Part 15: Apologies and Acceptance

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A/N: Hey, so this is angsty then fluffy. Hope you enjoy

Maverick P.O.V

I was so confused by what Henry had meant by "I don't think your new boyfriend would be pleased if he found out I was here"... I don't have a new boyfriend.

I looked in the mirror and it hit me... I have a hickey from my time with Patrick in the quarry. Ugh. Now Henry thinks I'm with someone else. "For Fucks Sake!!" I slammed my fists against the counter and sighed. "Ugh why am I so stupid!!"

I went to my room and kicked my dresser. I screamed and just collapsed on my bed. I was laying there for what felt like hours and finally checked the clock 9:57 pm. It's only been like 10 min.

After about an hour, I drifted into an uneasy sleep.

~The Next Morning~
Henry P.O.V

I woke up to the phone ringing. I got up, and checked the time 9:32 am. "Eh. I'm just gonna fucking skip today" I said to myself and let out a chuckle.

I let the phone ring and ring. Didn't answer it. Knowing damn well that it's the school "Hello, this is blah blah blah. Calling to check if Henry is coming to school today." I mocked the secretary's voice "Dumb Bitch. If I'm not there. Why would I go afterwards?"

I then realize I was extremely moody and was talking to myself.

I went to the kitchen and made myself some pancakes and scrambled eggs. I just ate contently alone. After I finished my breakfast I cleaned my dishes and went back upstairs to shower.

I turned on the water and let the warm water run down my body. I surprisingly started singing Willie Nelson.

"Maybe I didn't love you, quite as often as I could have. Maybe I didn't treat you, quite as good as I should have. If I made you feel second best, girl I'm sorry I was blind. You were always on my mind."

I stopped singing and continued to wash my hair. "You still are" I said quietly. I rinsed off and got out.

~A two hour nap later~

"Ugh I don't wanna do anything" I stretched out and sat up. "I should go see Belch today. I should apologize to him."

I got up and put on some clean clothes and walked to Belch's house. 'They should be outta school by now' I thought. I walked up the drive and knocked on the door.

"What do you want Bowers?" I looked up and Belch looked annoyed. "I-I wanted to t-talk to y-y-you" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "You sound like fucking Bill Denbourgh".

I chuckled lightly but looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please Reg? I wanna try and make things better with you." I heard shuffling from behind him and saw someone I didn't want to see. "Oh, it's Henry... Uh... Hi." I awkwardly shifted from feet to feet and just waved at her. My face was full of discomfort. "I-if you d-don't wanna talk. I-it's fine. I g-guess I'll be leaving now." I turned to walk away but felt a pair of big hands grab my arms. "Hen... It's fine. We can go to the diner to talk. I'm fucking hungry." And right on cue his stomach growled. We both stifled a laugh and made our way to the diner.

I didn't eat much and felt sick. "I'm sorry for everything I've done." I looked down at my plate of food and just sighed. "Henry, I know. And I'm sorta sorry for punching you." I looked up at him and he frowned. "I didn't know what had happened before it all, and I lost my temper because of how hurt Maverick was."

"It's ok. She's your sister, and she's been through so much already. She doesn't need me to add to that pile. So that's why I am leaving for a bit." He chocked on his food and looked at me wide eyed. "W-what? You're leaving!?!" I sighed. "Maybe for a couple of weeks. I can't stay in this town forever. It's gonna kill me. So many bad memories." I shook my head not allowing the tears to fall. "I will be back though. I'm not leaving forever. Maybe like 2 or 3 weeks to clear my head and deal with everything."

Belch looked like he was gonna cry. "Y-you can't leave us Hen... We need you here." He sighed and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Is there any way to make you change your mind?" I looked down and thought. "I could just move out of that hell hole of a house. I don't know where to go though." Belch looked up and smiled. "You could stay at my place. While your house is up." I thought for a moment and nodded. Sounds like a plan.

~Back at the Huggins' Residence~

I came back with Belch, and we hung outside and just talked. A while later, Maverick came out and joined us. She looked adorable. Naturally curly hair half up half down, her freckles were more noticeable. She had no makeup on. "I uh... gotta pee. I'll be back" I got up and went inside. I went upstairs and entered the bathroom. Standing against the wall with my hands covering my face, I let out a deep sigh. "I don't wanna deal with her today!" I splashed some cold water on my face and looked in the mirror. "Henry, what are you going to do with yourself? What are you going to do with the house? What are you going to do with your life?" I went pee, washed my hands and made my way back to the siblings outside.

They were arguing over Guns N Roses. "Guns N Roses sucks ass!" "Bitch you better take that back!" "Make me shit head!" "I will fuck you up asshat!" I started laughing at the two. "Are you guys seriously fighting over a fucking rock band?" I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Ya we are actually." I took a long drag of my cig and chuckled. "That's such a stupid thing to fight over. You are so fucking childish." She looked at me annoyed and then fired back the most hurtful thing ever. "At least I don't have daddy issues like you Bowers!"

My face feel, and tears started streaming down my face. "B-belch, I'm gonna go, I don't think I can stay here." Her hand covered her mouth as soon as tears rolled down my cheeks. "H-henry I d-didn't mean that! I am so sorry." She tried to put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched away. "I-I'm gonna go. I'll see you around Belch."

I walked towards the fence gate and just left. Tears still streaming down my cheeks. I heard someone running after me and I didn't turn around. "Henry! I am so sorry!" She caught up to me and wrapped me into a tight hug. I stood still for a moment, then pushed her away. "Don't talk to me. Just leave me alone Maverick. I-I just want to be alone." I started to walk away, but she still followed me. "Henry, look at me." She grabbed my shoulder, but I instinctively turned and slapped her hand away. I started to tear up again, processing what just happened.

She pulled me into another hug, and rubbed my back. I silently cried and buried my head into her neck. Breathing in a familiar sent.

~Flashback Start~
Our first date, I walked up to her house, and knocked on the door.
She answered with a smile on her face and she kissed me on the cheek. I breathed in her cologne and felt at peace.
~Flashback End~

I started to cry more, realizing those days of us two together are gone. "Shhhh, it's ok Henry. I'm so sorry." She pulled away and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's get you home." I nodded, trying to calm down. We walked to my house in silence.

~10 min later~

We walked in, and I immediately laid down on the couch. She came and joined me. Just me laying with my head in her lap, and Maverick softly stroking my hair. I started to calm down and fell asleep.

She woke me up after a while, and we both laid in my bed. She rested her head on my chest listening to my heart beat, which was beating rapidly because she was laying on me like that. She fell asleep, and I just stayed there peacefully falling asleep. Which is something I haven't done in a long time.

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed this one. I spent longer on this one, because I wanted it to be perfect. Just the right amount of angst if I do say so myself......... PEACE

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