Chapter 63: The Finals

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May and Silver groan as they sit on the couch. "I can't believe Barry's so strong!" May says. "He beat me with only one pokémon!"

Silver leans back. "I can't believe a stranger beat me."

Barry chuckles. "Look, May. Your Latias almost beat Blaziken."

Green giggles at May's frustrated look. I look at Barry. "I guess it's the two of us tomorrow," I say, smiling.

He nods. "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

I look around. Eve and Fennec are cuddling on a pillow. I smile at the sight. She's been so happy. I sigh. "I think I'm going to go to bed a bit early today."

Dawn nods. "I'll go with you."

I put my hand up. "No need. Join me later. Stay and talk a bit if you want to."

A half hour later I'm standing on the balcony, looking at the moon. Uxie floats to me and grins. "It's beautiful."

I nod. "I know. I hope you're ready to go up against Barry."

She nods. "Of course. It'll be the toughest battle we've ever been in!"

I smile again and head to the bed. "You better get some rest, then."

She drifts onto a pillow, lying down on it.

[The Next Day]

I step out to the battlefield. It's a normal dirt battlefield, just like day one. Barry stands across from me, smiling. He grabs a pokéball from his belt. Eve looks at me I shake my head. "Not yet."
I grab a pokéball and throw it at the same time Barry throws his. They pop open, releasing Empoleon and Torterra. I grin. "I knew it."

Barry chuckles. "Of course we use our starters first."

Cyrus, Cynthia, Kukui, and Sycamore are watching right next to the arena for the finals. Cyrus stands up and grabs the microphone. "Allow me to say a few words to the two of you."

Barry and I nod and let Cyrus speak. He smiles. "Everyone, I personally know these two trainers. They have come a very long way from where they began. They even helped stop the old Team Galactic. I guarantee that this fight will be the highlight of this year's Pokémon League."

Cyrus pauses. "Now, let us see who shall advance to fight the Elite Four and the Champion. Let the final battle of the Pokémon League..." he raises his arm, then surrounds his hand in his Poison Aura. He fires a Poison Sting, which explodes above us. "Begin!"

"Aqua Jet!" I command immediately.

Empoleon darts forward in a stream of water. "Leaf Storm!"

A whirlwind of leaves surround Torterra, then fly directly at Empoleon. "Dodge them and use Hydro Pump!"

Empoleon spirals around the attack and swims upwards. She blasts a high pressure beam of water directly at Torterra. Empoleon lands and readies for the next attack. "Use Leaf Storm again!"

"Hydro Pump, one more time!"

The two attacks collide in mid-air, cancelling each other out. The two pokémon stop attacking to gather their energy. Empoleon stands tall. I smile and put my hand forward. "Use our new move!"

Empoleon dashes forward using Aqua Jet while Torterra is still gathering his energy. Empoleon gets incredibly close. "Now! Hydro Cannon!"

Empoleon blasts a ginormous stream of water at Torterra at point blank range. Torterra is blasted backwards, but lands on his feet. Barry smirks. "Frenzy Plant."

Empoleon has to recharge after using Hydro Cannon, which will leave her wide open to attacks. Vines and roots burst from the battlefield and repeatedly whip Empoleon around the battlefield. I grit my teeth. "Steel Wing! Rip through the attack!"

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