4. 💐

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Hinata POV

  I listened around me and tried to concentrate as much as I could. Sasuke had me blindfolded I could see absolutely nothing, I smelled the air around me and smelled the fresh wet ground, it has been 5 hours since Sasuke and I left Konoha.

I heard a swooshing sound to my left turning that way I listened again another small breeze like if something were moving, I bit my lip my hands were itching wanting to just take my blindfold of and look around, activate my Byakugan.

No that's the whole point of this exercise, Sasuke made us stop in a clearing he blindfolded me and we walked a little further somewhere I have not seen, all of a sudden I hear the whooshing of a weapon.

I was too late to move and it pricked my cheek, it was not a deep cut more like a paper cut, I felt Sasuke grab my arms and hold them over my head slamming me onto a tree trunk. Water drops from the leaves fell on us.

"Little Hime you are not paying any attention, you can no longer use your Byakugan let's pretend it is completely gone. That is what we will do for the remainder of our time together."

"I'm sorry Sasuke, I'll try harder." I bit my lip he's right I need to learn quickly I don't know how much longer I will have my vision.

"I need you to use all of your other senses besides sight, I will help your Other senses get stronger and sharper. But I need you to pay attention from now on Deal?"

I quickly nodded. "Yes sorry It's just a little alarming trying to listen to different noises." It was I didn't know if the noise was even something and not just the wind.

I squeaked when I felt his body press closer to mine, I felt the heat of his body, I felt his warm breath on my ear. I could feel my heart start speeding up at an alarming rate.

"Little Hime, I need you to stay quiet and listen, try to distinguish the different sounds. I don't want you to get alarmed, I'm here, I'll protect you If I must, that is my I came along. Let's try this again, calm down and concentrate."

I took a deep breath and let it out, I calmed down my breathing and heart beat. We were still in the same position. It was cold because of the rain, so I did not mind feeling his warmth.

I concentrated and started listening. I could hear little footsteps flying across the trees by the way they rustled, they could be squirrels playing around. I could feel the ground move something small was close to us, I'm not sure what, I'll have to start distinguishing different animals. Oh dear Kami, I could hear the soaring of a bird, no birds. I could actually imagine the bird soaring by, it made this unique sound then the flapping of its wings, that was so amazing, then I could hear it clearly soft footsteps then sniffing and moving of ears, a rabbit perhaps?

"Sasuke Is there a Bunny behind us? Did some birds pass by? Are there squirrels running around the trees?" I grinned I could actually distinguish the little animals. I jumped all of a sudden the sky Thundered really loudly, I felt him chuckle just once.

"You scared of thunder Little Hime? And yes you were correct, I'm glad you can distinguish more than one animal, that is a good start, now let's go find shelter, it looks like It will rain harder this time."

He let go of my hands, and leaned away from my body. I started concentrating on the flapping of his Coat, and footsteps. I started following slowly Trying not to fall and hurt my self. Thunder roared again making me jump. I bit my lip, it looks like a storm is coming not just rain.

"Come little hime, give me your hand." I quickly grabbed onto his hand, I didn't mind his chuckle I would laugh to.

We walked for a while, I listened to his steps. We came to a stop, all of a sudden I felt his hand let go of mine, and his arm go around my waist quickly lifting me and jumping. I felt a hard surface like rock texture, taking one step I felt soil.

"Little Hime take off your blindfold for a minute." I nodded and took it of.

I opened my eyes slowly it was a little dark outside because of the gray clouds, but it was about mid day, we left Konoha around 5am so it was like 11 am by now. We were in a cave, I turned to Sasuke who was looking outside.

"Let me go collect us some dry wood for a fire and something to eat. It looks like this is going to be a storm."

"Yes that sounds fine." I looked to him and he looked back nodding once and leaving. I took of my Traveling Coat and put it up to dry, it was really cold good thingI had a sweater inside my traveling pack. I looked around it looked like there were twigs around. I could start a little fire for now.

I started the little fire there were enough branches around. As soon as the fire was lit it started warming the cave, the rain outside started falling harder. I hope Sasuke will be back soon, it looks like we will be stuck here for a moment.

I wonder are we just going to walk around and explore or go to certain places. I'm sure he knows of a few places worth seeing. I should ask him we just left not talking about a plan.

When I asked for a leave I wanted to explore and see different sights. I'm sure I will go blind soon, I sighed and looked out of the cave. Seeing a salute I knew it was Sasuke. Once he appeared he was completely drenched.

"Ah good you started a fire, there wasn't much I could find with this weather but this is enough for now. As soon as it stops raining so hard we will go North if I remember correctly there is a small village and hour away." He dropped the small pile of wood and handed me some Berry's in a small bag.

I smiled thankfully and grabbed them taking out the small lunch boxes I had packed I handed one to him. He nodded once and took it.

It was still slightly warm, we ate in silence listening to the rain hit the ground and the thunder in the sky.

"Sasuke are we just going to travel around or go to specific places?" He was still looking outside at the rain falling.

"Where were you going to go when you left? Did you think about all of this? Going alone. What if all of a sudden your vision had not returned what would you have done?"

I looked at the ground, I felt ashamed that I did not answer right away. I didn't know.

"I honestly just wanted to see as many places as I could, to see the snow one more time, spring, fall, the flowers, the trees turning different colors, the animals. But I wanted to see the Ocean once again."

"Then that is what we will do, and train at the same time. You will no longer use just the Hyuga Fighting styles you need to learn much more."

I nodded he was right, I wouldn't have done this alone. I would have been completely lost if not for him.

"Thank you Sasuke for lending me your help!" He looked at me for a second and looked back at the rain, he nodded again. We stayed quiet again just listening to the rain. I closed my eyes and saw nothing once again. I smiled it was good to just enjoy the sound of the rain hit the ground. The smell of the wet earth, yes it felt nice just enjoying your self and not being in a hurry to finish a mission.

This is what I have been needing, so many things have happened. At this point I'm not sure where my life is headed. I opened my eyes and looked at the ground again.

Will I ever become a Kaasan, I've always wanted to have a little baby, but what will I do if I'm blind. Who would even want a wife with a disability that badly.

"Sasuke do you think I would have been a good Okaasan?" I looked at him, I guess I startled him because he turned and looked at me. His eyes wondered all over my face. Tilting his face to the side in confusion.

"You will be a great Okaasan, you have that motherly atmosphere. Yes you will be a good Kaasan Little Hime." He nodded once and turned to look out at the rain again.

I smiled yes I would have made a good Kaasan. I love children, maybe I could become a nanny for Hanabis children, that would be nice.

I closed my eyes once again and listened to the rain in silence with Sasuke.

I'm terrible for taking so long 😣😣but I've been very busy 😭😪hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter 🤗🤗I'll be back soon my lovely readers 💖💖

Littlebear 🐻🐻out ✌🏼✌🏼🤟🏼

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