What..?(6) Part 1

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Skylor POV

It was Saturday. Yesterday was so fun! I may or may not have taken a picture of Zane kissing Pixal. And I may or may not have posted it. I looked at my phone to see a message from Pixal.

Pixal: OhMyGosh why did you post that photo.

Skylor: 1. It's cute. 2. Because I wanted to see your reaction. And 3. I can.

I put my phone down and remembered. The noodle shop. Ugh I have to work there today. I got ready and started walking towards my dad's noodle shop. I entered and saw my dad, Chen.

"Hey dad." I greeted him putting my stuff behind the counter.
"Hey Skylor, sorry but I have to go to the noodle factory on the island. (heh Tournament of Elements)
"It's fine, when will you return?" I asked resting my hands on the counter top.
"I'm not sure. Just watch over the restaurant until I return." He said.
"Ok.." I said.

As soon as he left I heard the bell ring and I saw some people walk in. They weren't just any people, it was Kai, Nya, and Jay.
"Heya Sky" Jay said waving.
"Hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" I asked them.
"Saying hi to a friend. And going to get some noodles." Nya said as they sat at a booth.

The cooks put the food on the conveyor and they started eating.

Sorrrryyyyy ;-;
It's state exam week and I have a lot of homework and school stuff that is a pain.
Hopefully the next chapter is better then this ;-;

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