Chapter 15: Brooklyn Party

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That day after work, I went straight to Medda's to find an outfit for Brooklyn's party. I didn't want to be super fancy, but I wanted to look a bit nicer since we were all dressing a better than usual. And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to impress Spot...

When Jack saw me, he was not having it though.

"Uh uh. No way you'se going ta Brooklyn lookin' like dat." I groaned and crossed my arms as I followed him through the bunk room. He wasn't going to get away that easily.

"Jackey, ya can't tell me what ta wear."

"Try me, sis."

"Jack, listen." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to face me. He sighed and stared at me, waiting for my next move. "I'se know dat you are tryin' ta protect me. But I'se can handle myself. When you'se were in da refuge, and when you'se left da newsies I'se was ok. I'se always goin' ta be ok." However, i "forgot" to mention my run in with some folks from Queens, but that can wait for another time.

"I'se love you'se. Ya know dat, right?" I nodded my head as I hugged my brother.

"I'se love you'se, too." He tensed up when I said this, shocked that I could've forgiven him so soon. He grabbed me tighter and pressed a kiss to my forehead. He pulled away from me and turned his attention towards the room of nicely dressed, newsies.

"Alright, boys! Let's go!" And with that, we were off to Brooklyn.


"Welcome ta Brooklyn, fellas!" I couldn't believed how Spot's dock looked. There were string lights hanging over head, illuminating the space. They weren't bright enough to completely light the space, but I loved it like that. The moon was out and the darkness reflected off of the water.

Some boys could be seen running out of the lodging house which was attached to an elevation on the dock. The lodging house was where the music was coming from (I have no idea how they can even have something like that). There was also a ton of root bear set up in front of the house (compliments of one Brian Denton). Mush and Skittery immediately went their first and then started to party amongst the rest. Jack was with David and Sarah talking normally. I was with Racetrack, talking about my selling from today.

"So then, afta the lady left I'se-"

"Hey, do you'se want a root bear? Ya look thirsty," he suddenly said. I stopped and stared at Race confusingly for cutting me off in the middle of my sentence to ask that.

"Um...sure, I-"

"Great! Be right back!" And with that, he was gone. Damn, Race was a weird fellow.

"Nice of you ta show up, dollface." I smirked and turned around to face the one and only, Spot Conlon.

"Figured I'se should get used ta it down here," I said. His smirk dropped for a second and was replaced by a real smile.

"Does dat mean you'se want ta stay in Brooklyn?" he asked excitedly.

"I'se was thinkin..." I started. He came closer and wrapped his hands around my waist. We started swaying to the quiet music in the background.

"And what was goin' on inside dat proitty lil' head of yours?" I blushed and looked down at the ground, then back at Spot. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued to sway.

"Well, maybe we'se can start by me comin' ova here every day. I'll still be sleeping in Manhattan, but I'll be here all day. Wid you'se." I wanted to fully live with Spot, but I just wasn't ready. I can't leave my brother yet or the other boys. "So, what do ya say?"

"I say...dat what you what I say." I burst out laughing at his reference to the rally and he joins in. I laid my head on his chest, still swaying to the song. I looked out at the beautiful ocean who had always called to me.

"I'se can't wait ta spend my life wid you'se, Kat Kelly." I sighed and continued to dance with Spot. I picked up my head as he leaned down to press our foreheads together.

I'm, sailing away
Set an open course
For the virgen seas

I smiled as Spot began to sing.

Cause i've, got to be free
Free to face the life
That's a head of me

A crowd of newsies stood around us as they watched us separate and circle each other.

On board i'm the captain
So clime aboard
We'll search for tomorrow
On every shore
And i'll try
To carry on!

Suddenly, every newsie broke out in to an elaborate dance routine, Spot and I being in the front along with Race, Jack, and several others.

A gathering of angels appeared above my head
They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said
They said come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
I thought that they were angels but to my surprise
They climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies
Singing, come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with ME!

Every newsie then jumped off the dock and in to the water below. We swam around and then started to splash each other and play games. We had so much fun because we really felt like a family.

But we didn't know an even bigger war was coming. A war that would change relationships between newsies throughout all of New York. And a war that would take many lives.

The Newsie Burough War was about to begin...

Author's Note: This story is not over! I'll be starting the next part soon and the new chapters will remain in this book. Thank you for reading!

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