Part 18: I'm Sorry

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A/N: Heyo! I don't really know what to say for this chapter.

~The Next Day~ (First Period)
Patrick P.O.V

Henry and I were out smoking. We were skipping class, and he was apologizing for everything. And we were back to being the best of friends.

"I'm not gonna lie... It feels good to have you back in my life. It's been a pretty quiet week without you Hen." I smiled as he chuckled. He took a long drag of his cig, and looked at the ground. "I really am sorry. And I know there was a lil somin somin between you and Maverick for a bit."

He looked back up at me and my eyes went wide. "W-what?" He chuckled, "Pat... it's fine. We weren't together. And I know you really like her. And I'm sorry. For taking her away from you the first time. Then hurting her. Now taking her back... I truly am." He looked away and smoked the rest of his cigarette before extinguishing it.

I gave him a reassuring look. "I forgive you Henry. And I'm ok with it. You make her happy, you know how she feels, you know what it's like to go through tough shit." I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

We heard a squeak and Henry looked down at his feet hearing where the squeak came from, and screamed at the sight of a rat and jumped on my waist. His legs instinctively wrapped around me. He looked back at me, blushing instantly. I blushed as well at how close he was, and how he was positioned. He half smiled at me, and crashed his lips down onto mine.

Henry P.O.V

His eyes were wide, but then just melted into the kiss. One hand rested on my neck, the other one keeping me up. I ran my hands in his hair and pulled away. We were both catching our breath. "What was that Bowers?" He chuckled and I smiled ear to ear. "I'm sorry, heat of the moment." He started to smile as well, he was blushing, I think I was also. "No no, it's ok. I liked it. It was nice." I felt my face heat up. "O-ok. Me too."

I got off of him and chuckled. "Wow, I thought I might not like that kiss as much as I do. If that makes any sense." He nodded, "No I understand. I feel the same way too." I smiled at him, "I would happily do that again" I said shyly and looked down.

He chuckled and lifted up my face. He smiled at me and started leaning down. I closed the gap between us and kissed him again. He pulled me in closer and I put a hand on his cheek.

We both pulled away, blushing and grinning. I laughed, and looked away. "Welp, Henry, I gotta get to 2nd period." I nodded, "Alright, I'll see ya later."

~After School~
Patrick P.O.V
"Today was a good day!" I went upstairs to my room and laid down on my bed with a smile on my face. Just thinking about Henry. 'Man, I better not start liking him. He's with Maverick.'

Henry P.O.V

"Hey Hen..." I turned to face Maverick. "Ya what's up babe?" She smirked, "What was the deal with you and Patrick at lunch? You'd both look at each other and smile and blush." I went wide eyed, and then shook my head. "O-oh... just... an inside joke we made during our smoke break." She laughed, "Alright." She turned to look at me and smiled, "You two would be cute! But ya know, you have my gorgeous ass." I laughed, "I'd rather have you." She blushed.

"Uh hey, you wanna go to the diner? I'm fuckin hungry." She nodded. And we made our way to the diner. We walked and talked about school. "I will be dissecting a frog tomorrow. And I'm super excited!" I laughed, "It was fun. You should take pain meds before though. The smell will cause headaches. Trust me." She chuckled and nodded.

~At the diner~
We sat there and the girl handed us our food. "Here is your cheeseburger and fries." She put the plate down in front of Maverick. "Thank you" she smiled at the waitress. "And here are your chicken strips and fries." I nodded and smiled.

I gobbled down my food in like 5 min. "Damn your hungry. I barely made a dent in this fucking thing." I chuckled and nodded. "Want half of my burger?" She cut it in half and offered it. "Uh, yes please. If that's ok." She laughed. "Babe, If I didn't want you to have it. I wouldn't have offered. Plus, my stomach hurts." I nodded. "Thanks. And oh..." I reached in my pocket for the package of Ibuprofen that I always keep with me. "Need some?" I held up the package.

She nodded, "Yes please." I popped out two and handed them to her. "Thanks." I started eating the other half of the burger. And when I first bite into it. A slight moan came out. "Fuck this is amazing." Maverick laughed.

~After Eating At Maverick's House~
Maverick P.O.V
Henry, Belch, and I were just sitting around in the back yard talking. "I'm sorry, but did I just hear you correctly?" Belch laughed and nodded. "Ya, I actually got a good grade on my chemistry quiz!" I hugged Belch and giggled. "See! I knew you could do it!" He laughed.

A/N: Hello! I hope you liked this chapter. I just kinda bull shitted through it. Kinda gettin writers block. Ugh, whatever. PEACE!

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