Part 24: This is Goodbye

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A/N: This is the last chapter! Omg I'm gonna cry (more than I already was earlier) I have it all planned out, and there will be no epilogue. Cuz I'm currently really busy (reading fanfiction is all I'm doing). So... ya. I hope you enjoyed this story. Trigger Warning btw. This one is twice as long hehe.

Henry P.O.V

It's been one hell of a ride, ride as in life. I've had one shit storm of a life, and right now was the eye of the hurricane. My life has always been a hurricane, but right now, it's in the eye of the hurricane. It's only a matter of time before it goes back to shit (I'm definitely foreshadowing rn). I was at my old house, writing my favourite memories with everyone. All the best times we shared. I had a separate book for Maverick, and only one page was written on with five words, "All The Time We've Shared." They are my little gift to them for being in my life, and trying to make it less shitty.

I was going to see them all later on, and make sure that the last thing I say to them matters. I want to thank them for being there for me, and tell them that I love them. I'm going to try and not cry, or they will be hella suspicious. But, I'm not gonna be surprised if I do. I mean, they mean the world to me, and my world is soon ending.

I just hope they understand why I'm doing this... I hope they can forgive me... I can only hope.

~Hanging out at the Huggin's Residence~

We all sat outside sharing laughs. "Hey Hen, what's wrong?" I looked up at Vic, "Oh I'm fine man. I'm ok." I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

We kept on talking until it got late. I got up, and they all got up as well. "I just wanna thank you all for being here for me." I paused taking a deep breath.  "You don't know how much it means to me.. or how much you guys mean to me." I looked at them all, and tears formed in my eyes. Silently scolding myself, but I kept on going.  "I seriously wouldn't be here today of it wasn't for any of you. And I thank you for that. You've made the shittier times better, and you help me through everything. You've stuck with me through everything... and I don't deserve you guys." Tears slid down my cheeks, and I smiled. "I just want you guys to know that I love you." I wiped my tears away, and went up and hugged everyone. They all hugged back. When I got to Maverick, I still hugged her and told her some important things. "I need you to promise me to be strong, to fight through it. I need you to know that I love you more than anything in the world. And when you are feeling down, look up at the sky and remember that I will always be there for you." I held her tightly and held back tears.

She hugged me a bit tighter. "I promise Henry, I promise." I pulled away and smiled. I went back to my original spot, and pulled out the books. I set the one for all of them, and set it in the middle of us. "This is a book with all of my favourite memories we shared together. I handed Maverick the other book, "This is our memory book." I turned back to the group, "But don't read it yet, wait a bit." They nodded. "Henry, I want you to know that I love you too. But whats this all for?" I looked at Patrick, "I don't really tell you guys this mushy stuff, I just wanted to know. Incase I can't later on." He nodded.

I cleared my throat, and felt tears burn my eyes once again. "I just hope you forgive me for all the wrongs I caused and will cause you. Maybe you'll understand one day as to why I did this. And you'll forgive me. I hope so, but if you can't I understand," I looked for their reactions, and they all looked confused. "I forgive you, but is there something else wrong?  Are you ok?" I smiled at Belch, and nodded. "No, nothings wrong. And I'm actually doing really good." I wiped my eyes and hugged them quickly one last time. "I guess this is goodbye." And with that, I left for my old house.

~At the Bowers' Residence~

I sat in my old room, writing my last letter.

To Whoever Finds This,

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