'T ASK YOU AND YOU DON'T START MAKIG OUT WITH HIM LIKE YOU WANTED TO!? I READ YOUR DIARY AND IT'S LITERALLY JUST ABOUT KAI!" She yelled shaking Skylor. Seliel, Pixal, and Nya just watched with wide eyes and raised eyebrows with amused smiles on their faces. Harumi let go of Skylor. Skylor's entire face was a shade of deep red. Harumi looked over at the guys. Kai was covering his face in his hands but you could tell he was blushing, Lloyd was a light shade of pink and avoiding eye contact with everyone, and Jay, Zane, and Cole were laughing. There were a few kids who were just staring at Harumi. Her face reddened. "Oh my God. Did I just say that out loud?" She asked whipping her face around to look at Pixal, Nya, and Seliel. They nodded. "Yes, yes you did." Seliel replied laughing. Nya snorted. "I think you broke both my brother and Skylor." She laughed. Pixal laughed with them. Harumi looked back at Skylor who hand a hand on her face. Harumi instantly felt bad that she just humiliated her best friend. "Uhh.." she said thinking. She had an idea but it was a terrible one. "If one of us gets embarrassed, then we all do." She mumbled. Seliel furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait what?" She asked blinking. "SELIEL HAS PICTURES OF COLE SHIRTLESS FROM THE BEACH, NYA BLABBERS ON ABOUT HOW ADORABLE JAY IS CONSTANTLY, PIXAL SAID THAT SHE FEELS COMPATIBLE WITH ZANE, AND I DRAW PICTURES OF LLOYD WHEN I'M BORED!" She yelled loud enough for everyone in the courtyard to hear. The blush on her face deepened. The entire area went silent. A few kids laughed and snickered. Seliel paled as Nya's jaw dropped, and Pixal's face reddened as she tried to hide her face behind her now blonde hair. Harumi looked behind her to see Zane, Kai, Cole, Lloyd, and Jay with deep blushes. Echo looked like he was struggling not to laugh. Nya started walking to the front door of the school. "If anyone needs me, I'll be internally dying inside in the cafeteria." She said opening the door and walking through it. Harumi internally groaned.
Jay shook out of his embarrassment and a smile appeared on his face as his eyes lit up in excitement. "Nya thinks I'm adorable?" He asked to no one in particular. Seliel grabbed Pixal, and Skylor's. She lifted a leg up. "Grab onto my leg. I'll teleport us to the cafeteria." She told her. Harumi did as told and Seliel teleported away from the courtyard. Lloyd coughed. "Well...that was an interesting morning." He stated rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Cole looked at him. "Ya think?" He asked annoyed. Echo looked amused. Jay laughed. Kai sighed. "Let's just get to class." He mumbled walking towards the front doors. The rest of the guys followed.

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