Power (14)

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"Cole?" Seliel asked opening her door. Cole had just knocked on her door and he had a amused face. "I got my power!" He said hugging her. "I have super strength and I can control rocks and stuff like that." He said walking inside in house. Seliel playfully rolled her eyes. "Good morning to you too, ya dork." She said sitting on the couch next to her cake-loving boyfriend. "That's not the only thing," Cole inhaled and exhaled. "I'm giving up cake and sweets." Seliel's jaw dropped as her eyes widened. She looked at Cole in disbelief. "You? Give up cake!?" She asked grabbing his hands. "Well...yeah. With us being elemental masters and all, I have to treat my body as a temple. We're going to be hero's of Ninjago one day, Seliel." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Seliel sighed. She was about to say something when both of their phones dinged. It was from Lloyd in the group chat.

Lloyd: hey guys...we forgot to go to training yesterday.

Cole: Oh.

Cole: Your Uncle is going to kill us.

Seliel: Well we had fun at Mega Monster Amusement Park. Screw training.

Kai: ...

Kai: I didn't forget I just didn't want to go.

Jay: oh wow. That right there is dedication for doing absolutely nothing with life.

Kai: dude. You're across the table from me. I could easily hit you.

Zane: Is violence really necessary?

Pixal: Kai I don't think you have to hit Jay.

Kai: But I want to.

Skylor: Kai.

Kai: What?

Skylor: shush.

Kai: ;-;

Lloyd: Anyways, he wants us all to meet up at the docks tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Seliel: The docks?

Nya: Why there?

Jay: What are we going to do? Go fishing?

Lloyd: You won't believe me.

Kai: Oh come on, tell us.

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