Strange friend (2)

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Before I begin, here are the scheduling for everyone. It's who has what each period:

Period 1: Science: Kai, Skylor, Pixal, Zane, Cole
Period 1: ELA: Nya, Jay, Lloyd, Harumi, Seliel

Period 2: Gym: Everyone

Period 3: Study Hall(free period): Pixal, Harumi, Lloyd, Zane.
Period 3: Math: Jay, Nya, Cole, Seliel, Kai, Skylor.

Period 4: Lunch: Everyone

Period 5: Math: Pixal, Zane, Harumi, Lloyd
Period 5: Study Hall: Jay, Nya, Cole, Seliel, Kai, Skylor

Yes. Only 5 periods because this is already too confusing to me. Ok now time for the story :3

3rd person POV

Zane, Kai, and Cole were in Science waiting for Skylor and Pixal. Skylor and Pixal came through the door and Pixal was wearing a purple shirt and skirt instead of her white and purple uniform that got ruined earlier. Skylor sat next to Kai and Pixal sat next to Zane. Cole sat by himself.(sorry cole xD).

Once Pixal sat down she put her head in her hands and sighed.
"Are you alright, Pixal?" Zane asked feeling sympathy. Pixal looked at him.
"Not really..but at least I had an extra pair of clothes." Pixal answered.

Time skip :3
Cole POV

Me and Seliel were sitting at our lunch table waiting for the others. I looked over to my left to see Seliel staring at me. She quickly looked away and I knew I heard her mumble "damn it". I was about to say something until Jay arrived.

"Hey guys!" Jay said as he sat next to me.
"Hey Jay." I said. Everyone came and sat down...except for Kai and Skylor.
"Where's Kai and Skylor?" I asked and Nya looked around.
"I could've swore they were behind us.." Nya replied. As soon as Nya answered Kai and Skylor came up and they looked pissed. Not that I haven't seen them pissed before, but they looked like they wanted to kill somebody.

"I am going to straight up murder him." Skylor said as she sat down next to Nya. Ha. Knew it.
"Who and why?" Zane asked confused.
"Chen! Look what he posted on InstaSnap!" Kai yelled and showed us the post. (InstaSnap is a mix of Instagram and Snapchat. Don't judge me.)

We all gasped as he showed us a picture of Pixal that morning covered in the red paint crying. It read "Stupid Robot crybaby." Pixal looked like she was about to cry and dug her head in Zane's shoulder. Zane just sat there blushing.
"He had just dug his funeral" Seliel said as she gritted her teeth. "Where the hell is this dude?" Seliel asked looking around for Chen.
"He's over there." I said pointing to the "popular" table. Popular as in giant assholes who wear too much makeup.

3rd person POV

They walked over to the "popular" table. Kai tapped Chen's shoulder. Chen turned around and smirked. "Well, isn't it Garmadork with his Dorksquad?" Chen said earning a laugh from his table.
"10" Jay said.
"9" Nya said.

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