Chapter 8: Trader

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Kat's POV:

The next morning I woke up sleeping next to Spot. Usually the other newsies would make fun of me for something like this. But Race made sure everyone knew about my night at the orphanage and Jack not coming back. I'm sure that's why no one made fun of me this morning.

Spot, Race, Davey, and I were now all trying to take charge of the strike. Spot was a big help, especially when dealing with all the boys. They knew who he was and his reputation as the most respected newsie in New York. If any of us had a problem with any of the guys, we went to Spot. It was just easier that way.

Race was always checking around everywhere, just to make sure everything is in order. He's also got friends all over New York from other burrows. He brought in more strikers for our rally today in front of the distribution center.

Davey was the brains behind the operation. He was smart and educated, which helped us figure out how to go a long with the strike. He convinced us to loudly protest outside the distribution center today, but not start any fights. That was hard with us newsies.

Finally, I pitched in with pretty much everything. I mostly was going around to newsies I saw on the streets. I would talk to them and convince them to join the strike. I got a lot of cold shoulders because I was a girl though. But for the most part, people listened to me. I also would go around and check on all the newsies. I wanted to know how they were feeling and I also asked for their opinions and suggestions on the strike. We have to get everyone heard and on the same page. David liked this idea and told me I was very smart. I would never be as smart as him though.

Right now, we are outside the distribution center protesting. We held signs and yelled "Strike!" Over and over again. I stood a little bit behind Spot who was at the head of the crowd. I of course made sure to keep my hat on because now it was more dangerous for me to be seen than ever. I could go to jail for escaping from escaping the orphanage. I stood with Race because we were trying to break up an argument between a couple of boys. I heard Spot call my name, but I ignored it the first time because I was preoccupied.

"KAT!" I was pulled by my arm up to Spot. I looked at him and shrugged his arm off.

"What's up? I'se kinda busy..." I tried to say, but he cut me off immediately. This must be important.

"Just tell me I'm seeing things, tell me I'se seeing things!" He said. I followed his gaze past the line of officers to the gates. I knew this wouldn't be good, but what I saw, I wasn't expecting.

Jack. He was standing right there. But it wasn't Jack. He was dressed in...scabber clothes. He had a fancy suit on with brand new shoes and a brand new hat. I couldn't believe it. That's why he didn't come home last night. He traded us in. Spot tried to jump him, and absolute commotion erupted around me. But I stood motionless, just staring at him.

"Oh, you'se want to see him?" Weasel asked. He moved the police officers and let me through. I slowly walked up to Jack until I was standing right in front of him. He looked down and wouldn't meet my eyes. I scowled at him, but I didn't know where to begin talking. I was angry, upset, and felt betrayed.

"Nice new suit, Jack," I said with a fake smile on my face. He still refused to meet my eyes. I scoffed. "So dis is why you'se didn't escape last night. You'se traded in your friends-your own SISTA, for what? A new suit and some money?" Jack finally looked up at me, but I didn't recognize the person staring back at me.

"Yeah. So what are you'se gonna do about it Kat?" I stared at him as if I had seen a ghost.

"I'se...I'se don't understand you'se."

"Well let me spell it out for you'se Kat. For the first time in a long time, I'se got money in my pockets. REAL money!"

"So, what? What about da newsies? What about ya own flesh and blood, huh?!"

"What did being a newsie and ya brudda ever get me? A lousy dime and a black eye?" After that, I couldn't take it any longer. I punched Jack square in the face. He stumbled back and looked at me in shock. There was visible pain in his eyes, but I didn't care.

"I'se don't ever want to see you'se again." With that said, I stormed off back to the only real family I'll ever have. Jack tried to call me back, but I kept moving. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a brother.

Spot, Davey, and Race tried to talk to me, but I pushed past them all. I needed to be alone. So I left the rally and headed down the cobblestone streets of New York. I didn't have a place in mind, I was just letting my feet take me away. I was completely distracted thinking about Jack. I still can't believe my own brother, my Jack, would do this. It wasn't him. But people change I guess.

I walked so far that I ended up at the Brooklyn bridge. I stopped to look out at the river far below. I sighed, feeling the fresh water breeze on my face. I removed my cap and sat on the railing edge. The wind blew my hair back and calmed my nerves. But Jack still lingered on my mind...and now he's gone. He is a stuck up, scabber now. And he doesn't want to socialize with the likes of me anymore...

I began to cry as I sat on the bridge alone. I have officially lost everyone from my blood related family. I have the newsies of course, and I love them all. But I can't help but still feel so...alone. More tears fell from my face. I watched them fall down to the river below.

"I'se knew I'd find you'se here." I heard Spot coming up behind me, but I didn't move. I felt him sit beside me but I didn't look at him. I just feel so...numb. "What's wrong, love?"

"I...I'se just feel so...bretrayed. He was my brother. And he just left...and I'se don't know if I'se can just go back there right now," I said sadly.

"Well, you'se can come stay in Brooklyn for da night if you'se want." He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. I laughed and shook my head.

"Me? Stay in Brooklyn?"

"Yeah. You'll fit right in, Brooklyn newsies are tough. Just like you'se." I though about it for a couple of seconds; should I go? What if they don't like me?

"...I'se would love ta come." Spot gave me a big smile and helped me down off the bridge.

"I'll send one of my boids to tell Race and da Manhattan that you'se staying im Brooklyn tanight. It's about time dey met dere queen."

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