Part Ten: Bye Bye Bowers

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A/N: This chapter will be a different one, kind of angsty and fluff. Abuse and gory shit and ya. I hope you enjoy!

Maverick P.O.V

Henry and I devised a plan, aforementioned plan is to get his abusive asshole of a father killed. He beats Henry so much. And I fucking want him gone, and so does Henry. The poor boy doesn't really do anything, and yet, he beats the shit out of him. Henry does not deserve this, and so I will be the one to help him put an end to all of this.

~In Maverick's Room~

"How do you want to do this? I have my switch blade that we can use." He said while fiddling with a loose thread in my blanket. "Ya, if you hide, and I confront him about the abuse, then you come up behind him and stab him." I just shrugged and nonchalantly explained. "The way that you said that without any hesitation and seemed so chill about it is kind of alarming, yet also kind of a turn on." He smirked and I just chuckled.

"I am so chill about it because I want it all stopped. The man's an abusive asshole who doesn't deserve a son like you." I looked away as I said that. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, "Mav, I don't deserve you. You are so fucking good hearted, that it pains me to see you this way." I gave him a confused look, "What do you mean Henry 'It pains me to see you this way' What way am I being?" He sighed and continued on, "You so badly want to help out and end this, that you aren't even actually doing anything. You basically switch onto AutoPilot, and let your brain tell your body to do anything. That's what you're doing now."

I thought about what he said, and I actually think what he's saying is true. When I wanted to know why Patrick was distancing himself, I felt something switch inside my brain. Not literally, cuz that sounds fucking insane but I knew know, that I basically shut down. "Ya dude, I know what you mean. But I want to help out. I want to stop this, so you don't have to deal with it anymore." I searched his eyes for an answer, and then he had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "What did I do to deserve you Maverick May?" He chuckled lightly. "You didn't have to do anything, I was always yours." He pulled me into a kiss, and with no hesitation, I kissed him back.

We kissed for a while, until I pulled away and put my forehead against his. "So when is it going down?" I chuckled and contemplated for a min. "How does tomorrow work?" He shrugged, "I have to check my schedule..." He tilted his head to the side slightly and rubbed his chin. "Yup, tomorrow works." I laughed, "You are such a fucking dork!" He laughed as well. I yawned, "I'm hitting the hay." I pulled the covers over myself and Henry turned off the light, then joining me back in bed. He kissed my cheek, "Love you Maverick, have a good sleep." He stayed on his back, then I snuggled up to him and put my head on his chest. "Love you too Henry, have a good sleep as well." He pulled me in as close as possible, and like that we fell asleep.

~Next Morning~

Henry P.O.V

I woke up around 10:30 and saw that Maverick was still asleep. She looked so peaceful and so angelic, even if she herself was the opposite. I saw her in a new light. She would do ANYTHING for her loved ones. And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING! She is willing to kill my dad. I am starting to worry about her, mentally and emotionally. I am starting to realize that I have to do this on my own, I can't let her try and help. I just can't, something inside her mind is all wonky. She's not in the right mindset, she's off kilter. But that's all the more reason that I love her.

Most people would be scared and leave her if they were in my situation. But knowing that she cares that much, it shows that she truly loves them. That she would put herself in harms way, in bad situations, risk her own life or freedom just for someone. That's how she's so pure hearted, genuine and caring.

I didn't realize it right away but I was playing with her hair, just running my hands through it. And Holy Fuck Nuggets, it's really soft. I kept on playing with it, and then she turned around with a half sleepy half confused look. With a groggy, scratchy voice "What are you doing?" Her voice is legit sexy when she wakes up, it's the scratchiness of it and it's kind of deeper. "Oh uh, just playing with your hair." I smiled at her and she chuckled. "Ugh what time is it, it's too early." She looked at the clock, "Oh, it's only 11." I laughed and mocked her "Only 11, Jeez, how long do you usually sleep in till?" She yawned widely behind the back of her hand, "Usually until like 1. Why?" I scoffed "Most of your day is gone by then. You could be doing something productive."

She shook her head and laughed "Sleep is productive, that's where your body repairs itself. And other sciency shit happens." I laughed and got up, "Can I have a shower here? I am in need of it." She chuckled and plugged her nose, "Ya, you need one alright!" I playfully pushed her and she fell back in the bed. "Well at least I don't take hours." She rolled her eyes, "I only take 20 min showers. These legs don't shave themselves." God, she always fires back. I laughed, grabbed my change of clothes and went to the bathroom to shower.

~After Shower, now at the Bowers Residence~

"DAD, I'M BACK!" I walked in and put my bag in my room then headed to the kitchen. "Where the hell were you boy!" I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him and fear kicked in. "I stayed over at Belch's house, me and him were watching movies." He scoffed and came right up in my face "And who said you can stay there uh? I don't fuckin remember saying you could stay the night." I started to shake a bit and replied quietly, "No one sir, no one said I could stay." He grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me to the ground, "That's damm right, no one gave you permission." He kicked me and went back to the kitchen to grab a knife.

He came back and held it at my collar bone, "Next time you do that again, you will be in this house till the day you die." He cut me, and I cried out in pain. "Do you understand me?" I started to cry, "Y-yes S-sir." He was about to do it again, and I grabbed the knife and stuck him in the hand, I got up and ran towards the kitchen. "WHAT THE HELL!?!" He screamed out in pain and went after me.

I had a knife in my hand, and a scared look on my face. I hid it and he grabbed me by the shirt and punched me. He muttered something and then spoke, "What do you have to say for yourself?" I was about to stab him again and said "Bye Bye Bowers." He gave me a confused look and like that, I stabbed him.

I actually did it. He dropped to the floor and bled out. I cried for what felt like for forever, and then cleaned up the mess. I tended to my wounds and changed. I hid the body in the storm cellar because we don't use it, and left. I walked to a house that I didn't expect myself to be at.

A/N: Holy crap. Long ass chapter. I had a hard time writing the last part, because my boy doesn't deserve that. My main boy is the main focus next chapter when he's comforting Henry. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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