Part Twelve: We Need a Break

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A/N: What's Up. This chapter is from 2 Perspectives. Pat tells Maverick what went down yesterday, and shit hits the fan. Enjoy!

Maverick P.O.V

Today was off to a great start. I put on my favourite yellow fluffy sweater, my ripped jeans and my doc martens. On the weekend, I removed the red hair dye, and dyed it back to my natural chocolate brown. I put my hair into a pony tail, took my meds, and drove with Belch and Vic to school.

I was having a smoke and playing a game of rock, paper, scissors in the back seat with Vic. "Gimme that, I need a smoke." I chuckled and handed him the cig. "Have you guys heard from Henry? We were supposed to hang yesterday." Belch shrugged and Vic sat there. "Patrick called me this morning and said that Henry came over shaken up yesterday. I don't know what happened, but he refused to talk to me about it." I shrugged, "Thanks Vic, did he say anything else?" He scratched his head and then nodded. "He said he needed to find you and tell you something important. He said it was urgent." He shrugged and continued smoking. "Alright. I'll find him at lunch."

~Lunch Time~
Patrick P.O.V

I caught up to Maverick in the hallway and pulled her aside, "Hey Mav, can we talk somewhere in private?" I looked around then looked back at her. She nodded and we went outside round the back.

"So Pat, Vic told me that you had to tell me something. He told me that you said it was important." I sighed and looked away, "Ya... it is. It's about Henry." She looked confused. "He came over yesterday shaken up, he killed his dad, but it was in self defence." She gasped and looked worried.

"He's fine, but afterwards, after he calmed down. He started to get handsy. 'I want you. I want you to make me feel good'. I pushed him off and said 'No, you have a girlfriend. And I would never do that to Maverick.' He kept trying to get me to hook up with him, and he said 'She doesn't have to know.' I kicked him out." Tears streaming down her face, so I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm really sorry, I would never do that to you, and I wouldn't ever think about it." She pulled me in closer and started to cry more. "Shhh, shhhh. No need to cry. You are stronger than this. I think that he was just in shock, and wasn't thinking straight." She looked up at me, "I need to find him." And like that, she walked off.

Maverick P.O.V

I went back into the school and found him talking with some other girls. I was livid, I walked over and pushed him into a locker. "WHAT THE HELL HENRY!" Patrick, Belch, and Vic came up behind me. Belch and Vic looked confused, but Pat looked hurt. "Patrick told me about yesterday. Then today, I find you flirting with girls. When we are together, like you know... A FUCKING COUPLE." He looked confused, "What do you mean about 'Yesterday'? Nothing happened. Calm the fuck down bitch." I punched him in the nose and watched it start to bleed. "WHAT THE HELL!"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "You know what happened yesterday. You were going to try and get with Patrick, knowing god damn well that we are dating." I started to cry. "Then you act like nothing happened, and started flirting with other girls. Then called me a bitch and told me to calm down." I was getting more angry. "THANK GOD PATRICK ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME AND STOPPED IT! HE WOULD NEVER DO WHAT YOU DID! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED!" I screamed out in pain and cried. "Henry Bowers, we need a break. Don't you dare fucking talk to me. Don't touch me, don't do anything to me. Just get the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!" I started to back away.

Belch pushed him back in the locker and punched him. "I TOLD YOU IF YOU HURT HER I WILL FUCKING OBLITERATE YOU! YOU KNOW HOW BROKEN SHE IS! AND YOU JUST SHATTERED HER HEART!" Vic and Patrick grabbed Belch and held him back. Henry had tears streaming down his cheeks and clenching his stomach. "You don't deserve Maverick." Vic spat, staring daggers at Henry. Patrick just shook his head and grabbed my shoulder, "Let's get you out of here. I'll bring you back home." I was still crying and he wrapped his arm around me, we walked out.

~In Maverick's Room~

I sat on my bed crying. Belch was pacing back and forth at the foot of my bed. Vic and Patrick on either side of me hugging me. I was a sobbing mess. Patrick looked betrayed, he was silent. Just hugging me and staring into space. Vic was saying stuff to help me calm down. It started to work and I slowly stopped crying. Belch was mumbling stuff and looked like he might murder someone.

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