6. 🍁

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Noones POV

Sasuke watched as Hinata picked up different leaves adding to her little collection she had going on with some other kids from the Village Hidden in the Waves. It was a small village famous for its spa resorts and beach cottages. It was for vacation purposes.

Hinata and Sasuke have gotten a small cottage close to the Ocean two days ago. The trees were changing to all different shades of browns,reds, and yellows mixed together. It was their 3rd month out in the road. As he kept his eye on Hinata smiling with the rest of the kids he saw a messenger hawk coming towards him. He outstretched his arm and it landed on his arm.

Taking the scroll from its beak it disappeared leaving behind a puff of smoke. He saw it was one of Kakashi private scrolls. Sasuke quickly bit his thumb and unsealed it. It was urgent if Kakashi used such a complex seal.

As son as Sasuke read over the context he grimaced. Looking towards Hinata that was already looking at him. He nodded at her and disappeared in swirl of leaves flying around where he had vanished.

When Hinata got back to their rented cottage at noon Sasuke was already gone. He left a simple note stating an urgent mission, that he will be back in 2 weeks tops. I few weeks ago they had gotten a scroll stating, to find a safe place to stay at, that the Hokage had an urgent mission for Sasuke and they quickly found this small resort.

It was nice and quite everyone was friendly. Hinata sighed and put the letter down. She went into their private bathroom. As far as people around here knew she was going wblind and she was on a vacation with her Husband.

Which was true besides the Husband and Wife part. They were going to go with completely blind but Hinata saved a young man that was about to fall from a ladder so they had to say that she was going slowly blind.

Hinata yawned and stretched her body. The kids that she had played with all day had worn her completely out. She laid down on her bed and closed her eyes sending a small prayer to Sasuke. She hoped he would take care of him self and stay safe.

Hinata thought about what happend yesterday. It had not been the first time that she had seen Sasuke stare out onto the horizon his mind drifting away. She had seen it happen more often lately, 2 weeks ago he started becoming more quiet, she tried not bothering him.

Hinata thought of how he would flex his jaw, his eye would twitch occasionally with his sharingan activating and his tomoes spinning around. But he would only close his eye opening it and he would have his normal onyx eye, he would continued on like nothing happened.

Hinata was starting to worry, when she approached him yesterday and grabbed his cheek trying to ask what was going on, he startled her by grabbing her by her neck and pinning her against a tree. That is when Hinata noticed that he was not aware of his actions. When he had her pinned he was not looking at her but through her.

Hinata had stayed still for a few seconds, simply because he was not hurting her. When he snapped out of it he looked at their situation and quickly backed up. But neither said anything and just kept on walking.

They had not talked and Hinata did not know how to approach the situation. She wanted to help, but didn't want to make him think that she was telling him that he was crazy.

Yes everyone knew that he was not well like his many taken mental exams said, but she thought Sasuke had only really bad nightmares. Now that she thought about it she had not seen him sleep not once.

Hinata stood from the bed and bit her lip, walking outside of the cottage she walked towards the beach and sat on the sand. Hinata watched as the sun was setting the air was getting chilly but her mind focused on the fact that Sasuke had not slept for who knows how long.

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