Part 16: My Angel

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A/N: Heyo! I'm not really sure what to say about this chapter, but the picture is my own drawing. BTW: That's my first ever drawing on computer, I know it fuckin sucks ass. Anywho, Hope you enjoy

Henry P.O.V

I woke up and jumped when I saw who was cuddling up beside me. Maverick... SHIT!

Belch must be worried sick, and if her mew boyfriend found out, he'd try and kick my ass. But miserably fail, considering it's me he would face... But whatever.

I tried to get up without waking her, and put a pillow in place of me. I went to the bathroom, and turned on the shower. 'Nice Hot Shower Will Be Good' I thought to myself. I went back to my room and grabbed my clothes for the day, and noticed that Maverick was waking up. "Uh, what time is it?" She yawned and stretched out. "Its uh... 10:30. Why?" I finished grabbing my clothes and looked at her. "I was just wondering. And could I possibly... join you in the shower?" She was blushing a bit and I chocked on air and stiffened up.

"What?... You... want to join me... in the shower?" She nodded and looked down. I sighed and looked away and spat "Your boyfriend won't like it. So you can just wait your turn." I spun around and went to walk out. "Henry Wait!" I turned back towards her with an annoyed look on my face. "What is it?" She got up and grabbed both my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "I don't have a boyfriend. Why do you keep saying that?" I just stared back and sighed "Your fucking hickey says otherwise. Now I'm going to go shower." I shot her a look that I didn't want to be bothered again, and left.

I got in the shower and immediately start singing while washing my hair/body.

"I turn my back and your messin' around. I'm not really jealous, don't like lookin' like a clown. I think of you every night and day. You took my heart, then took my pride away. I hate myself for loving you. Can't break myself free from the things that you do. I want to walk, but keep running back to you, that's why. I hate myself for loving you. Daylight, spent the night without you But I've been dreamin' bout the lovin' that you do. I won't be as angry, bout the hell you put me through."

I stopped for a min, then continue with my shower for another 5 min.

~5 Min Later~

Got out of the shower, put my clothes on, dried my hair, brush my teeth, and then went down stairs to watch tv. "I heard you singing... who were you singing about?" I jumped and turned around to find Maverick at the table eating cereal. I scoffed "Glad you helped yourself to my food." She shook her head and continued eating. "You'll have to go layer on. I have plans, and you sure as hell aren't staying over later on."

I saw hurt flash across her eyes, but I needed to push her away from me. "A-alright." She got up and put her dishes in the sink. "I'll just go now then." She looked hurt, and her voice was laced with pain. 'Just need her to leave. You gotta push her away before you get too attached again.' I sighed and looked away because my eyes were welling up with tears. 'Fuck she noticed tears in my eyes. Abort Abort!' I was thinking to myself and not paying attention to what she was saying. "Henry, Henry." She was shaking my arm trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh what were you saying?" I shook my head and waited for her answer. "I was asking why it looks like you're about to cry." She gave me a worried/sympathetic look. I couldn't look in her eyes, so I looked away. "O-oh, it's nothing. But be careful getting home." She sighed slightly, "Right, going home." She looked hurt and was walking out. I looked away, and heard the door open. When I thought she left I just blurted out, "Ugh this hurts more than it should. You can't get attached again, you'll be the one to get hurt again." I dropped my head in my hands, and rubbed my face.

But what I hadn't realized, is that she heard me say that. "...Wh-what?" I looked up to see a confused look on Maverick's face and I my jaw dropped, "...Fuck..."

Maverick P.O.V

"What do you mean by that Henry?" I questioned moving towards him. He looked around avoiding my gaze, and just sighed. "I-i don't wanna see you go, but I also don't want you to stay. Cuz if you stay, I'm going to do something that could end up with me getting hurt... again." He walked to sit on the couch with his head in his hands.

I was so confused. "Wa-wait a second. How the fuck did you get hurt?" He looked up with pain in his eyes. I sat across from him, with my arms crossed over my chest. "When we first met, when you said you only wanted to be friends. When you called me a complete fuck up. When you said I shouldn't have came into your life. When you said I should go die and rot in hell. When you tried to apologize, but just said I should stop being a little bitch and grow the hell up. Before I went to Patrick's, and then after Patrick's. When I came to your house and saw more cuts on your arms. When you blamed me for some of them. When I saw you had a hickey. When you said 'At least I don't have daddy issues like you Bowers.' When you stayed over. When you asked how I would I be hurt." He was in tears, and he looked so broken.

I was in shock. It never occurred to me, that I have said all those things to him before. I never realized how much I've hurt him. "That's why you don't wanna get attached again. So you don't get hurt again. Isn't it?" He didn't answer, he just looked at the floor. I let my anger get the best of me, and possibly just made it worse. "ISN'T IT?"

He jumped, and started to cry again. I just realized what happened, and I just gasped. "Hen-henry, I am so sorry." He was shaking really badly, he was crying so much. I walked over to him, and pulled him into a hug. "I am so sorry for everything I've ever done. I am truly sorry." He was still crying, he didn't wrap his arms around me at all. He just sat there, crying.

And that's when I knew, I lost my angel.

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