Part Nine: Promise Me

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A/N: I was so tempted to make this chapter about Henry and Maverick just being cute, but my favourite character Patrick Hockstetter came into my mind. Enjoy!

Maverick P.O.V

I looked in the mirror at myself, and didn't like what I saw (story of my life). I was wearing a Metallica t shirt and blue denim overalls. I just didn't like it, so I changed into a black fluffy sweater and blue ripped denim jeans, with my hair into two braids. I was amazed at how long my hair is, the braids are down to my belly button!

I slipped on my doc martens, and I made my way to Patrick's house to hang out, and I couldn't stop worrying about him. I mean sure, he was always kind if distant. But never this distant. I wanted to get to the bottom of this.

When I got there, he was on the front steps of the house having a smoke. I joined him and lit a cig. "Sup Maverick? I haven't seen you in a while." I blew the smoke out my nose and chuckled, "Ya! I'm sorry. But I was wondering something, why are you distancing yourself from us, especially around me and Henry?"

He took in a deep breath, putting out the cig. "Let's talk in my room. Don't feel comfortable talking outside." We made our way up to his room, and I sat on his bed next to him. He sighed and I grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. "Pat, you can tell me anything, I'm all ears." He contemplated for a min, "Fine, I've been distancing myself because..."

Patrick P.O.V

I was trying to put together what I was going to say. Then I just decided to go with what's on my mind. "I've been distancing myself because I like you, a lot. But when you are around Henry, you seem way happier. I've liked you since I first met you. Seeing you and Henry, makes me want to scream. When I found you after "It" happened, I swore I would do anything to protect you. And I still will. I'm just trying to move on, but I had to get this off of my chest."

She sat there for a min, then just put her head on my shoulder, "Pat, Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed "I don't know. But it's too late now." I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "I will be fine. I just need time to move on." She snuggled up to me. "Promise me that you are ok. I worry about you. Promise me Patrick." I chuckled "Maverick, I promise you."

We stayed like that for a while. "Hey Mav, do you wanna know where my happy place is?" She looked up intrigued "Oh this will be good, where?" She laughed and waited for my response. "Somewhere on a beach at sunset. Just me in a chair, watching the view. Cold beer in my hand. One day, I will actually be at my happy place." I smiled thinking about it. "One day I will take you there, I will bring your happy place to life. Its what I owe you after everything you have done for me Patrick." I looked down at her, she smiled up at me. I kissed her forehead as a thank you.

We both yawned at the same time and I chuckled. She started to drift off to sleep, as did I. I pulled the blanket out from under us and covered us up. Just like that I fell asleep with my mind at ease.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up to my alarm and quickly shut it off. I looked down and almost jumped, Maverick was cuddling up next to me. I tried to get out of bed, and placed a pillow where I was laying, so she would still be cuddling something. I grabbed some clothes and changed in the bathroom.

I came back to see a very confused look on Maverick's face as she woke up. "Where am I?" I chuckled "Good morning, we both fell asleep yesterday, and here we are." She yawned and stretched, "FUCK! I don't have a spare change of clothes, and Belch is probably worried sick." She got up and grabbed the phone to call her brother. I went into my closet, and remembered that she did leave clothes here incase she came over again. I laughed and handed them to her, and left the room so she could change.

She came out after 10 min, and we walked to school. "Sorry I fell asleep Pat." I took a drag of my cigarette, and then offered it to her. She took it, "It's fine, no worries." She handed me back my cig, and I finished it. "Besides, it's not like we've never slept in the same bed before." I chuckled and she giggled. "Was Belch worried?" "Kind of, but then I explained, and he was fine." I smiled at her "Oh that's good, at least he didn't freak out." She laughed "Ya, that would be bad."

We finally got to school and Henry walked over to us. "Belch called last night and asked where you were, he sounded scared. He then called your place Pat, and no one answered." He gave her a concerned look. "She's fine Hen, we hung out yesterday, and she fell asleep. We were watching movies, and we both dozed off on the couch." She nodded, "I dozed off, and forgot to call him, and tell him that I was fine. Honest mistake." He sighed "Alright, and I know you both wouldn't do anything." I just chuckled "You know damn well that I would do that to you Henry." He laughed "Ya I know."

Maverick just laughed, Henry went to class. I was about to do the same, but Maverick grabbed my arm. "You didn't have to lie, you could've just told him the truth. But thank you for that." I nodded. "It's fine, he would of gotten the wrong idea if I told him that we fell asleep on my bed." She laughed "Ya, knowing him..." She pulled me into a hug, and I hugged her back, "Thanks for telling me stuff yesterday." She looked up at me "Its no problem, I had to tell you at one point." I pulled away, winked at her and went to class.

A/N: Yo, I know this was long as hell, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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