Chapter 34: Dawn vs. Crasher Wake

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[Dawn's POV]

Barry climbs into the stands, victorious. I take a deep breath. "You can do this," Chris says, putting a hand on his shoulder.

I kiss him on the cheek and walk to the battlefield. I grip a pokéball in my right hand as Crasher Wake and I stare each other down. We throw the pokéballs at the same time. A Gyarados appears in front of him. Kirlia appears in front of me. The referee puts his hand up. I take a deep breath as he swings his arm down. "Begin!"

"Magical Leaf!" I shout.

"Bite!" Crasher Wake commands.

Kirlia backs up and starts floating. She summons a cluster of leaves and launches them at Gyarados. Gyarados is launching itself at Kirlia. Right before Gyarados reaches her, I yell, "Teleport!"

She vanishes and reappears on the other side of the battlefield, floating in the air. "Confusion!"

Gyarados starts twitching in pain as Kirlia's eyes glow purple. It roars and launches at Kirlia. "Dodge with Teleport!"

Kirlia vanishes and Gyarados collides with the wall. "Finish it off with Shadow Ball!"

She creates an orb of darkness and launches it at Gyarados. "Bite!"

"Use Teleport and Shadow Ball!"

Gyarados chomps down on the orb, destroying it. Kirlia vanishes and reappears all over the place, launching the attack. Gyarados is hit all over. It slows down. "Finish him off with Confusion!"

Kirlia's eyes glow and Gyarados falls to the ground, unconscious.

[Chris' POV]

I smirk. "She's playing the distance game. All but one of his pokémon are physical attackers."

Barry nods. "That strategy is really going to help her." He stands up. "Hey Dawn! If you don't win, I'll fine you!"

Dawn smiles. "Then I guess I won't lose!"

I stand up. "You can do it!"

My right side practically screams in pain. I sit back down and smile. Dawn is smiling.

[Dawn's POV]

"You sure have some great friends," Crasher Wake says. "I bet you don't want to disappoint them."

Kirlia walks back to me. I pick her up and hug her. "That's right. I won't back down! I'll rise up and defeat you!"

I set Kirlia down and grab another pokéball. He throws a pokéball, letting out Quagsire. I throw the pokéball in my hand, letting Infernape out. I grin. The four of them in the crowd gasp. "Dawn! What are you doing?! He's at a major disadvantage!"

I say nothing. "Water Pulse," Crasher Wake commands.

"Mach Punch!"

Infernape punches him faster than he can attack. Crasher Wake watches in awe at the attack. "Take to the water, Quagsire!"

"Grab him! Don't let him get near it!"

Infernape grabs Quagsire and restrains him. "Throw him into the air and use Mach Punch repeatedly!"

Infernape launches Quagsire into the air and jumps after him. He vanishes from sight and shockwaves rock the air. Quagsire is thrown through the air by repeated punches. "Finish him, Infernape!"

He slows down and hold his fists together above him. Quagsire nears him and Infernape slams down on him. He rockets down to the battlefield. Dirt flies into the air. Infernape charges a Fire Punch and readies his last punch. Quagsire stands up, visible through the dirt. "Mud Slap!"

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