Faded (18)

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Once again, y'all are gonna hate me ;3


Tears blurred Nya's vision. "Echo? Why...why did she.." Nya couldn't even get her words out as a sob left her throat. Jay hugged her for comfort before letting go and going over to Echo. Kai placed Echo on the floor carefully. He sighed before putting a hand to his head. "Pixal's going to hate herself..." he mumbled. All of a sudden there was a groaning noise. Seliel looked down to se Cole fidgeting. "Cole? Cole, wake up. It's Seliel." She said poking his cheek. His eyes slowly opened before he jolted up, eyes wide. "Zane!" He yelled. "Where's Zane? Echo was captured and I got knocked out I saw something purple? Oh god my head." He said putting a hand on his head. Seliel grabbed his head. He looked at her. She motioned towards Kai, Nya, and Jay.
He saw Echo on the floor. He inhaled sharply. "What happened...?" He asked with wide eyes. "We got here a few minutes ago. We saw your mask on the bottom of the stairs. Nya got taken by the wires controlled by Pixal. She saw that she had Zane. Then we saw you guys hanging from that." Seliel told him pointing to the machine. "What happened to you, Cole?" Jay asked his friend. "We went to Zane's house to find that Echo wasn't there. So we figured he went to Borg Tower. When we got here, we were attacked by droids on the first floor. There were too many. While Skylor and Lloyd were fighting the ons out front, Zane and I went inside and found Pixal. She had Echo in her grasp. He looked scared. Zane tried talking with her, but she didn't listen. But, I noticed her eyes. They were turning from red to green. She took Zane and Echo and I followed her to where we are right now and she knocked me out. I'm guessing that's what happened with Lloyd and Skylor." He explained gesturing to Skylor and Lloyd. "I saw Pixal's eyes like that when she caught me in her wires. It's like she's fighting whatever evil took over her." Nya told him. "Guys? I think we might be able to save Echo." Jay's voice came. Nya rushed to Jay's side. "How!?" She practically yelled. "She damaged his power core. If we defeat her, we can see if Zane can help fix him." Jay said. "Then we got to get him somewhere safe until then." Kai said picking Echo by his arms while Jay took the legs. They placed him on the desk. They heard coughing and saw that Skylor and Lloyd were moving. Kai rushed to Skylor's side. "Skylor!" He yelled hugging her. She instantly hugged back, still on the floor. She pulled out of the hug to see everyone else. Cole was giving Lloyd a bone-crushing hug. "Cole, I think he needs air." Seliel pointed out. "Oh yeah, sorry buddy." He said placing him on the floor. Lloyd took a few deep breaths before getting up. "What happened?" He asked noticing the messy office. "You were knocked out by the droids. Pixal has Zane, and destroyed Echo's power core. Before you freak, we might be able to help him." Nya told him. Skylor looked over at Echo on the desk. "This needs to stop." She said. "This has to end. Whatever it takes." She said determined. There was laughter. They froze and looked around.

"You know, I'm surprised you've made it this far." A voice came. They looked up to see Pixal hanging from the roof from one of her wires. Zane was next to her, mouth tapped closed. "Pixal, stop this! You've gone too far!" Lloyd yelled. "Gone too far? I haven't gone far enough. You guys aren't dead yet." She said glaring at them. "Pixal. I know you don't want us dead. Fight off whatever is controlling you!" Seliel yelled at her. She dropped down to the ground and got up. She had Zane drop down next to her. His mouth had tape on it while his arms were wrapped with wires. "Why do you have Zane? Why didn't you kill him yet, if you want us dead?" Skylor asked. Zane looked at them and then at Echo. He looked sad and angry at the same time. "The reason he isn't dead yet, is because he can be powerful like me. I was going to corrupt him, but you turned off the power." She told them. "How are you even still operational? You should be shut off like the other droids." Cole asked. Pixal rolled her eyes. "I knew you were going to try and shut me off, that's why I took part of Zane's heart." She said. She opened Zane's chest plate and showed them that half of his power source was missing. Nya gasped before whispering into Jay's ear. "That's how we can save Echo!" She whisper-shouted. Jay's eyes widened before he turned to Nya and out a thumbs up. He mouthed 'electrocute'. Nya seemed to understand. She summoned her water behind her back as Jay did the same with his Lightning. "Now if you excuse me, i need to kill you all." She said grabbing Cole with wires. He struggled to get loose. Jay winked at Nya, who nodded. They both attacked Pixal with the water and Lightning, causing her to let go of Cole and Zane and fall to the floor. Zane took the duct tape off of his mouth before grabbing Pixal's arms before she could get up. "Let me go!" She yelled in anger. "Not before you let go of my girlfriend!" He yelled back. "Then I guess neither of us are letting go! She's gone and so is your brother!" Pixal yelled. Zane furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you?" He asked. She started laughing. Black smoke started forming as the purple wires on Pixal's face turned red. She was now dressed in black, red, and purple. Her hair was out of its bun and out in a ponytail. "I'm someone they called the Overlord. I couldn't get physical body form, so I thought I would borrow someone else's." They said smirking. They grabbed Zane's arm and flipped him across the room. "Pixal! Fight him! You need to gain control!" Jay yelled. They looked at Jay and went to go attack him but Zane grabbed their arm. "Pixal. Fight him. Come back to us." He said looking into her eyes. They flickered to green. Zane's eyes widened. Pixal pointed to where a giant computer was. "Destroy it." She managed to say before her eyes flickered back to red. They pushed Zane to the ground and used the purple wires to get to the spider-looking machine. They got in it and used it to break through the ceiling to get to the roof. Jay started running towards the stairs. Zane grabbed his arm. "We need to destroy all the computers in this tower." Zane told him. "Ooh! I learned how to electrocute a whole bunch of stuff at once! Well, it happened by accident, I really didn't know what was happening. But I can take out all the computers. Probably." Jay said blabbering. He ran over to the computers. "The power may be shut down, but the virus or whatever this Overlord guy is still downloaded into the system. Once I destroy it all, the Overlord should let go of Pixal." Jay told the teens. "Zane, Cole, Seliel, and I will go find Pixal. You four stay here." Lloyd told Nya, Jay, Kai, and Skylor. They nodded and Lloyd led Zane, Cole, and Seliel to the roof. Kai took out both of his swords from their holders and handed one to Skylor. "Can't have my girlfriend unarmed." He said. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

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