Part 23: Before the World Ends

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A/N: Hey people! 900 FREAKIN READS! AJGDJIDGBAUSJ AGH! Holy crap, I can't thank you people enough. It means so much, but this is sadly the second last chapter. The next one is the last one, then the next one is the epilogue. Ugh, this story was so much fun to write. I saw those flowers yesterday at the grocery store. Just appreciate their beauty. P.S. this chapter gets kind smutty

Maverick P.O.V

It's been a couple of days after Henry's mini break down at the Ice Cream Parlour. And he's sort of spacing out a bit, being kinda distant, but acting like he's fine.

I'm starting to worry about him. Last night he stayed at his old house, but before he went, he bought a new notebook. Why? What's the notebook for?

We were sitting outside under the tree, and he was playing with my hair. "Babe, are you ok?" Henry looked at me with a confused expression. "After the Ice Cream Parlour, you've been different." He tilted his head a bit, "What do you mean Ricky?" I sighed, "You've been more distant, you've been spacing out. If you wanna talk about it... I'm here." He looked away, "I'm fine" but he said it way to quickly. "Don't snap at me Henry. I'm just trying to make sure that you're ok." He sighed, "I said I'm fine. So please just drop it." I leaned my head against his chest, and played with the hem of his shirt. "I'm sorry." He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him.

His aquamarine eyes filled with emotions. Making them darker, and stormy. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." He put his forehead on mine. "Henry, it's ok. I just worry about you." He smiled at me, "You don't need to worry about me. I'm ok... I promise." I smiled back, and hugged him.

He hesitated for a second, then hugged me back. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest, and so many different emotions were radiating off of him. He buried his head in my neck, and kissed it. I shivered a bit at the feeling, causing Henry to chuckle. It vibrated on my skin, I held back a whimper.

I pulled him up to meet my face, and kissed him. He kissed back and pulled me closer. His tongue grazed my lower lip asking for entrance. I gladly accepted, and our tongues fought for dominance. He ran his hands down my side and stopped at my butt to give it a squeeze. I let out a small moan and he chuckled.

He pulled away and smiled at me, "I want you. I want you right now. Before the world ends. Before it all comes crashing down." I nodded, "But what do you mean by the last bit?" He looked away and laughed, "All will be explained my love." I chuckled, "Now... where were we?" He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me, "I'll show you where we were." He carried me to my room.

~ A Long While Later~
Henry P.O.V

We laid on her bed gasping for breath, her head on my chest. "That was amazing." I let out a small laugh, "Ya That was. It's the best so far." Maverick laughed, and I laughed as well. She nodded in agreement and placed a kiss on my chest.

I kissed the top of her hair and smiled. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

~time skip to 2 weeks later~

I went to my doctors appointment. Basically bouncing off of the walls. I was getting my casts off! "Ugh I can't wait to get these fuckers off of me." Maverick laughed, "What did those casts ever do to you?" I deadpanned, "They existed." She looked away from me and mouthed "Ok then" I chuckled.

The doctor came in, and we discussed what was gonna happen.

After they were off, Maverick and I left the doctors office.

We sat down at a table in the diner. Then Maverick said the most unexpected thing. "You know, you were still great in bed with two casts on." I choked on my drink, "What?" She looked back at me, "Considering the fact that you had two casts on your body, you were still great at having sex." I stiffened up and cleared my throat. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself and finished my food.

We finished our meals, and met up with the boys to go swimming at the Quarry. 'Just be surrounded by the people you love, and cherish every moment you have with them before the world ends.' I was lost in thought as we got to our spot. "Hey Vic. Hey Belch. Hey Pat." I greeted my best friends with a smile on my face.

They all smiled at me. "Wow Henry, you're really happy." I laughed at Vic's comment, "Well yeah... I just got my casts taken off." They all laughed, "Alright. Let's swim!" I stripped down to my boxers, and ran and jumped off of the cliff/thing.

I just enjoyed my time with the people I care about the most. Having fun, and being Happy.

It just sucks, knowing that in a couple of days, you're leaving it all behind. But it's for the best. I just need to keep on telling myself that. I'm helping them out more by leaving them, in a more permanent way.

It's how it was supposed to go... I was supposed to protect them and care for them. Then when they're strong enough I would leave. It's what God had intended.

It was the plan all along.

A/N: Hey! So it's currently half past 4 am where I live. And I'm regretting my life choices. I've been working on this chapter since 2:00 pm. I need your guy's feedback on something:

Should I do a sequel?

Or just leave it the way it will be?

Plz, I need answers. So just comment what you think. It really helps. And thanks for reading. Hope you have an amazing day, or hope you had an amazing day. Love y'all.

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