Part Two: When Pat sings the Blues

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Edited: March 3rd, 2021

A/N: Possible trigger warning, mentions of self harm, attempted suicide, and rape. If this triggers you, please don't read and stay safe, my dm's are always open.

Patrick's P.O.V

I saw Ricky and Henry walk up to us hand in hand. I'm not going to lie, it hurt, like hell. They were both blushing like crazy, Henry had a shit-eating grin, and Maverick just looked over joyed. None of my friends knew I too liked her. She's the only person who understands me, she's the only other real person. She's a warrior with a heart of gold.

She's been through so much shit, but still continues to smile. I was the one who first found her after she was raped. I never ran as fast as I did when I first found her in the park, I brought her to my place and took care of her. She was only 13.5 years old... I swore to her that I would find who did this and kill them, I will make them pay for what they did. I cleaned her up and made sure she was calming down. She just broke down and clung to me. I swore I would protect her, and that's what I do. I have never cried as hard as I did when she clung onto me, she held me like it was the last thing she'd ever do.

She made me promise not to tell anyone when I found her cutting herself, and I kept my word. She told her brother, she then tried to tell her mom, oh how awful that went. Her mom accused her of lying and called her a whore. She then tried to take her own life, but then Belch found her and stopped her. She was admitted to the psych ward, for further watch.

She went through therapy, which helped a lot. A year and a half later she was back to her normal self-or so we all thought. We were all going to go swimming at the quarry, but she was trying to hide her fresh cuts by long sleeves. I really didn't mean to walk in on her changing, but I'm glad I did. She went to a doctor and was prescribed meds, Zoloft. It was like "A Three in One" medication.

Later on after she celebrated her 15th birthday, her depression got the better of her, putting herself back into the psych ward. I couldn't handle it, I just shut down. Knowing how broken she was, she just needed to be put back together.

I was snapped back to reality when Vic snapped his finger in my face. I put on a fake smile and just looked at the pair still holding hands. Yearning so badly that it was me that she looked so happy to be holding hands with. I told the group I'll be back and walked away quickly as I held in the tears that threatened to fall. Escaping that hellhole was the only thing that I needed to do. I walked out, went to the statue in front of the school. I slid down with my back pressed against it and cried.

I felt the tears streaming down my face for a good solid 5 minutes. That was until I noticed that Maverick pushed through the front doors of the school and walked over to me. I quickly dried my tears and got back up. "Hey Pat, you ok?" She seemed generally concerned, and I just looked away. I put on the best smirk I could, and let out a sad chuckle. "I've had better days Ricky, but I'm fine." But of course she saw right through me and pulled me into a hug.

I hesitantly hugged her back and rested my head on the top of hers. "If you ever wanna talk about it darling, I'm all ears." She pulled away giving me a sympathetic look and I kissed the top of her head. "I'm ok Ricky, my love." She giggled pulling me into one last hug "You better not be lying to me Hockstetter!" I just chuckled and gave her a reassuring squeeze "I'm not lying. I'm ok, I promise."

We walked back inside to find the rest of the gang was confused. "Sorry dorks, I went to look for our tall friend." They all laughed a little. I put on a fake smile, and tried my best to shove my feelings into a ball in the back of my mind. I faked being happy until it was genuine happiness. But I'll be honest, it didn't take long considering my friends were fucking hilarious.

A/N: Hi Hi, I'm not gonna lie, this chapter was much easier to edit, but I'm still not completely happy with it. However, I'm getting into the swing of things now, so I might be able to edit a few more chapters tonight.

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