Graduation (23)

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Thanks for reading this book, it was like the second book and I admit some parts of this book have me questioning my existence.
I promise you, the sequel will be much more planned out than this.
8 months later:

"Hey Cole?"
"Who do you love more, cake or me?"
"Jay, you are no where near my love for cake."

The freckled boy gasped and looked offended as he out his hand on his heart. He was sitting upside down on the couch across from Cole. "Rude!" He yelled at Cole. Nya snorted not looking up from the computer. "Don't worry Jay, I love you more than any food." She told him typing something on her computer. His face flushed as he groaned. Cole laughed. "Great. Now I know your greatest weakness: Nya." He said laughing. Jay took a pillow and threw it at him. "Shush." 

The pillow hit Cole's face before it fell to the floor. Unfazed, he grabbed the pillow and threw it back at Jay. Jay made an inhuman sound as it hit where the sun don't shine. It may have only been a pillow, but Cole threw it. Hard. Cole burst out laughing just as the sound of the door opening was heard and Skylor walked in. "I don't know if this is good or bad news, but apparently the school is having an 'Ultimate Slumber Party' for all of the seniors." She informed the 3 of them. Nya looked up from the computer and spun the chair around. "Eh. Depends on the details. What exactly is going on? If it's just some cheesy event I'm burning the school to the ground." She stated with a deadpanned look. Skylor shrugged. "I'd burn it down willingly with no excuse but anyway—" she cut herself off.
"We're supposed to wear our pajamas and report to the gym. That's where we put our belongings like pillows and blankets and bags and stuff like that. We're allowed to make forts. There's going to be actual food in the cafeteria and not that nasty school food and won't give you food poisoning. Also there's supposed to be games and actives throughout the school. It's only for the seniors because we're graduating Saturday which is in 3 days so.." She explained to them. "I already told everyone else. They all said they had no problem with going. You guys in or no?" She asked. "Count me in." Nya replied to the redhead. "Count me in as well." Jay told her immediately after Nya. Skylor turned to Cole. "Wanna join?" She asked. "Are we wearing onesies again?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Well of course I'm wearing my fabulous chicken onesie. You don't have to though." She replied. Cole shrugged. "Meh. Count me in."


The 11 of them agreed to meet at the school at 6:00 p.m., when the Slumber Party started for school. Skylor arrived last, claiming she had to 'get something important'. When she walked over to the group who were waiting by the doors of the school, she bursted out laughing.
"I love you guys like 100 times more now." She laughed. Nya snorted. "Wait until you see what my brother is wearing." She said as she nudged Skylor's arm. Skylor, as usual, was wearing her chicken onesie. It's basically become a tradition at this point. Skylor raised an eyebrow. "What are you going on about, Minnie Mouse?" Skylor asked Nya. Nya and Jay decided to do another couple outfit. They went from Stitch and Angel to Minnie and Mickey. Jay walked up to Nya and hugged her from behind. "What my dear fellow mouse is going on about, is that Kai wore something just for you." He told her. "Where is he?" Skylor asked the two. Jay snickered. "Oh, you're going to find out in 3...2...1..." Jay slowly counted. Skylor furrowed her eyebrows. "What-" she didn't get to finish as someone wrapped their arms around her and hugged her. She yelped in surprise yelling '*Dios mío', causing fire to appear in her hands.(*My God)

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