Chapter 23: The Guys

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"Are you'se sure dis is da right place, Davey?" Jack has been questioning David's directions since we left his apartment. Jack and I left earlier this morning to go get Davey, and now we are on our way to talk to that reporter about getting us in the paper.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is definitely it." We were all standing before a large, brand new building. "THE SUN" was written in large letters over the front door in gold. The Sun is a pretty big newspaper company here in New York, so this girl must be pretty good.

"Come on, we'se don't got all day," I said as I walked ahead. The boys followed me as we walked through the door. There were people with paper and in bustling around everywhere and at least 50 typewriters set up. People shouted continuously and I could barely hear anymore. I tried to peer through the countless amount of people to find that woman, but there is just too many people.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" The impatient, high pitched voice came from the lady I just realized was standing right in front of us. A short brunette with glasses looked at me impatiently from behind the front desk.

"We'se looking for a Katherine Plumber?" The women huffed and stuck her nose into the air.

"I'm afraid we don't take visitors." What is this woman's problem? I really don't want to make a scene, but this lady is really testing my patience.

"It's ok Sheila, they're friends of mine." I looked around Sheila to see Katherine making her way towards us. "Come on boys, follow me." I gave the woman at the front desk, Sheila, a smug look as we passed her.
Once we were out of earshot, Katherine sighed in relief.

"Sorry about her, she's a real pain." Davey and I laughed, but nothing from Jack. He's usually very talkative around people. I turned around to see what his problem was, and I immediately understood. He was practically drooling all over Katherine. I snorted when I realized this, making Davey smirk. Jack gave us both glares as we kept moving. Oh, this is going to be fun.
Katherine brought us over to a desk in the back corner, away from any other writers. She took a seat at the typewriter and motioned for us to sit across from her. Once we were seated, Katherine got straight to the point.

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect to see you boys here so soon. Already more trouble brewing for you newsies?" Jack was still staring at her dumbly, mouth hung open. I subtly elbowed him in the ribs, making him flinch and come back to his senses. He owes me for this, I am an amazing sister.

"Uh, yeah yeah. It's a bit of a long story though," he replied awkwardly. Katherine seemed oblivious to his nervousness.

"I actually haven't gotten your names?"

"Oh, sorry. Katherine, dis is me brudda, Ken and our buddy, Davey. And I'se Jack, Jack Kelly." Katherine's eyes went wide hearing Jack's name.

"Wait, you're the Jack Kelly? The Jack Kelly who led the strike a few months back?" Jack smirked a bit, gaining confidence.

"Yeah, dat would be me. But I'se couldn't do it alone. Not without these two." Katherine's heart seemed to melt at Jack's sweet sentiment. I know he's only doing it for show, but he better really mean that.
There was an awkward silence filled with Katherine and Jack glancing at each other. It got a bit awkward, so I decided to break the silence.

"So, we'se were wondering if you wanted ta write an article for us? We'se have a problem and need ta hold a meeting with every newsie in New York." Katherine snapped out of her gaze and began to write information down on her notepad.

"What type of trouble are you all experiencing?" Davey, Jack, and I quickly glanced at each other to see who would answer. We didn't discuss how much we would be saying about the situation. Would it be bad to say that we think newsies are turning on each other?

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