Chapter 43: One Month Later

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I open my eyes and look around, just waking up. Dawn rolls onto her other side, facing me. She smiles. "Your mom left to go to Jubilife City," she says.

"How long have you been up?"

"Long enough," she says, blushing.

I smile and kiss her. She kisses back, and I scoot closer to her. "Happy birthday, Dawn."

She smiles and starts kissing me again. I hear something jump onto the bed. We stop and look at the foot of the bed. Eve is sitting there, smirking. "What a thing to walk in on."

Dawn sighs, frustrated. "There goes my mood."

I sigh. "You just had to ruin the fun, did you Eve?"

"I'll leave. You two have your fun."

We get out of bed, ready to get going. "Your Mom should be off work for a while after today. We can go to Canalave and you can challenge the gym."

I get out of bed and start getting dressed. "I think Roark is going with us to see his dad."

Dawn finishes getting dressed, just slipping a shirt and shorts on. It's spring weather on this side of Mount Coronet at the moment. I finish getting dressed and walk downstairs, heading to the living room. Eve looks at me. "What's the plan?"

I smile. "We're heading to Canalave City tomorrow."

"Doesn't it take us two days just to reach Jubilife?"

"Yeah, but it's an overnight boat ride to Canalave from there."

Dawn walks downstairs and grabs her bag. "What should we do right now?" she asks me.

"I don't know."

"We could go to the lake and walk," Eve suggests.

I tell Dawn. She shakes her head. "I don't really want to."

I sigh. "If only Barry was still in town."

"He left right away. He spent a night here, then left for Canalave by himself."

"I know. That arrogant..."

Dawn covers my mouth. "Don't say anything bad about him. He's your friend."

I sigh. "He's just so aggravating sometimes."

"We can battle?" Dawn suggests.

I nod, smiling. Eve gets up, stretching. Dawn and I walk outside and stand across from each other near the center of town. Uxie and Lucario come out of their pokéballs, ready. Mesprit, Gardevoir, and Buizel do the same for Dawn. Eve nods to me, hoping she can battle first. I nod. Eve runs out in front of me. I see a crowd forming around us. Dawn smiles. "If you're choosing Eve, then I'll go with Gardevoir."

The battle starts. "Shadow Ball, Gardevoir!"

She creates a black orb and launches it at Eve. I don't give Eve a command. She puts her feelers up, using Protect. The orb explodes on the barrier, doing no damage. Eve puts the barrier down, smiling. "Great job, Eve."
Dawn smiles. "If you're giving your commands through telepathy, two can play at that game."

"I actually didn't even give her a command. Eve's smart enough to know how to strategize and win a fight."

Eve looks back at me. "Thank you."

"Gardevoir, use Psychic!"

I growl. Eve starts running, using Quick Attack. She uses Misty Terrain, masking her location so Gardevoir can't find her. A Moonblast flies out of the mist, heading straight for Gardevoir. "Teleport!"

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