Pain (12)

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"Son of a.." Skylor mumbled. She was in her house with her pillow on fire. "Kai. What the hell? If ya want to light things on fire, go burn the school down." She told her boyfriend running water over the pillow. She threw it in the trash. "Never liked that pillow anyways..." she mumbled. Kai was laying on the couch ignoring Skylor. She went in front of him. "Earth to Kai. You still in there?" Kai moved his eyes from the T.V. to Skylor's eyes. "Barley. How are you even moving? It's so hot.." he asked her. Skylor looked at him. "Well, we were supposed to meet Jay, Nya, and the others at Mega Monster Amusement Park bout 15 minutes ago, but I guess we can stay here." Skylor said as she plopped down on the couch next to Kai. "Do you want to go? I don't want you to not go if you wanted to go." Kai asked. Skylor looked over at Kai. "Depends if you go or not." Kai groaned before sitting up. "Let's go." He said. Skylor got up and followed Kai out the door. They went in Kai's car and started driving to Mega Minster Amusement Park. Skylor heard her phone buzz.

Nya: Are you guys coming or not? Echo is here and he wants to see you guys. Don't make him sad.

Skylor: We're on our way. Kai didn't want to move because it was 'too hot' Tell Echo we'll be there in a few minutes.

Nya: That sounds like my bro. We'll be getting ice cream. See ya later.

Kai pulled into the giant parking lot of the amusement park. The two got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. They saw the others sitting on a bench all eating ice cream. "You guys are a half an hour late." Lloyd said getting up from his seat. "Hey guys." Kai greeted them. "Hi Kai, hi Sky!" Echo said hugging the two. "Hello Echo. Nice to see you again." Skylor said laughing. "You guys want to see something funny?" Seliel asked the group. Cole raised an eyebrow. "Oh no...what are you planning this time?" Cole asked raising an eyebrow. The pink-haired girl only laughed. "This." She said shoving her chocolate ice cream all over his face. Since it was such a hot day, the ice cream started dripping down his face and onto his clothes. Cole smirked. "Guess you won't mind me giving you a giant hug and kiss right now." Seliel's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare." Seliel said backing up. Cole got up from his seat. Seliel started running away laughing while Cole chased her. The others just started laughing watching the two. This went on for another five minutes until Cole snuck up on Seliel and gave her a giant hug, which Echo joined in on. They all had a few chocolate stains on themselves but they didn't mind.

"Let's go on that roller coaster!" Harumi yelled pointing to a roller coaster called "The Hulk." The Hulk was a brand new roller coaster built only about a month ago. She grabbed Lloyd's hand and pulled him over to the ride. Everyone followed. They got in line. "Ok, who's going with who and where." Lloyd asked. "I suggest going with our partners." Zane suggested. Everyone agreed. They got onto the roller coaster. Jay, Nya, Lloyd, and Harumi were in the front, Cole, Seliel, Skylor, and Kai were in the second row, and Pixal, Zane and Echo were behind them. "Oi! Are you guys ready!?" Lloyd yelled to everyone. Everyone cheered. The ride started moving forward. "Everything looks good. I think...I think this time it's going to work!" A voice said from the ride. They started moving upwards. A mono-tone voice came on "Warning." The other voice started screaming "No!" as it went full speed up the rest of the way. Everyone started screaming in joy. Except for Jay. He was screaming for dear God, or The First Spinjitzu Master, in this case.

Watch this vid ⬇️⬇️ it's the roller coaster that I love so much, The Hulk.

The ride came to a quick stop as Jay, Kai, Harumi, and Seliel's heads went forward and then hit back on the back of the seat. (Written From Experience) Jay groaned rubbing the back of his head. "Ugh. Pain...pain is all I feel right now."
"I feel you." Seliel said rubbing her head. "Ok 1, OW. 2, THAT WAS SO COOL!" Harumi screamed. "That was fun!" Echo said from the back. "Indeed it was, brother." Zane said smiling. The ride came to another stop as they got off. "That was the best roller coaster I've ever been on- HOLY NINJAGO SKYLOR!" Lloyd screamed. Everyone looked at Skylor and gasped. "What?" She asked. "You unlocked your true potential!" Seliel whisper-yelled. Skylor looked at herself. She had ice on her feet, lightning surrounding her legs, water surrounding her arms, and fire surrounding her torso. " Amber is the power to absorb power?" Jay asked. Zane scanned Skylor. "It seems she can only absorb 10% of our elemental power." The elemental powers died down. Skylor lifted her hand and fire
appeared. "Cool." She said.

Here I am coughing like a mad woman cuz I have a bad cough. I kind of have a bad writers block and I didn't really have any motivation to right until I saw how many reads this has.

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