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Yayyy Update 💖 for all my lovely readers who are happy with this fanfic 💖🤗

I honestly didn't think I'd have to say this but I do not own Naruto 🤧🍥💖

Sorry for taking long ya know been really busy 💖

Sasuke POV

I jumped from the roof and landed infront of the Hokage Tower. I walked in and went straight to the Hokages office.

I knocked once and walked in. I was tired from my journey and I wanted to see my family. I really thought I would take less time but I ended up taking more then it should have, 1 year and 5 months.

I wrote to My Hime when I could but it was mostly impossible to stay undercover and stay in contact.

I missed Hinata to much, I'm still debating if that's a good thing in the first place. As a Ninja we go out unsure if we will comeback, unsure if there will be a body to present to family.

Now that I have a family to protect, I'd rather die than lose them.

Once I walked in I saw Kakashi in his chair and someone snoring I took a glance at the body laying all awkward in the small chair infront of the Hokages desk.

Naruto had saliva running down his chin, he looked worse then Kakashi. You could plainly see the bags under his eyes. Even with the dim lighting in the room. I turned back to Kakashi who had leaned back with a big sigh and closed his eyes.

"You gave us all a scare Sasuke! Jugo and Suigetsu came back 5 months ago and all they told us was that they lost you, but that you had made them promise to guard Hinata and the kids until you came back!! Why wasn't I informed?! You have no idea how much a pain in the ass the council has been. They were dead set on saying that you had betrayed us once again!"

I stared at Kakashi and sighed, I actually hadn't thought about that. Of course the council would think I was going to betray them again. They still don't trust me. Not that I blame them, but before I could say anything the door flew open and Hinata ran in and straight to me. I felt someone watching me since I arrived but I ignored it. I really doubted she would be awake at 2am.

I almost fell from the impact but I hugged her non the less. I brought her close to me as she cried on my chest. I could feel her arms tighten as much as they could around my waist and her hands grab fist fulls of my pancho I was wearing.

This felt right having her in my arms felt right. This is why I will do anything to protect her and my children.

I stayed still until her cries and sobs tired out slowly. I rubbed her back but I said nothing. My throat felt to scratchy from not drinking or eating in 5 days. I pushed myself to the max to arrive quickly.

I felt Hinata relax slowly, and I dreaded to see her face. I know I hurt her for being gone for so long. If she were a different person she wouldn't forgive me and possibly hate me for being gone for the most important time of my children's lives.

I just hope she understands that I do this to keep them safe. If I protect the village, then I'm creating a safe haven for my children to grown and be happy along with this woman that is currently debating if it's safe to let go of me.

I felt myself smile after more then a Year of not letting anyone see a single emotion I'm only in the presence of this woman, and I feel like laughing and smiling all at once.

She leaned back and after so long my eyes connected to her pale Lavender eyes. My eyes darted from her eyes to her lips to her cheeks her hair she had in a high ponytail, it was still long I wonder how much longer she has it now or has she cut it!?

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