Chapter 16: A New Beginning

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I crept through the shadows of the docks. The sun was going down so I had to be careful of shadows. I heard boys' voices around me. They're here somewhere...

"Hey guys! I'se think it's ova here!" I peaked out from the crate I was hiding behind and smirked at who I saw. This was going to be fun.

I picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it in the direction. The boys immediately jumped and looked around like scared little children. It was hard not to contain my laugh.

"Who da hell was dat?"

"It's probably nothin'."

"We'se should probably go and see..."

I watched as the walked in the opposite direction, away from me. I smirked, as this is exactly what I wanted.

I walked behind them, careful not to step on any lose floor boards. They couldn't even tell I was behind them. I ducked behind another crate when they stopped and started ta look around.

"I'se don't see anyone."

"What if it was Ace?"

"Or woise, Spot?" I stepped out from my hiding place and tapped one of them on the shoulder.

"Nope. Just me."

I grabbed his hand and twisted it in a circle, making him fall to the ground. The next boy ran at me full force, so I ducked down, grabbed his waist, and pushed him up. He flew over me and landed on the ground. The last one tried to grab me, but I easily maneuvered myself out of it. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over on his back. Seeing them all on the ground, I ran towards my destination.

I was nearing the lodging house when I spotted it. It was at the very top, roof of the building. This means I'll have to climb all the way up there.

"Dere! I'se see her!" I looked up to see the shooters on top of the building. One of them aimed their slingshot, and fired a pellet at me. I rolled on the ground, missing the pellet. When I finished my roll, I was on one knee and whipped out my bow an arrow quickly. I aimed and shot the guard on top of the tower. I did the same with the other three guards. I smirked and ran to through the lodging house. When I got to the roof, I plucked the flag out of the ground and waved it in the air.

"Look's like we'se got ourselves a winna, boys!" I smirked at Spot, who was standing on the roof behind me. We walked to the edge of the building to see all the Brooklyn newsies at the bottom. They hollered and cheered for me, when they announced that I won. The guards on the roof and got up and walked over to me.

"Congratulations, Miss Kat," Zap said to me, while handing me back my arrows with the suction cups on the end. He was Spot's best messenger in Brooklyn. He had dark skin and was always very polite to me.

"I'se told ya a million times Zap. You'se can call me Kat." He nodded and walked away, along with all the other guards. The rest of the newsies began dispersing down below, all going to get ready for bed. That left Spot and I on the roof.

"So, how did ya like ya foist game of capture the flag with Brooklyn?" He said with a smirk. I smiled and walked over to the edge of the roof once again.

"It was great, lot's of fun," I told him. I really did like the game more then I said, but I had an amazing view of the water up here and was in a bit of a trance. The way the almost set sun reflected off the water was breathtaking. What I'd give to be out there...

Suddenly, I felt Spot come up beside me and slip his arm around my waist.

"You and da wata..." he mumbled. I laughed and punched him in the arm.

"Shut it," I said jokingly. I continued to stare out at the water. I have dreamed of being out there since I was five. I've never been on a real boat, but I just know that's where I need to be. Someday, maybe.

"You'se been actin' weird lately..." he mumbled while putting his head on top of mine. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin', I'se just been feeling a lil' weird lately." He chuckled and looked down at me.

"And why is dat, dollface?" I sighed and brought my attention back to the water.

"I'se have no idea...I'se just have a bad feeling 'bout something..." he sighed and stepped behind me, rubbing my shoulders.

"It's just stress, love. You'se the co-leader of the Hattan newsies and da queen of Brooklyn. You'se got a lot on ya plate, ya just need ta get used to it." I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. Maybe he's right. "How is Hattan, by da way? Haven't gone down in a while." I laughed because Spot always refused to come to poker night in Manhattan.

"Maybe you'se would know if ya dragged ya lazy ass to Hattan fa poka night." He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. I shrieked and laughed as he wrestled me around for calling him lazy. I laughed as he threw me around, before placing me on the ground and turning me to face him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me and I kissed back. After a few second, I pulled away.

"It's late. I'se should be headin' to Hattan," I said, slightly sad because I didn't want to leave him.

"How 'bout you'se stay here fa da night instead," he whispered while pressing a kiss to my neck. I chuckled and detached myself from him. I walked towards the door that lead to the inside of the lodge.

"Maybe some otha time. See you soon, King of Brooklyn."

"See you soon, Queen of Brooklyn." I gave him one last smile before opening the door and walking down the wooden steps. I walked down another hallway to find another stair case. I descended these stairs to walk through the bunk room. I then came to the front room of the lodging house where all the boys hung out. They were fighting, playing games, and sometimes just talking.

"Aye, Kelly! Thanks fa winning da game tanight fa our team." A boy named Ace stood up and walked over to me. Ace was my best friend in Brooklyn. He was tall with blonde, scruffy hair and blue eyes. He was slim, but had a muscular physic. He was also Spot's right-hand man.

"I needed to, who else would've won it for us?" He laughed and shooed me off to the front door.

"Don't get too full of yourself, Kelly! Now get back ta Hattan before Jack skin's ya." I laughed and hugged him goodbye. I said goodbye to a few more newsies before exiting the lodging house.

I walk to the edge of the dock and look out at the water. I start to think about the party after we won the strike. It felt like forever ago, even though it's only been 6 months. I sighed and looked back towards the lodging house. I could see a silhouette on the deck of the lodging house. It must be Spot, making sure I get out ok. I smiled and waved at him. But he didn't wave back. I frowned, squinting harder until he waved back slowly.

I turned around and began to walk out of Brooklyn. It was already dark now so I made sure to tuck my hair inside my hat. Old habits.

When I crossed the Brooklyn bridge, my mind went back to the strike. That was a hard time, but it was also the best part of my life. I felt like I had a bigger support group then any other family. All us newsies came together as one and I loved that. I hope that I can keep that feeling inside me for the rest of my life.

Life is great though. I love spending the day with Spot and the Brooklynites and I love to be with my Hattan boys. Spot gave me the bow and arrow and taught me how to shoot. It's only been six months, but I was damn good. My hair has grown out longer and my face was skinnier. I feel like I'm in the prime of my life. But what now after the strike being over?

After I crossed the Brooklyn bridge, I walked through the streets. I walked past alley ways and made sure to look down them as I passed so no one could sneak up on me. As I walked past one alley way though, something caught my eye. I stopped and backed up a few paces so I could look down the alley again. It was dark and hard to see, but I stood frozen at what I saw.

It was a body. The form laying on the ground was a body. I slowly crept towards it, afraid that the person might be dead. I slowly got closer, my breath hitching in my throat. I am now standing right over the body when I lean down and see who it is. I almost pass out at who I see.


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