Part Five: Bar Fights

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A/N: This chapter, Bowers and all his friends some how get into a bar and meet a really nice guy. But Maverick gets into a bar fight. Cuz Why Not?

Belch P.O.V

Don't ask me how we did it, but we did. We got into a local bar, and just having a good time. Then this darker guy offers to buy us drinks, and introduces himself. "Howdy! My names Aaron." I just shrugged "Reggie, but people call me Belch." I pointed at my sister, "Maverick," then at Henry "Henry," at Pat "Patrick," then at Vic, "Victor," he smiled and handed us our drinks that we ordered. "Glass of whiskey..." Handed that to Ricky. "Three beers..." To Vic, Henry, and I. "And rum and coke..." straight to Patrick.

We talked a while with this Aaron guy, and he seemed pretty cool. He was a lawyer, and he was damn good at his job. He said he worked alongside this funny talkative guy named Alexander.

Maverick P.O.V

I was intrigued by Aaron, his life seemed fascinating. But there was this guy sitting next to me that grabbed my ass, and pushed me. I screamed in his face "PUT YOUR FILTHY LITTLE PAWS ON ME ONE MORE TIME... AND I WILL FUCKING WREVK YOU!" I looked him straight in the eyes and whispered the last part in his ear "I will fucking obliterate you so bad. That the police will find you in tiny bits, and have to put you back together like a god damn jigsaw puzzle." I pulled back and noticed his eyes got wide. I took a drag from my cigarette and chuckled. "Y-yes Ma'am... you won't b-be bot-bothered ag-again." I laughed, but the girl he was with didn't like that.

She walked over to me and poured my whiskey all over me. I was seething. I cracked all my knuckles. Got up and towered over her. The girl was only like 4.11, with me at a whopping 5.7. I punched her square in the nose, which bled like a red firework. She gasped and tried to grab my hair. This bitch has no fighting experience at all!

Belch, Vic, Pat, and Henry all tried to hold me back, but it was no fucking use. I beat the ever loving shit outta her. After I stopped using her as a human punching bag, I calmed down, said thanks to Aaron and the guys and strutted out.

Henry P.O.V

During the brawl, Ricky had look like a angel. I laughed my ass off along with the guys for the most part, then we heard a crack. Then trying to get Maverick off of the dumb bitch. After she finished her little temper tantrum, cleaned her self up. Then spat on the chick, said goodbyes to all of us, and thanked Aaron. After that she just strutted off, her butt just jiggling the right amount. Oh god her body was not meant for her age, C cup boobs, jiggly but firm butt, a 6 pack, and muscles of steel! She trains (weight lifts, runs, all that bull shit. She's also a fighter.) She's just downright gorgeous.

I felt bad for the dumb bitch that messed with her. All of us laughed our asses off afterwards. Her boy toy helped her up, gave us a dirty look. I pretended like I was going to hit him and he flinched like the pussy he is.

We left the bar shortly after, and went back to Belch's.

We were all sitting in his backyard when I saw Ricky through the window of her work out room. Punching a punching bag, wearing a sports bra and black shorts. "I'll be back, I gotta take a piss." I got up and went inside, to the workout room and stood in the doorway watching her workout. "Hey Bowers, how goes it." She asked nonchalantly lifting 60 pound dumbbells.  I chuckled "That fight was fucking funny. You should of seen them afterwards." She laughed, and stopped what she was doing, grabbed her small towel and wiped her forehead. "Well, I would love to stay and chat. But I smell awful, am hot and flustered. So I'm going to take a shower." She kissed me on the cheek and went to the bathroom.

~20 Min Later~

She came outside with us, wearing a neon green bra and a white crop top, with blue jean shorts. Her doc martens, and a bandana tied around her left wrist. Hair in a perfect messy bun, and no makeup. "Sup Sausage Party, I'm going to go get some food from the diner, who's in?" We all raised our hand and she chuckled. She looked me right in the eye and said "I'm getting the fucking bill. Any of you shit heads try to object, and you will be 6 feet under ground." She looked at all of us and we all agreed, she giggled and motioned us all to walk there.

Once we were sat down at the table, and started to eat, Beverly Marsh came in.

Maverick P.O.V

I saw my best friend walk in and I immediately climbed up and over Henry who blushed, as I basically straddled him to get over him. I went to see her and we talked for 5 min, before she left to go hang with the Losers. I went back to table and turned livid when someone ate my food. I grabbed a knife and pointed at all of them, "WHO THE FUCK ATE MY GOD DAMN FOOD?!?" They all looked scared and then pointed at Patrick who was smirking. I stabbed knife an inch away from his hand, and he yelped. "That's what I thought." I went to go get the bill, then we all left.

We stopped at the park and was playing on the round-a-bout. Belch and I were spinning it as fast as we could. After it came to a stop, the boys looked like they were all about to puke. Belch and I laughed our asses off.

After fucking around some more, we all went back to our place just to chill.

Henry and I just layin in my bed. Vic, Pat, and Belch all fell asleep on the pullout couch while watching E.T. Henry and I were talking, I looked up at him and pulled him into a passionate kiss, I sat on top of him. He bit my bottom lip causing me to part my lips, he then started involving his tongue and our tongues were fighting for dominance. I moaned quietly when he pulled me in as close as possible. He smirked against my lips and went back to kissing me. Things started to heat up, and I pulled off his shirt, starting to explore his body with my hands. He had one hand on my face, and the other on my waist. We both pulled away gasping for breath, I smirked and his cheeks turned pink. I started to blush as well when I realized that I was still straddling him. I got off of him, and just laid back down, cuddling up against him.

A/N: Hello!! I know, that make out session was a bit steamy, I promise you this, that's not as steamy as it will get. I may write smut, may not though. Depends on how I make the story. Thanks for reading!

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