Green Ninja (11)

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The next morning, Lloyd took his friends to the people who could help them. Echo stayed behind with Falcon at Zane's house. When they got to his house, everyone was confused. Lloyd knocked on the door to be greeted by his mother. Lloyd went to go talk, but was cut off. "Before you say anything, why are none of you going to school?" She asked opening the door to let everyone come in. "That's uh..the reason we're here. Where's dad and Uncle Wu?" Lloyd asked his mother. "They are downstairs trying to figure out the you-know-what. They have been trying to figure out for weeks now. I figured it out in the first hour I looked at it. But I want them to figure it out by themselves." Misako said while winking. "So you know about my friends getting powers?" Lloyd asked. "Wait what? The prophecy only talked about the Green ninja." Misako said. "Which friends got powers?" Lloyd motioned them to show their powers so they did. Zane, Jay, and Kai each used their element. "Come with me, all of you." She said while walking downstairs. When they got downstairs, they saw Garmadon and Wu discussing about the Green ninja. "Oh, Misako we figured out the-" Garmadon was cut off. "I've had it figured out, but we have bigger things to discuss. Lloyd's friends are getting powers." Wu and Garmadon looked at each other then at Lloyd and his friends? "Which elements so far?" Wu asked. "Fire, Ice, and Lightning." She said pointing to Kai, Zane, and Jay. "Hmm." He walked up to Cole. "You are the master of Earth. He looked at Nya. "Mast of Water." Then at Pixal. "Master of Technology." He looked at Harumi. "Master of Nature." Then he looked at Seliel. "Master of Phantom." He looked at Skylor. "Master of Amber."

"And Lloyd. You are the most powerful of all. You are the Master Of Energy. The legendary Green Ninja. We have a Gi for all of you, if you would follow me." Wu stated. He opened a closet to see 10 different color Gi with different weapons. He handed a Gi and weapon to the ten teenagers. "Your training begins tomorrow. Meet me at the docks at 9:00 a.m." Wu told them. "Wait, what about the rest of our powers?" Lloyd asked his Uncle. "You will unlock them eventually. If not today, then tomorrow." Wu said. "Now go."
The teens left Lloyd's house and drove down to the beach to relax. They all went to their houses to get changed into their bathing suits. They finally got to the beach, and they put their stuff down. "Race ya to the water!" Kai yelled running towards the water. He was followed by everyone but Nya. She seemed go hesitate before walking to the water. She crouched down and knelt in the water. The others were further in, except Jay who came back. "Nya? Are you ok? Usually you love the beach." Jay asked in a worried voice. "I don't know, I just felt a little bit off. I feel better now." Nya told her boy friend. Jay held a hand out to help Nya up. They swam out to where everyone else was. The waves were getting really big. "Yes! I love the big waves!" he yelled. He dove into the waves along with the others. When everyone popped their heads back above the water, Kai wasn't there. "Where did flame boy go?" Cole asked. All of a sudden, Skylor was pushed up by someone. "Kai!" Skylor yelled laughing. Skylor was now on Kai's back. "Holy Ninjago Kai, I thought something happened to you!" Nya said. "Sorry. I wanted to scare Skylor. "Well mission-complete you fire torch." Skylor said messing up Kai's hair. Pixal looked down into the water. She tilted her head when she saw something. She dove down into the water. "Wait, where is Pixal going?" Harumi asked. "Wave!" Jay yelled. They all dove through, Skylor still on Kai. "I do not know. I will go see." Zane said as he went underwater to go see where Pixal was. He saw Pixal watching a baby dolphin playing with its mother. He went next to her. She looked over at him and looked back at the dolphins. Her eyes turned blue as she scanned the dolphins. She took his hand and swam back to the surface. When they put their heads above the water, the others just came out from diving in a huge wave. "I'm going back to the head is hurting a lot." Nya told everyone as she started swimming back towards the sand. "I'm going to go make sure she's okay." Jay said as he started swimming after Nya. "Where did you guys go?" Lloyd asked the nindroid and android. "I saw a dolphin." Pixal sheepishly said. "I have never seen one in person before."

"Nya? Are you okay?" Jay asked his girlfriend. Nya sat on a towel hugging her legs. "My head is hurting really bad. I was fine before." Nya replied. Jay got his bag and got out pain killer pills and a water bottle. He gave them to Nya. "Thanks, Jay." She said giving him a peck on the cheek. She drank the pill with the water bottle. Jay was standing looking out at the others splashing each other with water. "You can go back if you want to. I don't want to ruin the beach day. I know you aren't having fun over here. Watching over me isn't fun." Nya told him. "Jay looked at Nya. "Watching over you? No. Hanging out with you, is fun. I'd rather be over here than in the water if it meant to be with you you." Jay said sitting down next to Nya. Nya had a light blush on her face. "You know, Walker? You are way too good to me." Jay laughed. "I'm not being 'too good to you', I'm being a caring boyfriend." Nya put her hands on his shoulders and pulled him close to her. She placed her lips to his. What they didn't know was that the water was forming a heart around the two
and lightning surrounded the heart.

They pulled away to see the water lightning heart. Nya lifted her hand and the water curved into a ball and went into her hand. "This is so weird." Nya said shaking her head. Jay smirked. "How about we show them who the real splash masters are?" Nya laughed. Nya stood up and lifted her hands up. A giant wave formed and crashed onto the other teens. They came up to the surface. "Oh hahahahahaha. Real funny, Sis." Jay and Nya just looked at each other and smiled.


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