14. ☄️

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Yayy new update 😁😁

Hinata POV

I sat and held Sasukes arm while he slept. It had been one hour since his operation. Sakura says that once he wakes up he will not feel his new arm until 2/3 days later.

In all honesty it did not bother me at all that he was missing one arm, but I knew that the reason he didn't want to get this done at the beginning was because he thought it was a good punishment for him. I didn't think that way, he deserves to have both his arms after everything he has gone through.

I smiled and squeezed his hand. He was sound asleep. But he would not let go of my hand, I rubbed my forehead. I still can't believe that the seal is completely gone, I feel like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

But I cannot help but be scared for my sister, she could get in deep trouble. I looked out the window it was around Midnight when Sasukes operation was finished.

Sakura says that it will all go well, that it worked perfectly for Naruto so it should work just as great for Sasuke. I laid my head on the hospital bed by his arm. The heart monitor was beeping at a normal pace, that was the only sound in the room along with Sasukes deep breaths.

I smiled and closed my eyes just a little. It was a very long day today, I'm completely famished Naruto brought me some Ramen and I finished it in record time I had not noticed I was that hungry.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see Naruto walk in with his hands inside his pockets. He had his usual Big smile on his face, after he sat on the right side of Sasuke, Sakura walked in.

She smiled at me and put her hand on my shoulder giving me a tight squeeze. "He is fine Hina he's healing faster then Naruto, nothing will go wrong do not worry!"

I smiled at her and nodded. I turned to Naruto and gave him a gentle smile also.

"Hinata I'm very happy that You guys fell in love!" I felt my face go red, my heart started beating fast and I ducked my face, my long hair covered my face like a vail.

"I-I well.. um w-we haven't-I mean I-I haven't told him t-that yet, But I-I do!" I bit my lip and cursed at my stuttering.

I heard Sakura giggle and I felt my face heat up even more.

"Naruto leave her alone! You will make her faint!"

I quickly shook my head, no my fainting days finished a long time ago.

"Oh sorry Hina! Don't faint, can't have you hurting your selves! Sasuke would kill me!"

I looked at him surprised! What did he mean!? Before I could ask him my heart skipped a beat at hearing his dee Husky voice. I quickly turned to Sasuke and smiled at him. His eyes were hooded I only felt him squeeze my hand softly and he closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

"He's fine Hina! He's just tired! Do not worry, he should wake up tomorrow more alert!- well I mean in a couple of hours!"

Sakura giggled she waved at Naruto for them to leave and they both patted my head I smiled at them both as they walked out and closed the door.

I turned to Sasuke and laid my head down on the bed, I will just sleep a little bit.

Sasuke POV

I woke up immensely uncomfortable, before I opened my eyes I listened around me, I heard the heart monitor I could hear more hospital equipment along with people talking far away, but what I heard more closely was a soft even breathing and once I opened my eyes I noticed her asleep next to me.

She Is My Light (SasuHina) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now