11. ✨

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Noones POV

Sasuke and Hinata arrived at Konoha with One more day to spare all thanks to Sasukes Summons, they hardly took a break just wanting to get to Konoha as soon as possible.

Hinata and Sasuke both walked towards the gates. Within seconds Hinata was ambushed with all her friends but because she was at the moment blind she tried her best to act normal smiling and hugging everyone.

"Hinata how could you just leave without telling us!" Kiba wailed in his booming voice almost growling.

"Hinata we were worried!" Shino added in a calmer voice.

"I'm sorry, but it was an urgent mission and I had to depart right away!!"

Hinata bowed in respect apologizing again just to keep Kiba calm. Kiba huffed but hugged Hinata with one arm.

"Next time take a second to at least tell a person! Even write a letter with a simple "on a mission! Be back soon" !! we were ready to go out looking for you, if it weren't for the Hokage that told us that you were on a mission!"

Kiba pouted and Hinata assured him that she will next time.

Shino shook his head at his team mates worrying but he understood he was actually really worried himself.

"HINA!! SASUKE!!" Both Hinata and Sasuke turned to both voices! Naruto and Sakura appeared Sakura embraced Hinata holding her tight and talking quickly while Hinata laughed at her friend.

Naruto had no luck since Sasuke was only dodging Nartutos attempts to hug him.

Everyone laughed at their little friendly battle. Sasuke finally rolled his eyes and went behind Hinata so she could cover him someway.

Hinata laughed and patted his chest in a small affectioning manner. Since she was blind she did not see everyone currently wide eyed and jaws dropped. Sasuke noticed but he only looked away hoping that the small blush on his cheeks was not noticeable.

"HINATA!!" Hinata turned to her sisters voice and smiled she waited to feel Hanabis arms. In seconds Hanabi had jumped on Hinata, Hinata would have fallen if not for Sasuke catching her by the waist and letting go when Hinata balanced her self with Hanabi tightly holding her.

Everyone stared at the couple wondering what was going on between them! Even the Hokage who had just arrived watched his student close and wondered just how close they got in four months.

"Oh Hinata! I've missed you so much. I know what happened and I pr-."

"Hanabi it's alright! this is not your fault! Okay! we knew this would happen don't worry about this!"

Hanabi understood what Hinata was trying to say, so she just stayed quiet not wanting everyone else to know about Hinata being put the Seal.

Hanabi embraced Hinata again and let go! She stared at Hinata and wanted to cry! Hanabi could tell she did go blind!

"Hinata you must be tired! I will pick you up tomorrow so we can go have a small girls Day out! Ten-ten should be back later today also!!"

Sakura interrupted so no one could think much about what the sisters had said. Hinata nodded and smiled at her friend she turned to Sakuras voice.

"Actually first we would like to talk to you Sakura!" Sakura looked towards Sasuke and she was sure what they wanted to talk about so she nodded.

"Ooh can I come?" Naruto quickly added. Sakura turned to Naruto and shook her head saying that she would see him later. Naruto pouted but did not argue he had to leave back with Kakashi to help him on Hokage business.

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