Part 22: The Road So Far

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IA/N: Hey! So many people are reading this, and I'm crying rn. 826 PEOPLE! HOW? Why is this shitty story getting so many reads? I hope you like it though. In maybe 2 or 3 more chapters I might end it. Sad to say, but all things come to an end. And plus, I'm writing another story, and I already have most of it planned. So... yeah. Possible Trigger Warning btw

Maverick P.O.V

It's been almost a month since the accident, and everything is good. Henry's got his left shoulder in a brace, his leg is still in a cast. And his ribs are healing, but he says it still hurts, 'Well obviously it's gonna fuckin hurt! YOU GOT HIT BY A CAR!' He's doing better though, so that's all that matters.

He's been having more nightmares, and it's getting worse. Almost every single night, he wakes up crying, shaking, and gasping for breath. And it breaks my heart, just knowing how real they feel, and how vivid they are. He thinks I'm gonna leave him, he thinks his dad is back, he thinks everyone is gonna leave him and let him fend for him self. But in reality none of that stuff is true. They only way that you could get me to leave Henry, is to pry my cold dead hands off of him.

He is so insecure, and so full of anxiety (Ha ha SAME!) he doesn't see that he's surrounded by people that love him, and will look after him.

Because of this, he's been smoking more. And that's a problem, because that's severely unhealthy. I've been trying to get him to stop smoking so much, and it's kind of working. Ugh, he's starting to go into a downward spiral. But he's trying to get better. That's all I could ask for.

We were getting ready for his next doctors appointment, which is where he is getting his ribs checked. "Hey Mav, can we go get Ice Cream afterwards?" I chuckled, "Sure, this time to frog catching." He laughed although something flashed in his eyes. I didn't think much of it.

He sighed, "Baby What's wrong?" He looked up at me and forced a smile, "Oh it's nothing. I'm fine." I bitchfaced him, "I know you're lying. Just tell me what's wrong." He sighed, "I just want to get better. People have to do most things for me. And I'm feeling pretty useless. But the doctor says I'm doing well. So I could get out of this funk soon. I promise baby." I pulled him into a hug, "You are not useless ok? I don't wanna hear you say that again." He nodded and kissed my forehead, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too" I pulled him into a kiss, and I could feel him smile into a kiss.

He pulled away and put his forehead on mine, "What did I do to deserve you?" I chuckled, "I ask myself the same thing about you." He pecked my lips, "We should go now." I nodded.

~At the doctors~
Henry P.O.V

I had to take off my shirt, and I was kind of nervous. I had some problems with the cast and the bandaging, and it hurts to move my arm. So I was in pain. "Alright Henry, your ribs are healing well, but it will still hurt for a while." I nodded, "I was expecting that." I sighed.

Maverick squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back, "So when do I get the casts off?" The doctor checked his papers, "Healing is going good so far, and I'd say at least another two weeks. The damage was pretty bad, and we just want to keep it on a little longer to ensure the bones fully heal." I nodded again. "So I will see you again in two weeks. The nurse will schedule your next appointment." I checked the time, "It's half past noon, wanna get ice cream now Ricky?" She nodded, and we left.

~Ice Cream Parlour~

We sat down at a table, eating our Ice Cream. I looked out the window, at the other kids running around, having fun. Just being kids... not worrying about anything... not affected by the cruel world that awaits them. My eyes filled with tears, but I don't know why. I've been holding back tears for so long, and just seeing that, was the spark that lit the fire. The spark that caused everything to combust, and blow up. A fire that had so much kindling, and combustible items. Went up... and couldn't be put out.

I started to cry, like full on cry. But no sobs, just tears streaming down my face. IN THE ICE CREAM PARLOUR! "Awe Hen." Maverick went to my side, and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back, and trying to get me to calm down. "What's wrong Henry? Why are you crying?" I took a shaky breath, "Everyone, and everything. I-i just can't Maverick. I just can't d-do it anymore." She sighed, and pulled away. She put a hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away. "You Henry, are strong. You can, you can do this. It's just all getting to you at the moment. Just take a deep breath, and count to ten." I followed her instructions and started to calm down.

We left the ice cream parlour, and went to her house. Cuddled up on her bed, in silence. Thoughts going through my head, while I heard her breathing soften, and slow down. Meaning she fell asleep. She looked so peaceful, and a small smile spread across my face. But that quickly vanished when the thoughts came back.

I just can't drag her down with me. I will not let her life be slowed down because of me. She has such a bright future, meanwhile I don't. I can't let her give up the chances she gets, or the once in a life time opportunities. She doesn't need me in the way of her dreams, or her life. It will be better for the both of us. So she isn't stuck taking care of me, and she doesn't throw her potential down the drain. And so she isn't gonna be stuck with me on her back, keeping her from her being what she wants to be. She will be truly happy with someone else, and she will actually do big things with her life. This will be beneficial for her in the long run. Better for her in the grand scheme of things.

I know what I need to do. It's clear as day.

I kissed her head, "I love you Maverick." I fell into an uneasy sleep, full of sad dreams, and heart breaking truths.

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