Part Three: Date Night

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Edited: March 5th, 2021

Maverick P.O.V

Three weeks has gone by, and Henry and I have been doing amazingly. Belch was happy for us, but still remained cautious, he just didn't want anything bad to happen to us. When Vic found out we started dating, he was over the moon, he was so happy for us. But Patrick, he was acting different.

I noticed that he became more distant, more than usual. He would often space out a lot and he would snap at us, I was worried. But tonight I had to put the worrying aside, as Henry and I were going on our first date.

I am so nervous, yet so excited, and happy at the same time. I put a lot of thought into my outfit, skull skirt, fishnet tights, and white tank top. I of course am wearing my tall Doc Martens and a black leather jacket. And holy shit, I curled my hair, did my makeup really nice, and wore my best jewellery.

Let's just say that I went all out for this date, but the nerves were getting to me and I thought I was going to puke, in a good way. I sat around and waited for another ten minutes before I heard a knock at the door right at 5 pm.

Behind the door stood Henry Bowers, he looked amazing, dressed in black jeans, nice button up shirt with some of the buttons near the collar undone and sleeves rolled up. When he saw me, he smiled. I giggled a little and kissed him on the cheek, "Hey baby." As I yelled bye to Belch we made our way to the movie theatre to see Nightmare On Elm Street 4.

Henry P.O.V

After the movie Maverick and I went to the local diner, we ate a really fucking burger and fries meal. It took about 10 minutes of arguing with Maverick to let me get the bill, she whined about how I payed for everything so far. I sighed, "Maverick-May, stop whining like a little bitch and insisting that you have to pay me back." She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, she knows that they always get me.

I sighed in frustration, "Stop looking at me like that..." Maverick giggled a little, "I wanna repay you." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and brought me in a tight hug, I held her, "Besides, I wanted to pay... You agreeing to go on a date is enough. Okay?" She looked back at me, "Fine." I pressed a quick kiss to her lips as a thank you and we left the diner.

As we were walking, Maverick looked at her watch and gasped, "Henry it's past curfew!" I cursed under my breath, "Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." I grinned at her while she flushed a bright red.

~Ten Minutes Later~

I walked Maverick the door, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a slow kiss. I grabbed her hips, bringing her closer to me, "I had a lot of fun tonight Maverick, thank you for a wonderful night." She grinned, "I had fun too, you truly are the sweetest person." I blushed a little at her comment and pecked her cheek, "See you at school tomorrow babe."

I walked back to the hell hole that is unfortunately my home, quietly sneaking around as my father was passed out on the couch in the living room. The only thing going through my mind was how awesome our date was.

~The Next Morning~

This morning wasn't starting out the greatest, I woke up to my dad banging on the door screaming, "YOU BETTER WAKE UP NOW BEFORE I HAVE TO GO IN THERE AND WAKE YOU UP MYSELF BOY!" I flinched away from the direction of the door, I fucking hate him. I got dressed and ready for school and I heard a car honk from outside, thank god Belch was here to pick me up.

The Trans-Am parked on the side of the road was my getaway. But Maverick wasn't there, I was sad. "Hey Belch, where is Ricky?" Belch chuckled, "You miss her that much, are we not enough?" Patrick playfully whimpered in the back while Vic wiped a fake tear away. I hit Belch, "Come on you guys know you are my best friends. But seriously, where is Ricky?"

Belch turned down the music, "She's at home sick today-She woke up sick to her stomach and was puking everywhere. It was honestly very fucking disgusting." I laughed a little, "Whatever, let's just get to school."

A/N: Hi Hi! Sorry for wait, it's been literal hell, and I haven't slept in 6 days. But I hope this will suffice.

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