Why? (10)

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I am sooooooo sorry for not updating anything ;-;
Finals are coming up and guess what that means? MORE STUDYING AND MORE HOMEWORK. GREAT.

About 1 hour after Misty left-

"You guys want to play Would You Rather? But with a twist?" Kai asked to no one in particular. "Sure" Skylor said as she lifted her head from Kai's stomach to look at everyone else eating food and playing video games. "You guys in?" She asked. They all agreed. "Oki...it's the same as the game, but you have to do what you choose. No eating bugs or stuff like that. Bleh." Kai said. "Who wants to go first?"

"Hit me up, brobro." Nya said with a look of determination on her face. "Would you rather hug me, or Jay for the rest of your life."
"Jay." Nya said hugging Jay. Kai acted offended.
"Rude." He said. Nya shrugged. "Who's up next?" Nya asked. "I'll go." Cole said. "Would you rather have cake but not any kisses from Seliel, or kiss Seliel but no more cake?" Cole glared at Nya. "I hate you." Nya only laughed. Seliel raises one of her eyebrows. "Cole I swear to g-" Seliel was cut off by Cole complaining. "This is stupid. We haven't even had our first kiss yet and I love cake."
"Cole. Choose. For the love of Ninjago. CHOOSE." Lloyd said leaning his head against the couch. Cole mumbled something before kissing Seliel. He pulled away. "Can I please still have cake?" Seliel just sat there with a pink face. Harumi grabbed a piece of cake and threw it at Cole. "There's ya cake!" She yelled laughing. "Jokes on you. I'M STILL GOING TO EAT IT. Seliel, get me a fork." Everyone just laughed at Cole's love for cake. "Anyways who's next?" Seliel asked. She looked at Zane.

"Ice child. It's your turn." Zane lifted an eyebrow. "Ice child?"
"Yes." Seliel said. "Would you rather... make out with Pixal or Falcon." Skylor, Kai, Jay, and Seliel started laughing while the others tried to hold in their laughter but failed miserably. Pixal just put her face in a pillow and groaned. Echo held Falcon close to his chest. "As much as I love you, brother, no one wants to see you kissing a bird." Zane just glared at Seliel. "Why. Just, why."
"Just do it already, IceCube." Zane turned to Pixal who still had her face in the pillow. She mumbled something. "What?" Zane asked Pixal. She lifted her head. She pulled on Zane's onesie and kissed him. All they could hear was the others taking pictures and recording. Pixal stopped the kiss. "I have an idea." Pixal said as she got up and went outside. Everyone just stared at the open door where Pixal left for a good five minutes. "Where did she go?" Lloyd asked. "I dunno." Nya said looking through the blinds. They heard something on the roof. "Did she seriously just go back onto the roof? Zane, ya girlfriend is nuts." Kai said going out the door. Everyone followed to see Pixal on the roof. "Pixal, what are you doing?" Harumi asked. "Something." She said walking towards the back of the roof. The others went outside to see that Pixal used a grappling hook from her arm to make a zip-line from the roof to the pool. "Ok... I take that back. Zane, your girlfriend is AMAZING!" Kai yelled grabbing the ladder. He climbed up onto the roof. "Are you really going to do that in your pajamas?" Nya asked. "Meh. We have a dryer." He replied. Skylor shrugged.

"Let's go!" She said running to the ladder. The others followed. They all went down the zip-line, yelling things like, "WHOOHOO" or "Yeah!"
The neighbors were going to be pissed. Pixal and Zane sat on the edge of the roof with Echo playing with Falcon. They looked down to see Kai on the diving board. He ran an jumped yelling "FIIIYAAAAAH!" His body lit up in flames, before falling in the pool. Everyone's eyes widened. Kai went up to the surface, without any burns. He lifted his hand and it went on fire. "FiYahhh!" He yelled. "Kai! Doesn't that hurt?" Nya questioned. "Nope." Je said. "Oh. This. This is just peachy! First I accidentally break my toaster with the weird Lightning powers I got somehow, then Zane gets Ice powers, and now Kai can make fire at will without it hurting. What is this?! A fairytale for toddlers!?" Jay asked. "Are you done?" Nya asked. Jay took a few breaths before answering. "Yes."

"And what- you have the power of Lightning and yo didn't tell us?" Seliel asked. "Uhhhh...I didn't want to make things any more complicated..ya know..with Zane." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "This is just getting weird. We need to know why we have these powers and how we got them." Cole said. "I think I know a few people who could help us.." Lloyd said.

Once again, SCHOOL S U C K S.
Finals are coming up :c
You guys are probably done with school, but i'm not ;-;


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