8. ☀️

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New chapter 💖 Enjoy 😊 heads up guys
❌❌  heated scene up ahead 🤪😋😝😜❌❌

Noones POV

Sasuke punched the tree one last time making his knuckles bleed once again,he leaned his shoulder up against the tree. He breathed in hard he felt infuriated with himself.

All he could think about was her, he should go back to Konoha and check himself in. He isn't stable and he's not sure if he ever will. Sasuke sighed and dropped to the ground. The leaves crunching under his weight, the wind was picking up it looked like it would rain tonight.

Hell stay out here until morning if he has to, it was just one more hour for the sun to rise anyways. What's the point of going back if he can't sleep. He sighed and leaned his back against the tree. He sighed again and closed his eyes.

Hinata stared at Sasuke as he stopped. She was ready to stop him if she had to. He had been hitting that same tree for the past 20 minutes non stop, and with ought chakra to cover his knuckles. She held onto her throat she had come looking for him to find him asleep. It had been like 4 hours since he had walked away into the woods. She was just worried and wanted to make sure he slept.

She didn't want to wake him so Hinata tried sitting next to him and wait for him to wake up on his own. But as soon as she sat, Sasuke woke up and she was startled out of her thinking by him slamming her against the ground and choking her.

Hinata grimaced, when she swallowed her saliva, and it hurt to even do that. It was her fault she should have just stayed a few feet away. It was only his ninja instinct she her self knew that anyone would do the same when feeling threatened.

But she had almost passed out when he finally registered what he had done. Her senses were on over drive and she couldn't think straight. When he stopped she had already punched him in the throat and kicked him away from her.

She was coughing uncontrollably but she wanted to make sure he was okay. But once Sasuke saw his handprint on her delicate neck he went ballistic and yelled at her to leave. He needed to be alone. Hinata had gotten close to him slowly to try and reason with him, but he activated his Susanoo for her to stay away from him. His rib cage was imposible to penetrate even with her twin fist lions.

Hinata could tell he was blaming himself completely when he wouldn't answer her. She said the same thing over and over hoping he understood.

"Sasuke it was instinct! It's every ninjas instinct! Sasuke I'm perfectly fine!! See you didn't even hurt me!"

But Sasuke could only focus his eyes on her neck. Sasuke finally gave up and made his Susanoo disappear when he noticed Hinata was not going anywhere.

"Little Hime go to the cottage I need to be alone for now!"

Sasuke had let her hug him, but he could not hug back. His fist was tightly clenched. Hinata nodded at him but she could not leave him alone. So she left but was not to far away.

Hinata finally got down from the tree she was standing on and approached Sasuke sitting on the ground with his head down.

"Little hime, we will leave tomorrow and use my Summons to travel we will get there very soon. Just in time for Naruto and Sakuras wedding."

Hinata nodded and sat infront of him. She ripped part of her shirt and started carefully wiping his knuckles.

Sasuke POV

I was still mad but with her presence I felt lighter I swallowed hard she had healed her neck but I could still picture the red handprint I had left on her small neck. I closed my eyes and opened them again.

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