Part 13: Um...Hey

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A/N: There is no Authors Note

Belch P.O.V

I woke up to Maverick shaking me. "Belch, Belch, Belch. Wake up. We are gonna be late." I groaned and covered my face with my pillow. "I thought you would wanna skip today. So...". She chuckled and slapped my shoulder. "Why would I do that. Now get up. Or I'm driving myself to school."

Ugh. "I thought you would wanna skip because of what happened yesterday. And if you drive my car, I will murder you." I heard the jingle of keys and she ran out of my room laughing. "Maverick!" I got up, put on some clean clothes and ran after her.

I chased her and got in the car. "Why would I skip because of Henry. It's not that big of a deal." I sighed, "I know you Maverick May. I know it affected you the most. I know it's eating you up." Her grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I am fine Reginald. I swear. And it doesn't bug me that much. Besides, it doesn't matter anyways." I put a hand on her shoulder "If you say you're fine, I trust you. But if you wanna talk... I'm here."

"Thanks Reggie. And I'm fine. I promise." She pulled her sleeves back down to her wrists and we drove in silence.

~At School~
Maverick P.O.V

I walked through the halls with my best friend Beverley. We just talked the entire time and shared a couple of laughs.

Through out the day Belch would check up on me, and see how I was. I would reassure him that I'm fine. Even though I wasn't.

~At the end of school~

"Hey Maverick!" I felt arms wrap around me and I jumped. Then realizing it was Patrick, I cuddled up to him. "Hey Pat! How are you?" I felt him shrug, "Eh. I'm alright. How are you?" I chuckled. "I'm good. Wanna go swimming in the Quarry with me? Belch couldn't. Vic has a family thing going on. And Bev is hanging with the Losers." He thought for a moment and then nodded.

We walked there. Just talking about life and other stuff.

As soon as we got there, I stripped to my bra and boy shorts, and Patrick stripped down to his boxers.

I ran and flipped off of the cliff and he laughed. Splashing into the cold water was exhilarating. Patrick then jumped off and joined me below.

He turned to face me and pushed his raven hair out of his face. His cheeks laced with pink. I chuckled. I swam over to him and we had a splash war.

Hanging with him was fun. He is such an amazing person.

We got out after a while and dried off. We were laying on our towel and I cuddled up to him. I could feel his heart beating rapidly and I was tracing circles over his chest and stomach. "Um... Hey Pat." He was playing with my hair. "What's up Ricky?" I sat up and faced him. "Thanks for always being there for me. I don't think I would be here right now if it wasn't for you." I smiled at him and he pulled me into a tight hug. "Your welcome. And I always will be there for you." I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a while.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me and smiled. I reached up and rubbed my hand against his cheek. He put a hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back without hesitation. I pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss. He put a hand on my waist and used the other to run through my hair.

I sat on his lap and cupped his face. I started to grind on him, and smirked against his lips when he groaned. He pulled away panting and said breathlessly "You are so fucking sexy and amazing." I chuckled and run my hands across his chest. "You really think so?" He laughed. "I know so." I blushed and pulled him back into a kiss. He ran his hands across my body and I moaned into the kiss when he squeezed my butt.

He pulled away and started to plant kisses down my neck and sucked lightly on the skin. "Fuck" I said breathlessly. He sucked harder and left a hickey. I had my hands in his hair and tugged lightly. He came back up and licked his lips.

"I want you so badly." I chuckled, "You have me. I'm yours."

~20 Min Later~

I cuddled back up to Patrick, both of us catching our breath. "God that was amazing." I laughed. "I never knew you were that good to be honest." I knew he was smirking. "Well I have had some practice before." I shook my head with a smile on my face. "Same here. But you are better." He laughed, then kissed the top of my head.

"What does this make us?" I questioned. He thought for a moment. "I don't think it needs a label. We are what we are. I don't feel the need for labels like that." I agreed.

We got up and put our clothes back on, I lit a cigarette and took a long drag. I blew the smoke out of my nose and Patrick chuckled. "What are you laughing at Hockstetter?" He still chuckled "You are so beautiful, and you look like an angry bull when you do that." I laughed at his statement. "We should get back, the sun is starting to set." He looked at the sky. "Ya, I'll walk you back home."

~A long walk later~

I kissed him on the cheek "Thanks Patrick." He smiled at me. And walked off.

I walked in and saw Belch asleep at the table laying his head on his text book. "You moron" I thought to myself and made my way over to him and woke him up. "I think a bed is more comfortable than a fucking book." He looked confused for a min. "Oh, ok." He got up and went upstairs.

I laughed to myself and went upstairs too. I made my way to my room and changed into my pjs and crawled in bed. My thoughts lingering on mine and Patrick's hookup in the Quarry and I felt a smile creep up on my face.

I laid there waiting for sleep to take over, and after ten min I fell asleep.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! Peace.

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