Authors Note

221 3 0

A/N: Yo! What is up humans? I was just checking my notifications, and someone favourited last chapter (thanks for that btw :D)

And I checked how many reads for each chapter, AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT! 101 reads on the first chapter. I'm dead.

Thank you so much for the readers who keep on reading this shitty story. Like, it means so much. You have no clue, how awesome it is to see that many people have read this story so far.

This is such a great community here on Wattpad, and people are so supportive, I was reading some of the comments on other peoples stories, and some of them were so nice.

I believe that, that is how some strangers turn to friends, then become so close.

I'm done my rant (for now). And I'll possibly update later on this week. And I will also update my other story. And possibly start a Sabriel fic. (From supernatural)

Love you guys, thanks so much.


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