Part 19: Ice Cream, You Scream

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A/N: Hey people! I know it's been a while for me to update, and I'm sorry. School has been hectic, I have been working on other things, and I was just getting writers block. (And also reading a lot of destiel fanfic) Another thing: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE AMOUNT OF READS! I legit thought this would only get like 5, but nope. You awesome humans read it, and we almost at 600. Mind blown.

Maverick P.O.V

Its been 1 month of boringness. The month consisted of school, hanging out with my friends and boredom.

But today, Henry and I are getting Ice Cream. I love Ice Cream more than most things. We were walking down to the ice cream parlour hand in hand, tbh we looked hella cute. Henry turned to me with a small smile. "Who knew that frozen cow juice would be so fuckin delicious?" I snorted and burst out laughing, "Frozen Cow Juice?" He chuckled, "Well ya, its scientific terms." He pretended to push up glasses and started talking with a lisp. "Freezing of said frozen cow juice with sugar and various different flavours, turns the liquid into a solid. Thus, causing the delectable frozen treat." I doubled over from laughing, Henry was laughing too. 

We both regained our composure, me clutching my stomach. I shook my head, smiling. "You are such a fucking dork." He smiled, "I'm your dork, and you love it." I blushed a bit, nodding. "Let's get some ice cream now, I am in need of some." He chuckled and we kept on walking.

~At the ice cream parlour~

Henry stood in line, while I went to get us a table. "Get me some salted ice cream peasant." He chuckled and shook his head, "You're lucky I love you." I giggled and went to get a table.

He came back with my ice cream, and his chocolate and caramel sundae. He ate a spoonful and let out a soft moan. "God I love that combination." I chuckled, "Did you really let out a moan over ice cream?" He laughed a bit, "Ya I did, and I'm proud." I shook my head and smiled. "We are such morons." He raised his brow, giving me a bitch-what face. "We? Speak for yourself." I gasped and had a fake shocked face. I put my hand on my heart, "How dare you. I'm not a moron." We both laughed.

Henry P.O.V

We ate our ice cream, sharing a couple of laughs, talking about random stuff. We were walking back to her house, but we stopped at a small pond. We were trying to catch a frog. "Henry! Go left, and I'll go right. We'll get a better chance catching him if we get him from either side." I nodded, and we chased after the little hopper.

He kept on hopping out of our reach, but he went in the middle of the road. Maverick was still chasing him. There was a car speeding down the road, not paying attention. I bolted towards her. "MAVERICK LOOK OUT!" She turned to me, and I pushed her out of the way.

I got hit, and the impact was bad. All I felt was shear pain, then everything went black.

Maverick P.O.V

I heard Henry call my name, then I heard tires screech. He pushed me out of the way, it all happened to fast.

He laid on the ground, blood coming from his head, nose bleeding. His left side was all bruising. His leg looked broken. His ribs didn't look right, and he wasn't breathing. I dropped down, and checked for a pulse. I was rubbing his cheek, "Henry, babe please wake up!" I shook his arm, "Henry... Wake up." I looked up, and saw an ambulance coming.  

They put him on a stretcher, and everything became blurry. They were running around doing stuff. I felt someone tap my shoulder, "Miss. what's your relationship with him?" I turned to the lady, "I-i'm his girlfriend." She nodded and we got in the stretcher. "Does he have any family members we could contact?" I shook my head, I held his hand and was rubbing the top of it. I kissed his hand, "You'll be ok Henry. I will make damn sure they take good care of you. You will be ok." I started to tear up.

~At the hospital~
3rd person P.O.V

Henry was rushed in with nurses and assistants brought him through Emergency. "We got a 15 year old male. Car rammed into his left side, causing two breaks in his left leg, cracked ribs, and fractured upper arm. His head is bleeding, caused by impact. Possibly suffering brain damage. Check if an operating room is open STAT!"

People rushing around, and Henry was quickly taken into surgery. Maverick, Belch, Vic, and Pat all sat in the waiting room.

~4 Hours later~
Maverick P.O.V

I was pacing in the waiting room, tears streaming down my face. Then Henry's doctor came out. I walked up to him, getting straight to the point. "How is he? Is he gonna survive? How bad was the damage?" He sighed, "He's stable. He's got a good chance of survival, but there was head trauma, from the impact of the car. We successfully stopped the bleeding. He's got many cuts and bruises. He has a cast on his leg, and arm. His ribs were cracked, so it might hurt a bit when he breaths." I nodded, and thought over what he said. "He's very lucky that he got in earlier. If he didn't, he might of died. His brain was bleeding, and that's fatal." I nodded again, I started to cry more. "He saved me, but almost died in the process. I don't deserve him." The doctor put a hand on my shoulder, "He truly loves you. He would obviously do anything to protect you." I let out a sad chuckle, "Ya. But I hope he knows that I'd do the same for him." He nodded, "I will go check on him again, and then you can go see him. But he's currently in a medically induced coma. We put him in one for now, because of the accident, and because he sustained some head injuries. This will let his body heal a bit. When in coma, we believe they can still hear you. So maybe hearing your voice, may push him to get better." I nodded, and the doctor went to check on him.

I went back to the guys and explained what the doctor told me. "When can we see him?" They all said in unison, I chuckled. "I was hoping to see him first, then you three could afterwards. Then, Vic and Pat, you guys could stay at mine and Belch's tonight." They nodded. The doctor came back out, and I went to go see Henry.   

I walked in, pulled the chair closer to his bed, and grabbed his hand. "Hey Henry, the doctor said that you had a lot of damage. I just wanted to say thank you." My voice started breaking, and I started to cry again. "Thank you so much for pushing me out of the way. I can't thank you enough for that, you would risk your life to save mine. I love you so fucking much, you need to get better so we could get old together, and be shrivelled up like raisins, being like those really cute old couples. But you need to get better, you need to fight, and heal. Because I need you, I need you more than I need oxygen. And I can't live without you, I just can't." I let out a shaky breath, and kissed his hand. "So get better for me. Because I need my adorable dork in my life." I got up, and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back tomorrow morning, and I'll make sure the staff here take extra good care of you. I promise." I walked out of the room, and went back to the boys.

Henry P.O.V
(When the text is underlined, that's Henry speaking/thinking)
I was just in darkness, but then I heard someone walk in. Then heard a chair pull up. I felt someone grab my hand, and I knew who it was, Maverick...

"Hey Henry, the doctor said that you had a lot of damage. I just wanted to say thank you." I heard her voice cracking . "Thank you so much for pushing me out of the way. I can't thank you enough for that, you would risk your life to save mine. I love you so fucking much, you need to get better so we could get old together, and be shrivelled up like raisins, being like those really cute old couples. But you need to get better, you need to fight, and heal. Because I need you, I need you more than I need oxygen. And I can't live without you, I just can't." "I would do anything to protect you. You mean the world to me, I would do anything to keep you safe. I made a promise to myself to keep you safe. And I'm sticking to that promise." She sighed, and I felt her lips on my hand. "So get better for me. Because I need my adorable dork in my life." "I will, I will get better. And I will never stop being your adorable dork, as you call me. For you, I will do anything." I just wanna get up and hug her, but I can't move."I'll be back tomorrow morning, and I'll make sure the staff here take extra good care of you. I promise." "I'll be waiting. And I'm holding you to it."

Maverick P.O.V

After the boys saw Henry, we were driving back to our place. I was just staring out the window, watching the world go by. I don't want to do anything, I don't want to talk to anybody. I just want to curl into a corner and cry.

A/N: For the last comment from Maverick, SAME HERE! It!s currently 4am. I got up to pee at 1, and I couldn't fall back asleep. But I hope you liked this extra long chapter. Its kind of to make up for the wait, and as a thank you for so many reads. Stay awesome, keep reading, be kind towards everyone, love yourself. PEACE!

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