Part 17: Back Together?

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A/N:Boom, last chapter with angst. This chapter will be filled with fluff. Hope you like it!

Henry P.O.V

We just sat there. Her clinging onto me apologizing. I didn't hug her back, I couldn't. I just wasn't able to. She started to tear up, and I couldn't take it anymore. I held onto her for dear life, and wouldn't let go. I was rubbing her back and just mumbling about she's ok, and that I'm sorry.

She started to calm down, but still was tearing up. Just sitting there, clinging to each other. I kissed the top of her head "Y-you can st-stay if you want. I'm sorry." She looked up at me, her face lit up. "Y-you serious Henry?" I smiled at her and nodded. She had a shit eating grin on her face and pulled me back into the hug.

I hugged her back and pulled her in closer and buried my head in her neck. She pulled away and looked into my eyes and smiled. I searched her eyes, and they were gleaming. She reached up and grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back. She pulled me down closer and started running her hands through my hair.

Maverick P.O.V

It felt so right kissing him. I felt fireworks. A feeling I didn't get with Patrick, but with Henry, that's all I felt.

I pulled away with a big smile plastered on my face. My face was red and he was blushing lightly. "So uh... back together? Is that what I'm getting at?" He chuckled and nodded.

He pulled me back into a kiss and pulled me into his lap. "I have only felt this feeling once before. And that's when we shared our first kiss. Or the time where we..." He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. I laughed and hit his shoulder. My face was possibly red as a tomato.

He chuckled and got up. "I'm gonna go take a piss be back."

~5 Min Later~

"Hey, so you could go have your shower if you want. It's ok." I looked back up at him and he smiled slightly. I chuckled, "Only if you'll join me." I smirked at him. He laughed "I legit had a shower about half an hour ago." I smiled, "So what? Come join me. Please?" He shook his head with a laugh. "My hands are tied... fine I'll join you." I smiled and got up. "Let's go. I'm in need of showering."

He sniffed the air and fake gagged, "Yes you do. Now get your cute ass in the shower. You're stinking up the house." I gasped and put a hand over my heart "RUDE!" He laughed.

~1 Long Shower Later~
Henry P.O.V
"Remind me to call you over next time you need a shower. That was good." She scoffed at me "Wow, that was bad. Using me for pleasure?" I laughed. "No, because I love being around you. And I love you in general."  I kissed the top of her head and she cuddled up to me. "I love you too you dork." I pulled her into a slow passionate kiss then pulled away. "How are you going to tell the guy who gave you a hickey? Who was it anyways?" She looked conflicted, and her eyes turned darker.

She sighed and looked away. "I will just band aid it. Tell him straight up. But I don't think you want to know who it is." I frowned. "Band aiding it works. And it's Patrick isn't it? I saw him hug you from behind, and you leaning into him the other day." She sighed and nodded her head. "It's ok Mav, we weren't together then. You could've seen anyone. It's ok. I just don't want him hurt. He's one of my bestest friends in the world."

She sighed again "I know. He's also really close with me too. It will break his heart. And I am torn." She snuggled up closer and looked even more conflicted. "Just do what your heart thinks is best. I will be happy either way." She looked up and smiled. "Thanks Henry." I smiled down at her and closed my eyes. "Let's get some shit eye now. I'm fuckin beat." She chuckled. "Good Night."

A/N: Boom. Shorter chapter. Hope you liked it. PEACE

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