OH YEAH! (8)

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It is currently 9:14 p.m., I feel like crap, and I have school tomorrow. Welp. Never liked school anyways.

Edit: ok so I accidentally named this chapter the name of the next part. Oof. So it went from "Pajama Peeps" to "OH YEAH"
ok bye :3

3rd person POV

Nya was dragging Jay to the grocery store to get food for their slumber party.
"What should we get?" Nya asked Jay once they entered the store.
"Cake for Cole." Jay said taking Nya's hand and walking towards the bakery. He grabbed two giant chocolate cakes and put them in the shopping cart.
"Do we really need two of them? One seems enough." Nya questioned. Jay looked at her raising an eyebrow.
"It's Cole. One of the cakes is for him and the other one is for the rest of us." He said walking to where the chips were.

"Eh. Guess your're right." Nya said walking up to Jay.
"Am I ever wrong?" Jay said cocky while smirking.
"Actually, yes." Nya said.
"About what?" Jay asked furrowing his eyebrows. He placed Doritos and Lays Potato chips in the cart. Nya giggled.
"When you said no girl besides your mother will ever love you." Nya said looking him straight in his electric blue eyes.

"Wha-" before Jay could finish, Nya pulled his shirt down and kissed him. Jay kissed back and put his hand on Nya's waist. (I'm just thinking about how much of a single pringle I am) They were interrupted by a male voice going "get a room you two." Jay and Nya looked at the source of the speaker, blushing, to see Seliel and Cole. Seliel laughed while putting her phone away.
"I'm totally posting this later." She said taking a pack of chocolate and putting it in the cart. Cole looked at the cake.

"Cake..." he said eyes getting wider and drool coming out of his mouth. Seliel laughed at her boyfriend's behavior.
"Don't worry, Cole, one of those cakes is just for you." Jay said patting Cole's back. Cole blinked.
He looked over past Jay and Nya.
"I'll be right back..." he said dashing down to the drink section. A few minutes past and Cole still didn't come back.

"Where did he go?" Seliel asked. Before anyone could answer, someone ran through boxes of chips yelling "OH YEAAHHH!" There, was Cole in a red shirt holding a box of Koop-aid. Jay, Nya, and Seliel burst out laughing at their friend. A worker walked by and narrowed his eyes at Cole.
"Don't worry, I'll clean that up." Cole said waving it off. The worker continued his way to the bakery.

Cole started putting the chips in the bag and stacked the boxes on top of each other. He put the Kool-aid in the cart. Nya and Seliel looked at each other.
"We need more foooooooooood!" They yelled laughing while running towards the snack section.
"Is it that time of month?" Cole asked while Jay burst out laughing.
"Oh my goodness... I'm going to pee" he said falling on the floor. The two boys followed the girls to find them both holding tons of food like Gushers, fruit snacks, chocolate, devil dogs, popcorn, poptarts, s'more stuff, and more.

"Hey, you can never have enough food." Seliel said putting the stuff into the cart followed by Nya.
"I always say that!" Cole says putting his arms up and pointing to Jay.
"But he always says I eat to much."

"I'm also wondering how you are in such great shape." Jay said
"I always work out and don't eat that much but I look like a twig." He said looking down at his body.
"I think it's from running to the cake shop everyday.." Cole said.
"Ok let's pay for this stuff." Nya said kissing Jay's cheek and grabbing his hand.

To Skylor, Kai, Lloyd and Harumi
3rd person POV

"Ok what pizza should we get?" Kai asked.
"Get two cheese and two pepperoni." Harumi answered.
"After this we are going to Skylor's dad's noodle shop right?" Lloyd asked. Skylor nodded. The four ordered the pizza but will have to wait a few minutes so Kai and Skylor went outside. They sat on a bench and Skylor started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Kai asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Oh, just imagining your reaction to something Seliel sent me. Skylor said showed him her phone.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Kai said putting his hands over his eyes. Skylor had shown him the picture of Jay and Nya kissing at the grocery store.

"Is it that bad?" Skylor asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah. I don't want to see my sister kissing someone." Kai said taking his hands off his face.
"What if...someone kissed you?" Skylor asked.
"I would be surprised, I guess." Kai said shrugging his shoulders.
"What if I kissed you?" Skylor asked smirking. Kai's face was as red as his shirt.
"I would most definitely kiss back." Kai said leaning in. Their lips touched and both of their faces were heating up. They separated and looked at each other. Little did they know someone was watching them.

(Lloyd and Harumi)

Lloyd saw Kai and Skylor walk out of the pizzeria and sit on a bench outside. He walked over to Harumi who was watching My Little Pony.
"Which one is your favorite?" Lloyd asked. Harumi looked up and back at the screen then back to Lloyd.
"Pinkie Pie." she answered. Lloyd started watching the screen with Harumi.
"Mine is Spike." Lloyd said.
"Really?" Harumi asked.
"Yep." Lloyd said.
"Omg look." Harumi said pointing to the window. Outside, they saw Kai and Skylor kissing. Harumi took a picture.
"I'm sending this to Seliel" Harumi said while going on InstaSnap.

Once Harumi sent it, she looked up to see Lloyd staring at her. Harumi started to blush.
"W-what?" Harumi asked. Lloyd didn't answer. He just lifted her head with his finger and gave Harumi a little peck on the lips. Harumi looked like a tomato.

Once Lloyd realized what he just did he coughed into his arm and his face started heating up.
"Uh..sorry?" Lloyd said. Harumi just giggled and held his hand.

Once Kai, Skylor, Lloyd, and Harumi got the pizza, they went to their houses to get their things for the sleepover. The same goes for Nya, Jay, Cole, and Seliel.

Pixal and Zane were in Zane's house getting stuff for Echo. Echo was playing hide and seek with Falcon. Once they finished, they headed to Nya and Kai's house.

Ok. I just finished this and it's 2:27 in the afternoon cuz I fell asleep and I'm sick. Meh.


Ok, I need a few people to be in the upcoming chapters. If you want to be in the chapters, then this is what to comment:

-hair color/ long or short
-eye color
-any age
-random outfit
-anything else you want to add.

Ok bye!

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