Part 20: Awakening

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A/N: What is up you special humans, I am currently dying inside some more. I just wanna cry. But one special thing: WE HAVE OVER 600 READS! What did I do to deserve this? Thank you so much people, I can't even describe how awesome this is.

Maverick P.O.V

It's been two days, and Henry still hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said it would take this long, so I decided to be there for when he wakes up. Yup, I am currently sitting beside his bed at 7:45 am. A cup of tea, and running on 2 hours of sleep. These past couple of days, I have only had 4 hours of sleep in total. I am way too worried about Henry.

I was sitting there, just staring into space, when the nurse came in to check on him, scaring me. I heard her, and jumped. "Fuck sakes!" I chuckled, and she gave me a sympathetic look. "Sorry sweetie, just came to check on him. I nodded, "So he might wake up today?" The nurse checked her clipboard then looked back up at me. "Yes, Dr. Stevenson said he should be waking up today. He is showing signs pf more brain activity, meaning that he is slowly regaining consciousness." I nodded, "Thanks Ms. Melody." I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "No problem sweetheart, now get some rest, he should wake up in a couple of hours." I nodded again.

I turned back to Henry and squeezed his hand lightly. "You better wake up today Bowers. I miss your voice, your sense of humour, your beautiful aquamarine eyes... just you in general." I kissed his cheek, and laid in the chair, starting to fall asleep.

Henry P.O.V

The time I've been here, I've been dreaming of my times with all my friends, and Maverick. All the happy memories I have shared with them these last 5 years. I was snapped put of it, when I heard Maverick and the nurse.

They were talking for a little bit, but then I heard the clicking of heels slowly fade away. I felt my hand being squeezed, and immediately knew it was Maverick. "You better wake up today Bowers. I miss your voice, your sense of humour, your beautiful aquamarine eyes... just you in general." She kissed my cheek, and I felt happy.

I needed to wake up, I needed to be with her again. I need Maverick, like I need air. That's really cheesy, but it's true.

~4 hours later~

Bright light caused me to squeeze my eyes tight shut. I finally opened my eyes again, and saw that I was in the hospital room. I looked around, and saw Maverick curled up in the chair, asleep. Looking cute as ever. She still had her hand in mine, and I gave it a small squeeze. I had a smile on my face, and I knew that she would too.

Maverick P.O.V

I fell asleep in the chair, and I finally got some good sleep. I woke up to my hand being squeezed, and looked up to see Henry with a smile on his face. I gasped, tears streaming down my face. I grinned, and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, and I heard him sniffle. I was still crying, and pulled back. "You're finally awake! Thank god!" He smiled at me, "How long was I out for?" His voice sounded a bit taught and scratchy. "For three days, three painfully slow days." He nodded, then studied my face. He frowned a bit, "How much sleep did you get?" I looked away and chuckled. "About 8 hours altogether. 2 the first night, 2 last night, then a 4 hour nap." He shook his head, "Why? Sleep is important." I sighed, "You honestly think I could sleep, while you being in the hospital and recovering after a life threatening car accident?" He chuckled, "True, but I'm ok. Just in a bit of pain, and it hurts to breath." I gave him a sympathetic look and nodded.

The nurse walked in and smiled, "Mr. Bowers, you are finally awake!" She gave him some pain medicine, and adjusted his IV. "Thanks Ms. Melody." She nodded, "There will be pain for the next couple of weeks, and I highly recommend you not to do too much physical activities." Henry nodded and frowned a bit. "Alright, I'll just make everyone my butler, and have them cater to my every need." We all laughed. "I have to go check on other patients, but call me if you need anything." We both nodded.

I turned back to him and smiled. "You mister are lucky that you're hurt. Or I'd beat the shit outta you for scaring me like that! You coulda died!" He chuckled, "You know I'd do anything to protect you Ricky. When I saw the car speeding towards you... I didn't even think twice about pushing you outta the way." I nodded, "Thank you for that, and just know that I'd do the same thing. I love you Henry." He smiled, "I love you to Maverick." He shifted more to the side, and patted next to himself. I got in the bed next to him, and snuggled up to him. "We should get some rest, it's like quarter to 1. We have about 3 hours before the boys stop by." Henry nodded and kissed the top of my head. We laid back down, both drifting into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Yo! I know this is a tiny bit shorter than my other chapters. But I wanted to just have him waking up in one chapter by itself, if that makes sense. The next one will be the regular length that I usually do. Thanks so much for reading and stay awesome. PEACE!

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